Chapter 516 Winner and loser (1)
"Get out of the way! Why are you in a daze!"

A group of black archers with quiver bags mysteriously appeared on the eaves, in the corridor, on the tree, behind the rockery, at the window...

At this moment, even Murong Rui's calm eyes changed!
Xuanyuan Tianzhan's methods are really amazing, but how difficult is it to be so calm? !

"Azhan, have you cracked the underground secret room of the Beixiang Prince's Mansion?" The little woman raised her eyes, looking at the man's bottomless black eyes.

"Xiang'er is really smart!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan smiled slightly, and gently held her little hand.

"This secret room is related to the underground secret room of the Tianmo Sect. When I was in it, I guessed that if it was you, you would be able to break through all kinds of mechanisms in the secret room. I didn't expect you to do it!" Yun Feixiang said indifferently, Unexpectedly, her words were like a huge stone thrown into the lake, causing huge ripples.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan was a little surprised, then pulled the little woman with a gentle and domineering hand, and looked at her deeply.

Who is it that understands you all the time and thinks about you with her little head?

Who is it that sees your heart at a glance, with unspoken trust and care in your waywardness?

Who is it that completely entrusts itself to you, hunting in the long wind, and regards you as the warmest sunshine?
"Xiang'er really knows her husband very well!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan's coldness suddenly dissipated, only his eyes were full of tenderness.

His tall figure blocked the confusion behind him, leaving only her solid chest.

Yun Feixiang only heard a tragic roar, the sound of iron arrows piercing flesh, and the whistling of the north wind.At this moment, all she could see was his perfect handsome face and gradually softening jawline.

"Rush out! Rush out!"

"Our army is here, rush out and join them!" Someone shouted.

It's a pity that they couldn't rush out, just as He Lianbei said, since they stepped into Beixiang Palace, they were doomed to be powerless.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan had already laid a net here, waiting for their entry. Now, he is slowly closing the net.

When the little girl he loved suddenly disappeared and he cried out in despair on the Wuhe plateau, he made up his mind and vowed to wipe out the entire north.

When the man stood alone on the flattened Wuhe Plateau, he saw the secret road leading directly to Beixiang Prince's Mansion under the plateau!

The underground organs of Beixiang Prince's Mansion were cracked one by one in secret, no one knew, and when the plans and maps were drawn, he had no intention of letting them go.

To do it quietly and avoid everything, the effort he has put in is really beyond people's imagination.

The little woman pressed against his chest with some distress, only she understood that behind his strength, there was much more sleeplessness than others!

This is him, Xuanyuan Tianzhan!
The biggest difference between Murong Rui and Xuanyuan Tianzhan is that the one is good at fighting back, while the other pays more attention to holding the initiative in his own hands.

One is walking on flat ground, with steady steps, while the other is walking on the edge of a blade, which is considered exhaustive!Murong Rui is the former.

Perhaps it was not unreasonable for Yun Feixiang to choose Xuanyuan Tianzhan among the two outstanding men!The two are neither good nor bad, the same ups and downs, mastering the fate of all living beings, but their personalities and behaviors are very different.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan stood there, a corner of his black brocade robe was blown up by the wind. He was like a god on high, making people look up to him!He put his long arms around the little woman's body, caring endlessly!

At this moment, he is a complete winner, walking to the top through hardships, sweat, blood and tears!

Blood flowed like a river, and corpses piled up like a mountain. Amidst the sound of despair, the elders were already slumped. Helian Zhongyu was covered in wounds. His snow-white clothes were stained with viscous liquid, and half of his sleeves were hanging down.

As if they were surrounded by a net, they were cut off from the outside army. People from the outside couldn't get in, and they couldn't get out either!
Helian Zhongyu's heart was ashamed, he was filled with shame and anger, and he could do nothing except to exert his last bit of strength!
The Eagle Talisman in his hand fell to the ground, making a crisp crashing sound... Desolate, helpless, he was too careless after all.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's plan is not something he can resist!Look at yourself, then look at Xuanyuan Tianzhan who is dressed in deep black, he is still so domineering, still as stable as Mount Tai and still calm, and look at himself, he is already in a mess.

There was one person whose eyes followed him closely all the time, that was Helian Bei, his biological father!

Helian Zhongyu looked around with scattered eyes. Almost all the people around died under the arrows. Some people were still waving their arms in pain, as if they were saying goodbye to the world, and they were still unwilling to swallow their breath.

Helian Zhongyu couldn't bear it in his heart, so he couldn't help turning his head away. He turned his head and saw Helianbei who was sitting calmly on the high platform. A lot of resentment and complaints suddenly surged in the man's heart.

This is the father he loves and hates!
If he doesn't abandon their family, the outcome is still unknown!However, he didn't understand what kind of magical power Yun Feixiang had, which made his most admired father abandon the honor and disgrace of the whole family, and watch his relatives die coldly!
Even though they may be too much at ordinary times, they are still the blood of the Helian family, continuing the glory of a family.

"Are you satisfied?!" The Helian family was completely ruined. This man's hard work and crystal-clear Helian family collapsed in an instant and disappeared.

Is he so unsympathetic?

Helian Bei's tall body stood calmly, allowing Helian Zhongyu's sharp eyes to cut his own flesh and blood, without saying a word.

What can he do in such a situation?When he opened his eyes from the coma, the invisible net had been stretched out, just waiting to be tightened, Xuanyuan Tianzhan had already penetrated into the Beixiang Palace!
"Since ancient times, I, Helian Zhongyu, have been kings and defeated enemies. I, Helian Zhongyu, have suffered a disastrous defeat, and I will live in shame! Father, from now on, please do it for yourself." At this moment, Helian Zhongyu was sober, and what he said was resolute. With a kind of death as home.

Helianbei's heart ached, and he saw the huge gap between their father and son.There is a kind of trust that gradually melts under the test of fire, leaving only disappointment and heartbreak.

Helian Bei thought he had tried his best to protect the entire family, if not for Helian Zhongyu's sudden appearance and rebellion, maybe these people would still have a way out.

However, when Helian Zhongyu touched Xuanyuan Tianzhan's Ni Lin and led everyone to resist and decided to fight a bloody road, Xuanyuan Tianzhan found an opportunity to be cruel.

There is no one right or wrong in the decision and persistence of two people. The father and son each have their own thinking, but they rarely disagree.

(End of this chapter)

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