Chapter 510
Xuanyuan Tianzhan paused as soon as he came out, did Xiang'er's words seem to be talking about him?

Thinking of the picture of Helian Bei being injured for her, thinking of the picture of Helian Zhongyu going crazy uncontrollably, thinking of the picture of the flood washing the earth like a beast devouring the soldiers and the people, thinking of all the sad things I have experienced...

Yun Feixiang exudes a chilly aura all over her body, God is not kind, and I will not be soft!

Today, these old guys all owe a lesson, and they dare to say anything if they don't give them a blow.

Of course, except for the sixth elder Heliantu who was kneeling on the ground.

The so-called person who knows the current affairs is a hero, and it is a good thing for him to have such awareness, but if he has ulterior motives and wants to do something, then he cannot be merciful.

"You don't admit that Murong Rui is the emperor?" Yun Feixiang said provocatively after glancing at the third elder who was most admired by the elders.

The eyes as black as ink shone with a frightening light, and the elders were stunned for a moment, as if they didn't understand where a little girl's powerful aura came from.

This cold and arrogant temperament, the posture of looking down on the world, the shocking appearance, and the glamorous beauty, is this really a girl in her twenties?
Murong Rui helped the Sixth Elder up calmly, and looked at the little woman from the corner of his eyes involuntarily. Was it because of him that Xiang'er stood up?
However, he seemed to be thinking too much. The little woman came out to stretch her legs and vent her anger of being bullied by someone on the bed just now.

However, there is no doubt that Yun Feixiang was so angry when she heard the disrespectful words of the elders!

"Of course I don't admit it. The first emperor passed away, and the crown prince was the only candidate to inherit the throne. The third prince retreated to Youcheng and then led troops to rebel. Why should we admit it?" The elder quickly calmed down, ignored Yun Feixiang's anger, and sneered back.

"Yes, yes!" The third elder's words aroused loud voices, but they were all people who were in the same spirit as the Helian family.

Murong Rui was very indifferent, but Leng Feng and Chu Yun behind him clenched their fists angrily, ready to teach these treacherous people a lesson.

"Are you farting?!" Yun Feixiang sneered.

This is already an undeniable fact. She didn't want to defend herself, but she didn't allow anyone to question Murong Rui!

"You..." The third elder seemed shocked by such blunt and humiliating words, and didn't know what to say for a while!
"The prince is ruthless. He imprisoned the late emperor and killed important ministers. It is well known! When Murong Rui ascended the throne, the late emperor's resignation was made public to the world. Even the late emperor's handwriting was personally checked by the ministers of the court. It is not good for you to spout shit like this now." Did it go through the brain?" Slander Murong Rui, and I will ruin your reputation forever!
"You're the one..." Before the word spraying dung was out of the mouth, someone took the lead.

"Your whole family is full of dung!" The little woman raised her eyebrows and scolded outright.

The third elder is about to explode, how dare a yellow-haired girl say that about him?

Although what he was going to say was very rude, he decided to swear back no matter what.

It's just that he didn't expect that Yun Feixiang would curse back so quickly, interrupting what he was about to say.

The Dulong team and the hidden guards here couldn't help laughing, the faces of the elders of Helian's family were as dark as dark clouds!
"Hmph...a bratty girl dares to act presumptuously here, and today I will teach you a lesson!" The third elder was furious, and his IQ dropped a lot in an instant.

Someone behind him pulled the hem of his clothes, signaling him not to mess around, but it was too late, and Xuanyuan Tianzhan's figure appeared beside the little woman like a ghost.

"Who said this king's concubine is a yellow-haired girl?" The man exuded a more aloof and icy aura, and the surroundings were instantly covered with a layer of frost.

Wuying wiped his sweat secretly, lord, the point is that he wants to teach the concubine a lesson in the latter sentence, how could you, old man, only grasp the first sentence?

However, his prince's next sentence immediately stunned him.

"Xiang'er, this old man's eyesight is not good, and he actually regarded such a beautiful woman as a yellow-haired girl, or else, he would be blinded directly?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan put his arms around the little woman's shoulders, and glanced coldly at the third elder.

The elders were instantly petrified, and they only noticed the existence of Xuanyuan Tianzhan. This man must have hidden himself on purpose, waiting for an opportunity.

However, it seems that Helian Yufeng reminded them that Xuanyuan Tianzhan was there, by the way, where is Helian Yufeng?
"My lord, are we leaving just like that?" The guard turned his head three times at a step, feeling very reluctant in his heart.

In less than half an hour, they had already left Liaoyuan City. It seemed that the eldest son was going west.

"Didn't you see what happened just now? If you don't leave, are you staying to die?" Helian Yufeng didn't turn his head back. Fortunately, he slipped out while there were so many people. The dead bodies in it are almost gone.

The guard looked at the back of the resolutely going away, and seemed to understand why the prince liked the second son more.

"What? You don't want to follow me anymore?" Helian Yufeng snorted coldly, a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes.

"No, no..." The guard hurriedly followed, and touched his head carefully, with cold sweat on his palms.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan never made a move, but when he made a move, it was astonishing!

Some people began to regret that they stood in the wrong team. Maybe they should follow the sixth elder. The emperor helped the sixth elder to get up. Presumably the emperor will treat them kindly. Why is there any need to be so frightened like now?
The elders were completely bewildered.

If the appearance of Yun Feixiang was surprising, then the appearance of Xuanyuan Tianzhan beside her was enough to cause people to be horrified!
Maybe others just know how powerful Xuanyuan Tianzhan is, but the elders of the Helian family have actually fought against Xuanyuan Tianzhan in secret, and have really seen Xuanyuan Tianzhan's methods.

Ten years ago, with Liaoyuan City as the center, a powerful force suddenly surged up in the area under the jurisdiction of the Beixiang Palace, known as the Moonless Tower!

The so-called Wuyue Tower is actually an organization that listens to intelligence. They don’t need to make money at first, and they have a steady stream of supplies from the Hanhai Kingdom’s court. The only thing they have to do is to search for talents within the scope of their responsibility, train experts, develop and expand themselves power!

What is unexpected is that when Wuyuelou's forces mature to a certain stage, they will start to enter the business, gradually master the economic context of various places, and constantly test and eliminate Wuyuelou masters, leaving behind the most heartfelt and strongest people!

As we all know, the development of Wuyuelou not only spread its influence across all major countries, but even penetrated into the countries of the Western Regions. Such a force is frightening!

(End of this chapter)

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