The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 509 Different Choices

Chapter 509 Different Choices (2)
The movement outside did not affect the people inside too much, especially the people in the secret room!

The secret room is not big, but it is warm enough and intimate enough!However, a certain man is not satisfactory!

"Xiang'er, you bully me!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan sat up and looked at the half-dressed little woman with forbearance. This is not a little woman, she is simply a goblin.

Yun Feixiang played with the muscles on the man's chest leisurely, drawing a circle, and another circle, to see if you want to leave without saying a word, to see if you still want to leave me!
Xuanyuan Tianzhan couldn't eat meat, and his body was so uncomfortable that he couldn't help turning his eyes, venting his anger on Yun Feixiang's stomach, and only heard him say: "You little thing, come out and see how I deal with you!"

Yun Feixiang slapped her hands violently, she's threatening the baby!No, no, this development trend is not very good. The relationship between father and son must be improved.

"Ah Zhan, it's not the baby's fault!" The little woman softened her voice and offered her red lips.

"Whose fault is that?" The man never refused to come, pouted his mouth sullenly and mumbled, not forgetting to try his best to snatch the sweetness that was rarely offered, but the little woman just scratched the surface and planned to leave.

He took a small sip, but it wasn't enough, Xuanyuan Tianzhan looked at the little woman's leaving lips, her expression was cute and sexy, to be honest, Yun Feixiang really wanted to throw him down immediately.

"Your fault!" The little woman said as a matter of course.Who made you want to be strong again?I made a mistake and want to get back the sweetness, how can there be such a good thing?

"..." The man was speechless, his eyes staring at the little woman's belly again.

Yun Feixiang thought that he was going to complain to his stomach again, but he heard his sudden gentle voice: "Baby, come out quickly, your mother always threatens Daddy with you."

After a while, I heard him say again: "It's you, the little guy, that prevented Daddy from being able to make out with your mother properly. When you come out, Daddy will teach you your homework." The first lesson was A man can't cling to his mother all the time, but what if it's a daughter?Xuanyuan Tianzhan had a headache.

The man was talking on his own, while the little woman listened carefully. It could be seen that Ah Zhan was really trying his best to endure it!A full-blooded mature man, he really suffered!
Xuanyuan Tianzhan is still talking, such resentful and tender words, no matter who listens to them will be moved, coupled with his perfect and handsome face, a pair of affectionate eyes, Yun Feixiang is this time Really relented.

"Okay, I'll let you touch it, but be gentle." Just now, he was punished and deliberately said a lot of things to scare him. In fact, it's not absolutely impossible. Occasional light exercise is also good for the baby's development.

From knowing that she was pregnant until now, the two have never been in love together, and they are very busy with things, no one can take care of so much, and life has gradually become messy.

"Xiang'er, is it true?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan was overjoyed, his face suddenly flushed red, adding a bit of coquettishness to his whole body.

Seeing this, Yun Feixiang felt itchy in her heart, and she couldn't help stretching out her hand. With a gentle pull of her little hand, the man's entire chest and abdominal muscles appeared in front of her eyes.

The little woman couldn't help sighing, Ah Zhan's figure is so good that it makes people's nose bleed!
Love is like sea water, hitting the beach again and again, but receding again and again, under the afterglow of the setting sun, reluctance and parting again and again, but giving each other the most intimate contact, love, that's it!Go deep into the bone marrow!
The little girl knew that even if she didn't intentionally make Xuanyuan Tianzhan jealous, the man would come back, he was hers, after all, it was hers!The closeness of the two hearts, even if they are far away in the sky, they can still feel each other's concern and love!

In the courtyard, the elders looked at each other in disbelief, looking at the two leaders with completely different attitudes. They had high prestige in the family, especially the sixth elder, Heliantu. most of the time.

But what everyone didn't expect was that at this time, he actually chose to admit Murong Rui!

What can we do now?
Although they have family power, each of them has a corresponding official position in Beixiang Prince's Mansion, and is also responsible for the management of some areas in the northern part of Shengtian.

That is to say, if they admit their identities, they must recognize and obey the emperor Murong Rui. This young emperor who defeated Helian Bei and successfully defended the imperial power of the Murong family made these elders very upset!
They had never been to court, and He Lianbei had to come forward for everything. Apart from all kinds of dissatisfaction built up in their hearts towards Murong Rui, everyone was extremely shameless towards his collaboration with Xuanyuan Tianzhan.

In short, they don't have any good feelings for Murong Rui!
Now they are asked to obey Murong Rui's orders, they can't do it!
But they seem to have forgotten how presumptuous they were when Hanhai Kingdom and Shengtian went to war for some non-political reason!Wasn't it forced by their ambition to recruit troops and buy horses, expand their own power wantonly, and unite to go north?

They couldn't think of that much, but they were unwilling to admit Murong Rui. Many elders began to put on their faces and chose to stand on the side of the third elder.

"This humble subject has committed a crime. If I had known that the emperor was here, I would never have dared to barge in and ask the emperor to punish me!" He Liantu knelt on the ground, and it was not an exaggeration to describe it with the four words of groveling.

"Bah..." Before Murong Rui could speak, someone spat in disdain.

However, before his angry face recovered, the picture was permanently frozen at this moment, and the arrow shot out from nowhere penetrated his body.

There were more people who were going to look at the Sixth Elder Heliantu who was kneeling on the ground with the same disdainful eyes, and they changed their faces in an instant, pale with shock.

There was a sound of gasping all around, who did it?

The third elder was originally dissatisfied with Heliantu's "betrayal", but now seeing that the guard who scolded Heliantu was shot through the heart with an arrow, anger suddenly surged in his chest.

This is on the territory of their Helian family, the so-called strong dragon does not overwhelm the local snake, he still doesn't believe that Murong Rui can be presumptuous here!

"Murong Rui, what do you mean?" The third elder pointed to the dying guard on the ground, and said in a gloomy tone.

"Presumptuous, you dare to call the emperor by his name directly, it's really rebellious!" Leng Feng came out from a hidden corner and reprimanded him sharply.

"Hmph... Is there any emperor who joined forces with foreigners to deal with his subjects? We don't recognize this emperor!"

"Yes! We don't recognize it!" Once recognized, the fate of the Helian family will be rewritten from then on.But now the situation is!Hmph... Can you deny it if you don't recognize it?

"Hahahahahaha... I am not satisfied after eating the bones, but I still want to eat meat! Today, this girl will let you eat nothing!" Yun Feixiang's extremely cold voice was like the gas evaporating from an iceberg , with extremely low temperature!
(End of this chapter)

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