Chapter 512 Shocking (2)
He was defiant to everything, only the dazzling red that belonged to the little woman in his eyes.

Everyone was shocked, did the third elder really become blind?

It's just that the eyes of the third elder seem to have nothing to do!what the hell is it?

"The eyeball nerve is broken." Someone whispered.

"It looks the same, but in fact his right eye is already blind."

There were sounds of horror and surprise all around.

Yun Feixiang didn't respond at all, a lot of things suddenly popped up in her mind?Is Ah Zhan's tolerance for her a matter of course?

He should be so cold, arrogant and ruthless, but he tried his best to avoid letting himself see this side of him.

What he gave her was always warm sunshine and smiles, and his chest was like the sea, containing everything about her!
How long will he bear him?Three years, five years, or forever?If one day he really leaves indifferently, what will happen to her world?
"Xiang'er, what's the matter?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan felt that something was wrong with the little woman, he couldn't help but lower his head, and touched her intimate forehead, and said softly.

Everyone was shocked again, Xuanyuan Tianzhan's attitude towards Yun Feixiang was so good that it was unbelievable!

Such a man full of hostility is as gentle as water just because of the uncertain expression of the woman in his arms... Is this the so-called one thing falling one thing?

The third elder ended up in such a tragic end just because he talked back to Yun Feixiang, they are leaderless now, what should they do?
"Ah Zhan, will you always love me so much?" The little woman raised her head and asked with a rare lack of confidence.

As soon as she asked, she felt a little regretful. How could she not believe him so much?However, she wanted to hear what he said, and what he really thought.

"Fool, you have a baby, why do you still ask such a stupid question?" The man smiled softly, his eyes became unusually gentle, seeing the little woman's uncertain expression, he patiently explained, "I will always love you so much!" You! Never change your mind!"

"Take your life!" An angry guard slashed out with a knife and rushed forward.

But more guards are retreating!

Those who are not afraid of death are entertained by members of the formation and the Dulong team, and they are merciless with each sword!

"Retreat quickly!" In the chaos, someone shouted, even annoyed.

"What are you yelling at? If you have the ability, you retreat?" Didn't you see the black army?

They are in a dilemma now!

The sound of gasping became more and more obvious. Are they going to die tragically on their own territory?It shouldn't be!
Another piece of blood fell on the ground, and the stench of blood became more intense.

Eleven black masters stood in the frost, holding their swords proudly in the courtyard, in front of them was an insurmountable formation!
"Surround the entire Beixiang Palace, not a single ant will be spared!" Xuanyuan Wangyue's voice came, with surprise and excitement that had never been uncontrollable.

He really didn't expect that Murong Rui's scattered soldiers outside would give them such great help.

Floods blocked them in various areas, food shortages, and the soldiers were on the verge of despair.

Unexpectedly, boats suddenly appeared on the surface of the Liaohe River, loaded with medicinal materials and food, and were transported to various places continuously. At that time, he really felt a hope of survival.

Now, the flood is gradually receding, and some soldiers watched those boats and slowly withdrew. More work, Ganlu is presiding over it.

Seeing Murong Rui rushing to Liaoyuan City alone, and thinking that his brother and sister-in-law are still here, he couldn't help bringing hundreds of thousands of troops here!

Those who retreated couldn't move, and became more and more frightened!

"Great Elder, hurry up and mobilize the army to stop the enemy. Are we waiting to die here?"

"Without the lord's order, we would not be able to mobilize the army." The Great Elder's whole body had already weakened, and he was trembling even when he spoke.

"My lord, I don't know where my lord is now?" They originally planned to gradually nibble away and gradually take the power of the general and government into their own hands, but they didn't expect that things would undergo such an earth-shaking change.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan refused to give in, and attacked them directly!They thought there would be at least some negotiations, but in the end, there was only blood and killing!Under the iron and blood wrist, who has room for survival?

The elders had long since lost their previous high profile, all of them were frowning and worried, and a large piece of their wrinkled faces collapsed unknowingly!

Yun Feixiang laughed suddenly, yes, she has a baby, what is she still worried about?Hasn't Ah Zhan loved himself so much all these years?
No matter how indifferent he is, no matter how ruthless and cold-blooded he is, he is his enemy after all!And she is his lover!He would only stare deeply at himself with such gentle eyes, embrace himself with an affectionate kiss, and embrace himself with his vast chest.

The little woman's chuckle was like a cheerful piano sound, which sounded very discordant, the air was oppressive and low, and the laughter was hearty and free.

A group of people are struggling on the verge of life and death, but Yun Feixiang smiles so freely and recklessly, it is really a huge contrast!

The elders are downcast, no matter when, only those with capital can be rampant!

People are knives and I are fish, what can they do?
Swept by pairs of blade-like eyes, the little girl stood calmly, the enemy is an enemy after all, who cares about anyone except his own life?

"Xiang'er, do you think these people are not pleasing to the eye? If they are not pleasing to the eye, then kill them all?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan's gentle and friendly voice rang out.

All the elders once again felt like they were being shocked by lightning... Xuanyuan Tianzhan's words would never be child's play!

"Princess Xiang'er, please show mercy and let us go." Someone knelt down and begged.

"No Promise!" Someone drew a knife and killed the man who was kneeling and begging for mercy.

The scene became chaotic again, and the people within the Helian family took the lead in killing them.

"What are you doing? You are going to die and you are going to die. We want to serve King Zhan and Princess Feixiang. That is our business. You have no business!"

"In the face of a catastrophe, we should unite as one, why do such distracting things?!" Picking up the other party's clothes, he threatened and questioned nakedly.

"Unite as one? Didn't you see that the elders have their own ghosts? What did you say to save the prince? Why didn't you even see the shadow of the prince?" The elders' faces darkened when they asked loudly.

"Okay, why are you arguing? If you keep arguing, you will be killed!" Yun Feixiang raised her voice, and stopped the group of people who were arguing fiercely.

Afterwards, she looked at Xuanyuan Tianzhan again, and said thoughtfully, "Ah Zhan, don't make such a big move yet! Since some of them want to die, and some are not reconciled, it's better to let them make their own decisions!"

(End of this chapter)

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