Chapter 525: North Flat (2)
Xuanyuan Tianzhan's expression turned cold, and just as he was about to strike again, the little woman grabbed him by the corner of his clothes.

"I'm really proud, but unfortunately, I got proud too early." Sure enough, people get carried away when they are proud, and Gu Youzhi was still secretly delighted with his victory just now, but he didn't expect that a terrific disaster was waiting for him.

"Ah Zhan, if Helianbei hadn't saved me at that time, you probably wouldn't have seen me." The little woman turned her head and smiled leisurely at the man, but an internal force in her palm hit the ground where Gu Youzhi was.

Almost in an instant, Gu Youzhi screamed, and his body fell...

Who can tell him, how can there be hidden organs on such a good ground? !

A stone slab tilted up and rolled over to the ground on one side.Gu Youzhi fell straight down, grabbed the edge of the stone slab with one hand, and the little woman waved his hand again, shaking his hand away.

"We should really thank Helianbei!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan didn't understand why the little girl suddenly said that, but when he saw Gu Youzhi fall, everything became clear.

The man suddenly felt very distressed, and Xiang'er almost fell under the secret room at the beginning, thinking about it made him feel terrified.He couldn't even imagine what would happen if such a thing really happened!
The sound of Gu Youzhi falling into the water came from the bottom of the secret room, and everyone walked carefully to the square opening on the ground and looked down.

Gu Youzhi fluttered in the dark water, his body was covered with horrible water bugs, he struggled to swim in the water, a smell of stinky air floated up.

"Re-cover the board!" The little woman felt a little disgusted and didn't want to look at it again.

Wuying quickly ran over and covered the wooden planks again. He just glanced at it just now, but the scene of thousands of worms wriggling was enough to make him, the leader of the Golden Armored Guard who was used to all kinds of killings, collapse.

Gu Youzhi's wailing continued across the ground, and everyone fell into silence. Listening to the voice underground, perhaps it was in response to God's words - good and evil will be rewarded in the end!

Gu Youzhi is cruel and merciless, and does a lot of evil, so he deserves to end like this!
After a long time, there was no more sound from below. Yun Feixiang looked at the place where Mu Rujing died. Mu Rujing's body had been cleared away at some point.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan saw the little woman's expression, and knew that she was very touched. Mu Rujing's body was naturally dragged away by the hidden guards. After following him for so many years, the hidden guards had already formed a tacit understanding. What about cleaning the scene? Yes, it is also very neat.

"Xiang'er, everything here is done, let's go back to Hanhai Country!" The man pondered for a while, as if he felt something was wrong, and said, "If Xiang'er doesn't want to go back to Hanhai Country, you can go back to Nanyue Country!"

There is a hurdle in Xuanyuan Tianzhan's heart. Hanhai Country is the most nostalgic and familiar place for him. However, for Yu Xiang'er, after all, he has experienced so many bad things!
Countless people's eyes were staring at her all the time, and countless people's mouths were spreading all kinds of irrelevant gossip. He didn't want her to bear too much.

The man's eyes gradually covered the little woman's stomach. No matter what, he couldn't bear her to run around and get tired.

"It's not over yet! There are still many things to do!" The little girl replied quickly.

The remnants of the Helian family and those who have been with Helianbei for so long in Beixiang Palace have to deal with these matters.

In fact, there are more complicated questions that little girls don't want to raise. Does this land belong to Hanhai Kingdom or Shengtian?In this world, what should we do in the future?
What the little girl doesn't know is that Murong Rui has already thought of these things for her!
"Xiang'er doesn't have to worry about some things, she has her own arrangements!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes suddenly became eagerly looking forward to it. For the first time, he hoped that the little woman would listen to him!

Yun Feixiang wanted to say something else, but after seeing the man's eyes, she smiled brightly and said, "Okay! Listen to Ah Zhan, let's go back to Hanhai Kingdom!"

The princess said to go back to the Hanhai Kingdom?
Wuying and Mingzhu were stunned. They clearly remembered that the prince said that he could return to Nanyue Kingdom, so why did the princess choose to return to Hanhai Kingdom?

"Xiang'er... Let me tell you!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan thought that the little woman didn't hear clearly, and was about to repeat it again.

"What are you talking about, are you older or I am older? Don't forget, our family is in charge! Wuying, go get ready, let's go back to Hanhai Kingdom!" The little woman said pretending to be a shrew.

She, Yun Feixiang, was definitely not someone to run away from. She was assassinated on her wedding night and had no choice but to be forced off a cliff. Nearly three years later, she still knew where her home was!
Ah Zhan's home is her home!

In Beixiang Palace, Murong Rui has already settled the rest of the trivial matters.

First, Lei Ting violently killed the remaining cronies of the elders, and then exiled the loyal supporters of the Beixiang Palace. As for Helianbei's wife and concubines, for some reason, they all voluntarily shaved off their homes. Bei also had no objection, and remained silent throughout!

Murong Rui has taken care of the affairs of Beixiang Prince's Mansion with full authority!

In the entire Beixiang Palace, except for Helian Yufeng who escaped, the rest either died in chaos, were beheaded, exiled, or dispersed!

Yun Feixiang had expected such a result, but when she saw Helian Bei was expressionless and silent, she felt a sudden pain in her heart!
"Daddy! You still have a daughter!" The little woman's warm hand covered Helianbei's, pulling Helianbei back into deep thought.

He Lianbei's expression didn't fluctuate much, but the way he looked at Yun Feixiang was a little more loving.

"Xiang'er, you have grown up and your father is old. I have already figured it out. I want to leave this place, find a paradise, and spend the rest of my life comfortably."

"How can you do it alone?" Does he want to leave?The world is so big, where is he not just lonely? !
"Why don't you go to Hanhai Kingdom with me, how about we open a tavern in the most prosperous area of ​​Xuanyuan City and drink fine wine every day?" The little woman said lightly with a warm smile on her lips.

Helianbei's deep eyes flickered again and again, and the emotion in his eyes was self-evident. Xiang'er really cared about him and didn't want him to be alone, but how could he cause her trouble?

"Let's forget it! Daddy wants to spend the rest of his life in peace, and no longer likes to be noisy!"

"If you want to be quiet, that's fine too! The Moonless Building in Xuanyuan City is the quietest, so you can move inside to make sure that no one will disturb you! The inner three floors and the outer three floors are all masters, with layers of guards , very quiet!" The little woman's half-serious, half-joking tone made the corners of Helianbei's eyes moist.

When others saw it, they were also speechlessly moved. Everyone could see Wang Hao's thoughts. Wang Hao didn't want He Lianbei to be alone!

"Daddy wants to travel around the world, and recently wants to go to the west to experience exotic customs!" He Lianbei changed the subject and gave a nonsense reason.

(End of this chapter)

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