Chapter 511 Shocking (1)
The elders thought of countless ways to get rid of Wuyuelou, but they still couldn't stop the development of Wuyuelou's forces, and even caused economic turmoil once, and they never dared to do anything recklessly!

Later, they found the stronghold of Wuyue Tower, thinking that they could finally hit Wuyue Tower hard, but in the end they arrested a group of innocent people and caused the biggest injustice case in the history of Beixiang Palace!

It can be seen how much the elders respect Xuanyuan Tianzhan!To be precise, it should be fear!

However, what made everyone even more nervous and horrified was that Xuanyuan Tianzhan's bloodthirsty demon-like aura seemed to be gradually freezing the entire air!

Wuying secretly sympathized with the third elder. What he provoked was not the usual lord, but the lord who was under extremely protective circumstances!What's worse, he shouldn't have provoked the princess!
"Blind man? You can think about it, maybe a one-eyed chicken is also good!" The little woman looked up at the man cooperatively. How could he have such a cute side?
Hearing Yun Feixiang's words and seeing her expression, Wuying was completely speechless, Wangfei, in your eyes, the prince is very cute, but in the eyes of others, the prince is the embodiment of a devil!

"Okay, I'll listen to Xiang'er. As a husband, this will make him a one-eyed chicken!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan's provocative words came over, his lips curled into a big arc, showing that he was in a good mood!

Murong Rui turned around with a somewhat unnatural expression. He originally planned to handle this matter himself, but now it seems that he is no longer needed.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan is in a good mood, but some people are unlucky!
The third elder suddenly felt a tightness in his chest, and he had a bad feeling, before he had time to think about it, a sharp palm wind slashed towards Xuanyuan Tianzhan!
What?The third elder actually took the initiative to deal with Xuanyuan Tianzhan?Isn't this courting death?

"Ah..." The third elder was backlashed by his own internal force, and couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Everyone's eyes widened suddenly, what's going on?
It seemed that the internal force could not pass through the obstacles in the courtyard at all, let alone reach Xuanyuan Tianzhan.

"Third brother, what's going on?" Someone asked in a low voice.

"Formation!" The third elder suppressed the blood welling up in his throat.

This is a very powerful formation, and the formation cuts them off, so it's no wonder that the Fourth Elder was beaten to pieces but they couldn't hear a sound!
He has only seen this kind of formation once, more than 20 years ago, when he happened to travel to Qingshan Temple and saw Master Miaoshou and Master Xuankong discussing martial arts, he had set up such a formation.

However, the formation in front of him is obviously much more powerful than the one he saw 20 years ago!

"Now it's my king's turn to make a move." Xuanyuan Tianzhan smiled lightly, his sharp eyebrows and eyes were full of elegance!

At this moment, all the light seems to be dimmed!
The man turned his wrist slightly, and a beam of pale golden light enveloped him, and the dazzling golden light in his palm exuded endless power!
The strong wind whipped up the fallen leaves all over the place, and the cold and murderous air rose from the ground. The color of the sky and the earth changed instantly, and the dust was turbulent.

The man was flying with internal strength with one hand, and protected the little woman's body with the other. Except for Yun Feixiang, almost everyone felt a coldness that had never been felt before.

Murong Rui was pulled in front of Xuanyuan Tianzhan by Yun Feixiang, he couldn't help feeling warm in his heart, although the cold was fierce, for him, there was no problem at all!
Such a powerful aura, is this the power of Longteng Juling?

"Protect the Third Elder!" Someone yelled and stood in front of the Third Elder, and more people kept retreating.

"It's like a gnat shaking a tree!" came the deep and domineering voice, and the golden light flew out from the palm of Xuanyuan Tianzhan. The golden light passed through the guard's body, pierced a hole directly, and slashed at the third elder forcefully.

Blood gushed out like a gushing spring, and the dark red viscous liquid spilled on the ground, splashing dry sand and dust.

The few guards standing in front of the third elder fell down in a pool of blood without even whimpering and calling for help.

At this moment, Yun Feixiang was a little stunned. She had never seen such a violent side of a man, and for a while, she felt a little uncomfortable.

The hand around her waist was strong and powerful, and his body still had a unique and elegant fragrance, almost familiar with the smell of bone marrow!

Yun Feixiang looked up and saw the smooth curve of the man's perfect chin, which was a familiar outline to her.Further up, there is his sexy and alluring lip line, and above the high nose tip, a pair of eyes from the cold pool exude a cold light.

This is not difficult to get familiar with!
The way he looked at her contained too much tenderness and emotion, so much so that she thought he seemed to be like this!
Until now, when he saw the bloodthirsty eyes that he was not familiar with, he was suddenly shocked!Although, this is not the look thrown at her.

"Pfft..." Yun Feixiang heard the sound of the third elder spurting blood, just like the heavy rain not long ago, mixed with the shriek of wind and frost.

However, she didn't care too much, she was wondering if she didn't know Xuanyuan Tianzhan well enough.

Is this her Ah Zhan?Is this a man who tolerates her, lets her go, takes care of her, loves her?
"Boom..." Something fell hard on the ground, Yun Feixiang couldn't hear it very clearly, her ears were buzzing.

Although she possesses peerless martial arts, it seems that she rarely uses them. Where Xuanyuan Tianzhan is present, she only needs to stand by his side, and everything is enough.

He will give her a big and firm embrace, give her meticulous protection, and give her endless warmth and love.

Since when did she no longer need to plan everything by herself, since when did she no longer need to struggle in the vortex of various forces, since when did he occupy her entire life.

This kind of love is like the boundless ocean, enveloping and even engulfing her small boat!

He let her swim, let her toss, let her do whatever she wanted, in his sea area, infinitely extended for her, infinitely made concessions for her.

The little girl is very happy, but also worried!
Xuanyuan Tianzhan controlled the power of Longteng Juling extremely delicately. First, he pierced through the guards in front of the third elder forcefully, then restrained his breath, and broke the third elder's meridian. Finally, he pulled him over and released him. Arrived in the array!
The members of the Dulong team had tacitly tied up the three elders without saying a word, and tied them to the pillars!
All this seems to happen without thinking, just in the blink of an eye.This is the real turning of hands into clouds, turning of hands into rain, as if the world is changing, everything is in his hands.

"Xiang'er, he's already a one-eyed chicken!" Seeing that the third elder didn't have any strength to resist and was tied up slumped, the man chuckled lightly, and turned his head towards the little woman as if to flatter her.

(End of this chapter)

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