The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 515 The complete winner

Chapter 515 The complete winner (2)
very good!Since you don't want the opportunity given to you, then don't blame him for being merciless.

"Rebels, kill without mercy!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan said mercilessly without giving people too much time to communicate.

His voice was like a curse, low and clear, he just didn't want to let go of the restless people of the Helian family, and Helian Zhongyu happened to give him an opportunity.

"Xuanyuan Tianzhan, don't you feel that your hand is stretched too far? Do you really think that our Beixiang Palace allows you to pinch and round it?" This is not Hanhai Kingdom, nor Shengjing, why should he be so furious?
"Why don't you give it a try?" The corners of the man's lips curled slightly, and his golden eyes shone with a cold light.

Helian Zhong Yu was taken aback, this man seemed to hope that he would make a move soon.Such a natural self-confidence is daunting!
However, their Beixiang Palace carried the high hopes of the entire Helian family, and they must not retreat just because they said they would retreat.He is not a father, he doesn't have so many thoughts and ideas, he just wants to keep the Helian family!
"Yu'er, don't back down!" Helian Bei's back injury suddenly began to hurt violently, and what made him feel even more painful was the indifferent but determined look in Helian Zhong Yu's eyes.

"It's a great misfortune for the Helian family to lose you, they can't live without me anymore!" The young man straightened his chest and pulled out the long sword from his waist.

He stretched out one hand, the sharp sword cut through the skin, and the dark red blood flowed down the arm, dyed the snow-white long sleeve red drop by drop, and dripped into the dry land.

"What do you think you can do, it's just adding more deaths!" Helian Bei's voice became hoarse. For the first time, he felt so powerless. He saw himself in the eyes of Helian Zhongyu when he was young.

Resolute, decisive, never look back!But the difference is that he has enough time to settle and polish himself, while Yu'er faces an opponent like Xuanyuan Tianzhan head-on.

Was he wrong as a father?But when he looked up and saw a woman in bright red with stunning radiance, he suddenly fell silent.

Her clear and transparent eyes, like melting water on a snowy mountain, washed his weather-beaten heart.

Helian Zhongyu naturally saw Helianbei's expression, the man pursed his lips and said nothing more.

"Second Young Master, our army has arrived one after another, what should we do now?" Someone whispered in Helian Zhongyu's ear.

"Very good! Wait for the opportunity!"

However, how can there be so many opportunities?
"Why, didn't you hear this king's order?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan spoke again, exuding a bloodthirsty coldness.

Everyone seemed a little confused, who was Xuanyuan Tianzhan talking to?

Dulong team?Although they are masters, there are only eleven of them including Dugu Piaojian!

Hidden?But it seems that Yinwei has not moved!

Is Xuanyuan Wangyue outside?It seemed that such a moderate voice could not be heard outside.

"Ah!" Someone exclaimed, his neck turned red, and before he could open his mouth, his neck was cut by an unknown person around him.

"Everyone be careful, there are enemies mixed inside." Helian Zhongyu's face changed drastically, he didn't expect that Xuanyuan Tianzhan's people would sneak into their people, it was really unbelievable.

The elders couldn't stand up any longer, and they shot one after another, but when they looked up, they couldn't tell which were the enemies and which were their own!

They are usually high above, shouting at the front and hugging at the back, who would care about the guards at the bottom?Now that there is an internal fight, how can they tell the difference?
"Kill it! Kill the spy! What are you doing standing there?" A low shout came from the chaotic crowd, and the crowd was enraged, and no one knew who was killed.

The sound of the sword cutting the skin, the sound of dull and painful cries, the sound of blood gushing, the sound of falling to the ground...for a moment, the miserable howling sound resounded through the sky.

Yun Feixiang was a little dumbfounded, isn't that Pei You?

At this moment, the little girl finally understood that the man beside her had already controlled the overall situation.

He was waiting for the opportunity. He had been hiding it before, and when he saw the opportunity, he made a strong move. Not only did he insert people early to cause internal chaos in the Helian family, but he also directly confused the enemy's sight.

But how did so many people get mixed up with the guards of the elders, and how did they remain so secretive?
The silver light is shining, the sword is flying, Senhan's sword light reflects the figures, the blood line soars, and turns into enchanting lines in the crowded crowd, throwing wildly, this scene is thrilling!

"Stop! Don't kill each other again!" Helian Zhongyu yelled, he had already entered into chaos while speaking, and tried his best to stop it.

It seemed that only a handful of people noticed him, and everyone else was fighting and wary of those around them.

"I kill you!"

"No, no, it's not me, it's him!"

The person who came to kill with a sword looked at both sides, waved his hand, one on the left, and waved again, one on the right!Then kill both of them, anyway, they are those from the Helian family, he is the "spies".

"Anyone who strikes again will be a traitor! Kill without pardon!" Helian Zhongyu's face turned blue, he threw the sword in his hand and stood on the ground, the sword tip and the ground sparked brightly.

There was a moment of silence, and then greater chaos erupted, and the "spies" became extremely brave.

He Lianbei stood on the slightly high corridor, his eyes were a little loose. Once the killing started, he could do nothing to stop it. Compared with Xuanyuan Tianzhan, Yu'er was too young!

But even if he was as seasoned as he was, he didn't expect how Xuanyuan Tianzhan mixed his own master among the elders!What is certain is that these people lurked and entered early, just waiting for the opportunity. Once they received Xuanyuan Tianzhan's order, they would wipe out the elders of the entire Helian family.

"Second son, 20 troops have arrived from the north gate and are heading here at high speed." A guard came to report, but his voice was drowned out by the sound of fighting.

"En." Helian Zhongyu no longer had the confidence he had before, and he felt more and more a sense of depression and depression.

It's like a dark cloud gradually enveloping the sun!
"Get out!" the man said after a moment of thought.

"Withdraw! Let the arrows go!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan's cold voice sounded like thunder, who was he talking to?
Suddenly, the brave spies quickly gathered in their area, where a safe formation had already been arranged.

The next moment, countless arrows rained in the direction of the elders without warning.Everyone was shocked and tried their best to dodge, but it was too late.

The black arrows flew in the sky, with a powerful momentum, airtight!

"Uh..." There was a low cry of life leaving.

"how can that be?"

(End of this chapter)

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