Chapter 524: North Flat (1)
This incident had a great impact on her, and it completely overturned her previous cognition!
"Miss Xiang'er, this statement is wrong. People are not for themselves, and heaven and earth will perish! Besides, Mu Rujing has hurt you again and again. Didn't I just avenge you? You should be happy!" Gu Youzhi He glanced at Mu Rujing indifferently, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes.

Yun Feixiang showed an even more contemptuous expression, he was clearly selfish, and he said so grandly, why did he take revenge for her, it's really ridiculous!
She would rather kill Mu Rujing herself, than die under Gu Youzhi's hands.

Gu Youzhi didn't take it seriously, he stretched his arms and moved his muscles and bones, his limbs and bones seemed to be full of strength. Master really didn't lie to him, he could really absorb the energy from Mu Rujing's body, not only restored the energy lost by using the mind control technique earlier His internal strength has also improved a lot.

He secretly worked to adjust his breathing, his eyes involuntarily glanced at Yun Feixiang.

At the same time, Xuanyuan Tianzhan took a step forward and pulled the little girl into his arms. He will not let Xiang'er suffer any harm!

"Don't entangle him anymore, just shoot and kill him." Xuanyuan Tianzhan saw that Gu Youzhi's face turned slightly red, and knew that he had recovered his inner strength.

The previous strategy was due to Gu Youzhi's control of Mingzhu's mind, which consumed a huge amount of mental power, so he entangled him until he was exhausted!

But now, he has absorbed Mu Rujing's supernatural power, and his internal strength will increase rapidly, and it will be useless to entangle him any longer.

Dugu Piaojian raised the sword first, and the bright white sharp cold sword flew out like a jade belt, and the soft sword swam freely, hitting Gu You's face directly.

The Dulong team behind him also flew up together, approaching Gu Youzhi!

However, Gu Youzhi's face did not change, and there was a radiance on his face that was bound to win!
The strong man is best at listening to the atmosphere around him. As long as the martial arts are lower than him, he can find out the general strength of others. These Dulong teams are no longer his opponents!

"Azhan, I don't think the Dulong team is Gu Youzhi's opponent." Yun Feixiang was also a little worried, the dark purple aura around Gu Youzhi was too strong, it seemed to be overflowing.

"Xiang'er, it's okay, everything is up to you!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan held the little woman's hand tightly to reassure her.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan had already seen the thoughts in his mind through Gu Youyi's eyes.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan was next to the little woman, the golden light in his palm was secretly flying, wanting to attack Xiang'er, it was a daydream!
Sure enough, Gu Youzhi avoided the sharp edge of Dugu Piaojian, and hit Yun Feixiang's stomach directly with the purple pistol in his sleeve. The news of Princess Zhan's pregnancy is no longer a secret!
Nothing makes Xuanyuan Tianzhan more comfortable than letting Xuanyuan Tianzhan lose his son. Nothing makes Xuanyuan Tianzhan suffer.

The sudden change made Yun Feixiang feel cold, she hurriedly moved away, took a step back and was ready to attack, but Xuanyuan Tianzhan stepped forward and aimed at Cai Lian with a palm.

Suddenly, the whole secret room was filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke, Wuying shrank his neck, his prince was angry!

"Since you want to die, this king will help you!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan waved his hand behind him and said gloomyly.

The hidden guards all came up and protected Yun Feixiang in the center, Xuanyuan Tianzhan jumped into the barb array.

"Today, I'll try to see if Prince Zhan's Longteng Juling can defeat the power of this supernatural power!" Gu Youzhi raised his eyebrows slightly provocatively. Supernatural power is a special kind of power that is beyond the reach of human beings.

"I really don't give up until I reach the Yellow River!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan snorted coldly, turning his hands over.

Accompanied by a fiery breath, everyone was surprised to see a little golden dragon swaying between the man's hands, flying up and down with joy.

A sense of intimacy suddenly surged in Yun Feixiang's heart. This is the magic dragon, and it has the feelings of A Zhan.

Gu Youzhi seemed not to be outdone, the thick purple light enveloped him, and with a wave of his hands, another strong wind blew up in the secret room.

"Flying dragon, come in!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan roared fiercely, and the phantom dragon broke through the purple aura and flew towards Gu Youzhi's body.

Everyone was shocked, Huanlong made a move, but it was extraordinary.

Wuying suddenly remembered the scene of Murong Yangxiong's death, the phantom dragon rushed directly between his eyebrows and flew out from the back of his head!

The strong purple was suppressed by the golden flames, Gu Youzhi suddenly felt something churning in his body, he immediately held his breath, sealed his pulse, and prevented the phantom dragon from running around in his body.

However, Xuanyuan Tianzhan didn't seem to give him this chance.

"Team Dulong, come on!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan looked indifferent, standing with his hands behind his back, fighting him, Gu Youzhi was not qualified enough.

"Hmm." A large stream of blood suddenly gushed out of his throat, and Gu You couldn't hold back his breath, so he poured out all of it.

"Flying dragon, come out!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan called again, and the phantom dragon flew out of Gu Youzhi's body. Everyone could see that the purple light on Gu Youzhi's body was much less.

Then, everyone heard——

"Uh..." Gu Youzhi cried out in pain, raised his eyes and glanced at the Dulong team, he was shocked to find that eleven soft swords all pierced his chest, cutting the skin on his chest.

From the first time Yun Feixiang saw Xuanyuan Tianzhan using Longteng Juling, she never knew how deep his skill was, until now, she still didn't know!
This man gave her the feeling that he was like a god, so powerful that he was almost fearless. He had always been as indifferent as a cloud in the sky, walking high in the sky, and seemed to overturn the world with just a wave of his sleeves!

The little woman's eyes are a little obsessed, a little adoring, and even more full of nostalgia and love... He is high in the sky, but he is also the man she is closest to, how lucky she is!
The golden magic dragon flew over, shaking its head and tail affectionately, regardless of the gloomy face of its master, rubbed its dragon head against the tip of Yun Feixiang's nose, the little girl was overjoyed, and blew a kiss to the magic dragon.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew up around him, and the magic dragon was swept away. Xuanyuan Tianzhan stretched out his palm, and the magic dragon disappeared in his palm.

"Ah..." There was a roar, and the dark purple light scattered in all directions, and the orange-red streamer could be faintly seen in the purple air current.

The Dulong team was bounced away, and all eleven soft swords were broken!

The crisp sound of the broken sword fell to the ground, and there was a mournful wail. Everyone clearly saw Gu Youzhi's strange smile. His white teeth were covered with dripping blood, like a night star demon, pulling his distorted face. .

"Xuanyuan Tianzhan, it's not that easy to kill me!" Gu Youzhi suddenly took off his outer robe, and his golden soft armor shone brightly in the dark candlelight of the secret room.

The soft armor is like silk, bright and dazzling, and the shiny gold threads are strung together, densely woven into a vest.

Backed a few steps in a row, Dugu Piaojian forcefully suppressed the blood from his mouth, but the rest of the Dulong team members couldn't match Dugu Piaojian's tenacity, some couldn't help it, and frowned while clutching their painful chest , blood gushed out from the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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