The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 514 The complete winner

Chapter 514 The complete winner (1)
"Eagle Talisman!" Someone yelled.

This sound caused even greater commotion. Many people had never seen the Eagle Talisman lying in front of them.

"Elders, Helianbei has done enough for you. From birth to now, I have followed your ideas step by step. Today, I hand over the power of the general. From now on, you will be rich and honored, and you will live and die in heaven! "The man's words were a little ruthless, but more relaxed.

Wealth depends on fate, life and death depend on God!Everyone can make their own decisions!

What else can they do at this moment?King Beixiang, who had always been in power, handed over his general power without hesitation, as if this token that controlled the fate of hundreds of thousands of troops was just a plaything.

"You..." Yun Feixiang's voice was a little strange. She had imagined that He Lianbei would really give up his hard-won power for her, but that was just an assumption.

When everything became a fact, it was so unbelievable!

Although he didn't directly announce his surrender, the meaning was already obvious, and he was completely on his side.

And this eagle talisman is just a confession he gave to the Helian family!
"Xiang'er, my father has nothing left, and you will be responsible for raising me in the future!" He Lianbei's face suddenly relaxed, as if he had relieved a heavy burden, and he was as happy as ever.

"Okay! I'll take care of you!" The little woman smiled sweetly, with a hint of tenderness in her eyes.

"My lord, you can't leave us behind!"

"Yes, my lord, our Helian family cannot do without you!"


What Yun Feixiang didn't expect was that a group of people knelt down and looked at Helianbei expectantly.Bearing the expectations of so many people, it is no wonder that he cannot help himself and makes difficult choices!
The heaven-moving voice resounded in Beixiang Prince's Mansion. Several elders had different expressions. Some of them stared at the eagle talisman on the ground with unwillingness in their eyes, while some looked at Helian Bei intently.

"From now on, I'm just Helianbei!" The man's voice was clear and mellow, like fine wine, which would become more fragrant with time.

Such a man, no matter where he stands, no matter whether he has monstrous power or not, he will always look up to him.That is the charm that has passed through the precipitation of time, from the inside to the outside!

"My lord, the power of the military talisman is controlled by the lord. It has never changed. I think no matter which elder holds this eagle talisman, he does not have the wisdom and courage of the lord to command the brave soldiers of the Beixiang Palace. No matter what the lord does, I will follow to the death!" The person who spoke was the Sixth Elder, he was calm and composed, with a calm expression on his face.

Yun Feixiang noticed that after Murong Rui helped the Sixth Elder up, he never spoke again.

It wasn't until the appearance of Helian Bei that he finally asked, what was this old fellow thinking?
"I will follow the lord to the death!" The voices were louder and louder, and many people's hearts were shaken. The soldier talisman was still lying on the ground, and no one picked it up.

The prestige Helianbei had built up over the past few decades was indeed unshakable.

Besides, there are tigers in the front and wolves in the back, so what can they do?
"I'm no longer a prince, and I can't decide your own destiny for you, you should think about it." He Lianbei tilted his head, and stopped looking at the hopeful soldiers.

"Soldiers, Princess Feixiang has a kind heart and will definitely let everyone survive!" The Sixth Elder suddenly changed the subject and said to the crowd.

Yun Feixiang's eyes flashed, but she didn't speak. Of course, what ordinary soldiers want is a way out, but what about those old guys with family power?

It is absolutely impossible for them not to be greedy for hard-won power!
Sure enough, some bright and hale eyes swept towards the Sixth Elder like sharp knives.

"Ah Zhan, everyone wants to join us. Why don't we show mercy and let everyone survive." The little woman's sticky voice was slightly coquettish, sweet, and playful.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's big hands couldn't help tightening, his body became more and more rigid, but his brows and eyes became more and more soft.

"Okay! Xiang'er can do whatever she says!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan swept his dark eyes around and replied dotingly.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief like an amnesty.Already half of the people raised their hands in surrender, putting down their weapons one after another.

Among the rest, three-fifths are still thinking, and the remaining two-fifths are unwavering in their ambition to fight to the death!
The elders' expressions darkened, but they still remained silent, as if they were thinking about their own way out.

If they surrender easily, their power will be wiped out instantly, but if a fierce battle is triggered, they may not even have a chance to survive.

The blue-black Eagle Talisman lay there silently, with many eyes staring at it, but no one dared to take a step forward.

Suddenly, an agile figure jumped up, like a swiftlet, quickly skipped over the flat ground, and held the eagle talisman on the ground in his hand!

The eyes of the elders lit up, who dared to take away the Eagle Talisman so openly?When they saw a snow-white figure clearly, they were all shocked again.

Isn't this the insane and mad Shizi?
"Father, you are not worthy to be our spiritual leader at all!" Helian Zhongyu's cold and cold voice came, his eyes were like swords, and he stabbed fiercely at Helianbei, who was not far from Helianbei. Yunfeixiang is everywhere.

"Yu'er, what are you talking about?" He Lianbei could resist everyone's gaze, no matter how everyone thought about him, but he made the best choice!

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's personal actions have always been earth-shattering!

However, when he saw Helian Zhongyu's disappointed and angry eyes, his hard heart suddenly ached!
Behind the defeat of the war, there will be the bloody sacrifices of countless Helian family members. Xuanyuan Tianzhan's iron wrist and brave cavalry will never return empty-handed.

This seems to be a matter of negotiation, but in fact it is just a formality.

Those who resist fiercely will only turn into mud in the end and be submerged under the Jin Geli sword!
"Father! You disregarded the reputation and prestige of the Helian family for the sake of this demon girl's words! Yu'er is really disappointed." Helian Zhongyu did not expect that his father, whom he had admired since he was a child, would find out in a grandiose manner. A host of reasons to abandon the entire family.

He will never allow such a thing!
A dignified man, even if he dies, he will die on the battlefield of fighting, and he will die amidst the sound of clanging drums!

Of course, this was Helian Zhongyu's fresh-blooded thoughts, and many people thought more about how to survive.

"Presumptuous! It's not your turn to question the decision of being a father!" He Lianbei said in a deep voice, his face suddenly turned cold.

The man's chest heaved violently, and the wound on his back was pulled so painfully!
At the same time, Xuanyuan Tianzhan was the one whose eyes darkened but then brightened again. He pursed his thin lips and revealed a smile with no clear meaning.

(End of this chapter)

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