The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 507 Pulling the Tiger's Beard

Chapter 507 Pulling the Tiger's Beard (1)
"According to this elder, there must be powerful masters inside who captured the fourth elder, and even killed the fourth elder. As members of the Helian family, we should work together to defeat the enemies inside and rescue the prince and the second son! "The third elder said in a calm tone with a dark face.

Everyone nodded, and turned their attention to the sixth elder.

"This elder thinks it's feasible!" The sixth elder also nodded lightly.

Everyone knows that the Sixth Elder has a deep mind and the relationship with the Third Elder is not very good, but once a major event happens to the Helian family, they will immediately put aside their previous suspicions and join forces to fight against the enemy. For decades, everyone has long been used to the relationship between them. How to get along!
"Uncles, do you believe what my nephew said now? Yun Feixiang and Xuanyuan Tianzhan are inside." Helian Yufeng seized the opportunity and quickly reminded everyone of his existence.

But it was unsatisfactory, his words did not arouse the reaction of the elders, except for some rare glances, Helian Yufeng still had no sense of presence!

These old guys are really not that easy to deal with!

The result of the elders' discussion was that a group of guards who knew how to do light work rushed in first!

The people under the elders quickly formed a death squad, about [-] people, all of them were trained and practiced masters.

Nimble figures jumped onto the wall one by one, like a black whirlwind, blowing into the compound at a high speed, the eyes of the people outside the courtyard widened, and their eyes were locked on the tall and brave death squad guards!

There is usually only one end for death squads, and that is death!
Amidst the shocked expressions of the crowd, twenty or so death squads flew towards the courtyard as if they were sucked by an extremely fast wind.

The members of the Death Squad were shocked, some people wanted to scream, but they couldn't, their throats seemed to be hoarse, extremely dry!
In the room with closed windows and doors, Yun Feixiang watched the unconscious Helianbei, feeling unspeakable feelings in his chest.

In the first half of her life, she suffered a lot, separated from her family, was swept up by dark forces, poisoned her body, and tortured by demons. Every day was boundless darkness and pain!

In those days, life was worse than death!
Those days were enough to bury her in eternal darkness!
But I don't know when, she has a group of people around her who let her see hope and make her want to cherish and protect with all her strength!

In addition to her favorite A Zhan, there are also a group of people who bring warmth to her life.

He Lianbei was lying on the bed, his originally mighty and strong body became weak, a long bandage was wrapped around his wound, and the color of blood could be faintly seen under the bandage.

On the other bed next to him, lay the young Helian Zhongyu. Perhaps because his mind was controlled by someone, his spirit was greatly damaged. During the coma, he kept frowning, with undisguised pain on his face!

Xuanyuan Tianzhan was standing in front of the window, the window was not open, the sunlight hit the window paper, creating layers of light.Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes sometimes fell softly on the little woman, and sometimes they fell murderously out of the window.

The man seemed to have eyes, and his deep eyes fell on the bright red ground in the courtyard following the strong wind!

Twenty or so people were dealt with before they drew their knives, and they didn't even have time to shout. Except for the formation he arranged, the rest were all done by Murong Rui!

In the courtyard, Dugu Piaojian watched Murong Rui appear from a corner suddenly with a complicated expression, and then with a wave of his sleeve, the purple phantom sword flashed, and he dealt with twenty or so masters.

"Brother Piaojian, where is Xiang'er?" Murong Rui's blue brocade robe was tinged with chill, and when Yin Wei told him that Xiang'er went to Liaoyuan City alone, his heart almost jumped out.

After handing over everything to Xuanyuan Wangyue and reminding him to pay attention to Qin Mingzhu, Murong Rui rushed over quickly.

Dugu Piaojian raised his eyes and looked towards a room with a closed door.

Murong Rui understood, and strode over!

Dugu Piaojian wanted to say something, but saw Murong Rui's anxious and lonely back, just like him before, swallowing the words that the man wanted to say.

This is the matter of the three of them, I believe they can handle it well by themselves, Murong Rui's feelings are extremely suppressed in the bottom of his heart, even a blind person can see it, how can he not see it?
The moment Murong Rui pushed open the door, his eyelids turned red instantly, and he saw the familiar figure and face of the little woman!Missing flooded in like a tide, occupying all of his heart.

Seeing Murong Rui, Yun Feixiang was startled, and stood up suddenly: "Why are you here?"

The chair beside him was accidentally tripped and fell to the ground, and the sound of the collision hit the ground, but it also hit Xuanyuan Tianzhan's heart.

"Xiang'er, be careful, don't get hurt!" Murong Rui hurried over, his eyes fell on the little woman's stomach involuntarily.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's gaze sank slightly, and he shifted to Yun Feixiang's side in an instant, holding her body firmly.The man looked the same, making it hard to see what he was thinking.

Only then did Murong Rui realize that Xuanyuan Tianzhan was here!He even forgot that where there is Xiang'er, there will always be Xuanyuan Tianzhan!
"Brother Zhan, if I knew you were here, I wouldn't have come." Murong Rui's heart was slightly sour, and all his emotions were suppressed strongly. He suddenly felt an uncontrollable pain in his chest. The woman glanced.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan didn't talk to him, maybe he didn't know what to say!Saying that Xiang'er is very good doesn't need Murong Rui's super heart?Murong Rui had already said it himself, what else could he say?
"What's the matter? Are you too tired?" Yun Feixiang noticed Murong Rui's strangeness, and her gentle voice came, like a ray of morning light shining into the apex of the heart, inexplicably making people yearn for it!
"It's good that you're fine. The matter at Mochizuki's side is a bit tricky. I'll go back and deal with it first." Murong Rui held back the pain and opened his mouth.

The little woman's eyes darkened, and her bad tone had already come out.

"Why are you so nervous, I don't know you? Since you are here, you must have explained the matter over there, and the matter here is also very difficult. You can handle the matter of Shengtian Dynasty by yourself!" Yun Fei Xiang unceremoniously gave Murong Rui a white look, he just came and left immediately, he would die of chills if he wasn't exhausted.

She could see his pain, but she couldn't stop him from it!After knowing each other for seven years, how could she not understand him?
Instead of letting him suffer silently, it is better to let her hurt with him, this is what she owes him!
Xuanyuan Tianzhan walked out of the room suddenly, a smell of blood wafted from the courtyard, the smell he was used to smelling made him feel a little uncomfortable at this moment, the man's mind was in a rare chaos, any thoughts flashed by!
Xiang'er loves him, but she can't let Murong Rui go!This is the truth!
Yun Feixiang stared blankly at Xuanyuan Tianzhan's back who left without saying a word, her heart was suddenly empty, as if her soul followed him, leaving only the body!
(End of this chapter)

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