The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 508 Pulling the Tiger's Beard

Chapter 508 Pulling the Tiger's Beard (2)
The door was opened, and a little light was thrown in. Xuanyuan Tianzhan stood in front of the door. The air in the courtyard froze almost instantly, and the man exuded a powerful aura like a black whirlpool.

The members of the Dulong team only felt the air pressure in their bodies drop, and when they looked behind them in surprise, they saw the man's eyes as deep as the ocean, and a tornado suddenly blew up in the sky, as if it was about to envelop the whole world.

Dugu Piaojian's hand holding the sword trembled, and trembled again.

How did the sourness in the air that seemed like vinegar but not vinegar, the anger that seemed like fire but not fire, and the smell of unknown meaning come from?Murong Rui went in, Xiang'er didn't come out, Xuanyuan Tianzhan came out, thinking about it, he knew what happened.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan took a deep breath, his mind was in a moment of confusion.

He and Murong Rui have gone through a full five years since they were rivals in love, from the time they almost killed him to the moment they join hands to go north, everything seems so abrupt!

If there is no Xiang'er, they will be enemies with clear positions!

One is the regent who holds the real power in the Hanhai Kingdom, and the other is the emperor who has reached the peak step by step in Shengtian. In the chaotic world of prosperity, how could two equally outstanding men join hands?Even if they join forces, it should be for their respective countries and interests, and it is impossible to be as calm as they are now.

But, the truth is, unknowingly, their boundaries have become more and more blurred, and their relationship has become more and more subtle. When it's time to strike, he can't do it, and when it's time to look away, he can't look away!What's more, he saved Murong Rui from the brink of life and death many times!
At this moment, Xuanyuan Tianzhan didn't know how to deal with the relationship between himself and Murong Rui!
Killing him, he has long been unable to do it. From the moment he fell in love with Xiang'er, he knew that he would never be able to kill Murong Rui in his whole life!

Xiang'er doesn't love Murong Rui, but cares about him more than anyone else!If something happened to Murong Rui, he could meet the heartbreak and tearing of the little woman.He loves Xiang'er, and he must not make her sad!

From another point of view, Murong Rui's letting go and fulfillment is undoubtedly great. Seeing the happiness of the one he loves makes him happy too.Xuanyuan Tianzhan admitted that he couldn't achieve this level!

He never doubted Murong Rui's love for Xiang'er. He had seen those charming portraits in the Shengtian Palace that made it impossible to forget at a glance, and he had seen them more than once.

At that time, he seemed to see the unchanging love and firmness in a man's heart for thousands of years!He was jealous that Murong Rui could paint Xiang'er so realistically and deeply, each picture was full of true love!
The man who recognized Xiang'er's hair just by his eyes at the marriage recruitment meeting made him jealous, but also made him sympathetic!

However, they are rivals in love after all!Xiang'er can only belong to Xuanyuan Tianzhan alone, Xiang'er can care about Murong Rui, but he never wants to see the love deep in Murong Rui's eyes again!
The room was very quiet, the woman's eyes full of heartbreak fell into Murong Rui's eyes, and he was in pain too!
Perhaps, he should think more clearly, and shouldn't just appear so abruptly!

Even if he was worried about Xiang'er, he shouldn't have failed to notice Xuanyuan Tianzhan's existence, thus revealing his feelings.

He has learned to cover up slowly, learned to savor memories slowly, so why open his heart again and add trouble to everyone.

In Murong Rui's impression, Xuanyuan Tianzhan only has endless tolerance for Xiang'er. He is often jealous, but he rarely leaves without saying a word like this. Rather than everyone suffering, it is better for him to suffer alone!

Xuanyuan Tianzhan was not far from the door, and his figure was cast on the ground, which was very cold.

"Xiang'er, brother Zhan is jealous, I'll ask him to come in!" Murong Rui lowered his head and lowered his posture again.

Yun Feixiang raised his head suddenly, and looked at Murong Rui in surprise, his eyes remained the same, his face was still warm, like a lake in March, with a little wind blowing by, making people very comfortable!

What a fool, a complete fool, you have already paid so much for me, how can I let you humbly persuade my man?
Yun Feixiang has a clear distinction between love and hate, but she cares most about the people around her. She will do everything to protect everyone until she does her best.

"Rui, come here, I'm tired, I want to lean on your shoulder!" Yun Feixiang deliberately raised her voice, but her body looked weak.

She glanced at the shadow cast by the light on the ground, and saw Xuanyuan Tianzhan's tall body suddenly froze!

Murong Rui was taken aback for a moment, and then saw the sly smile on the woman's face, as well as her bright eyes!
Murong Rui looked at Xuanyuan Tianzhan's back, the man didn't move, but there seemed to be a forbearance about him!

He couldn't help but shook his head helplessly, and walked slowly towards Yun Feixiang.

"I have always liked your shoulders, and I still think your shoulders are the broadest, warmest, and most comfortable!" The little woman's smiling voice was full of satisfaction, and people couldn't help but imagine what it was after hearing it. whose shoulders.

The Dulong team felt the stronger cold air behind them, and now they didn't even dare to turn their heads. Only Dugu Piaojian took a silent look at Xuanyuan Tianzhan, and found that his snow-colored skin was actually dark and dark!
next second!
Yun Feixiang leaned her head on Xuanyuan Tianzhan's shoulder, and the surrounding guards felt that the temperature had risen a lot, and the sky had become much brighter. The members of the Dulong team had the courage to turn their heads, and the aura that was overwhelming was gone. figure.

There was a faint fragrance in his nose, a lingering faint taste, a unique smell that only belonged to his familiar feeling.

She naturally grabbed the man's skirt, she dared to be jealous!Dare to be angry!Dare to leave without saying a word!I don't believe her too much, and I don't give her face too much!Now punish him well!

"Rui, your shoulder is still so comfortable!" Yun Feixiang closed her eyes and leaned on the man's shoulder, and said quietly.

Murong Rui stood beside Xuanyuan Tianzhan, holding his forehead secretly, Xiang'er did it on purpose!Can Xuanyuan Tianzhan fail to see it?


still silent...

The silence is about to explode!

"Brother Zhan, I'll go out to deal with outside matters first!" Just when he heard the sound of the door being smashed, Murong Rui made a gesture, and the sound transmission was secret, and without waiting for Xuanyuan Tianzhan's answer, he strode out with a sigh of relief .

The members of the Dulong team felt a powerful aura coming from behind again, and when they turned around, it was the Emperor Sheng Tian!
Murong Rui's face was not dark, nor did he clenched his fists, his eyes were like moonlight, and the ground was cold.

Xianger, your happiness is my happiness!I will cherish everything about you as much as you do!
Hearing the little woman's words, Xuanyuan Tianzhan's body became even stiffer, his back was straight, and his whole body seemed to be frozen, but Yun Feixiang didn't seem to feel it, and he slammed his mouth with a small mouth, looking leisurely and content.

(End of this chapter)

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