The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 527 Re-chapter Hanhai Kingdom

Chapter 527 Returning to the Vast Ocean Kingdom (1)
The milky white chicken soup was steaming hot, and Yun Feixiang's eyes were covered with water mist. After a long time, she suppressed her tears again, and said to everyone: "Everyone, eat quickly! There are so many dishes, it will be cold if you don't eat them." .”

As the little girl spoke, she picked up a large piece of chicken for Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Murong Rui.

Everyone also played sloppy eyes one after another, and ate other dishes as if nothing had happened, but no one drank the chicken soup.

Only Xuanyuan Tianzhan generously scooped up a large bowl of chicken soup for the little girl under the gaze of everyone, and picked up a lot of chicken pieces.

Then, everyone was surprised to see that their great lord also started eating unceremoniously.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan only eats chicken and chicken soup, and doesn't care about other dishes. While eating, he is a gentleman to pick up meat for the little woman. Since someone is so courteous and offers such a nourishing delicacy, he has to make good use of it, especially if he can't eat it. waste.

Yun Feixiang didn't care so much, she let go of her heart, and drank two whole bowls of chicken soup in a good mood, and she ate more than half of the chicken in the casserole.

A smile appeared unconsciously on Murong Rui's face, and he suddenly felt warm in his heart.Xiang'er was always so supportive, which made him a little embarrassed.

But, why does Xuanyuan Tianzhan have such a good appetite?Is this chicken soup really that delicious?He remembered that this man always liked to sing against him.

"Brother Huang, save some for Brother Rui." Xuanyuan Mochiyue couldn't stand it any longer, this was the first time he saw Brother Huang's eating speed!
The terrible thing is that he still eats so gracefully!
"Xiang'er, are you full?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan rolled his eyes at Xuanyuan Wangyue calmly, turned to the little woman, and asked with concern.

Xuanyuan Wangyue shrank her neck and shut up obediently.

Yun Feixiang nodded, and smiled back at him. From the man's eyes, she saw apology. The little woman guessed that maybe Ah Zhan felt that he didn't take good care of her.

In fact, she really doesn't care!
Besides, she's not that weak!

But the strange thing is, since she was pregnant until now, why hasn't she felt acid reflux and vomiting at all?

Including the strong smell of blood during the chaos in the Beixiang Palace, and the disgusting scenes she saw later, she has never had a strong reaction.

This is really strange!Could it be that her immunity is too strong?The little girl was still thinking, but her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Murong Rui's voice.

"Brother Zhan, the child in Xiang'er's womb, will you worship me as a foster father in the future?" After thinking for a long time, Murong Rui finally spoke.

Xiang'er's child is his child!

Everyone was shocked and opened their mouths wide in surprise.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's expression suddenly became a little complicated, as if he was thinking, but also seemed to be silent. Everyone's hearts were raised at this moment, and the room was so quiet that only his own heartbeat could be heard.

Will King Zhan agree?Everyone thought this was a good thing, but they also thought about the complicated relationship between the three of them, so they didn't dare to have too much expectations!

Murong Rui didn't ask Yun Feixiang, because he knew that Xiang'er would definitely agree.This time, he wanted to ask Xuanyuan Tianzhan's opinion, after all, that was his and Xiang'er's child, and he had the right to decide this matter.

"Okay!" The man said this word, it seemed very simple.

In fact, the little girl had mentioned this matter to Xuanyuan Tianzhan a long time ago, so the husband and wife had a tacit understanding, but when Murong Rui really brought it up, Xuanyuan Tianzhan felt like something else!

His Xuanyuan Tianzhan's child worships Murong Rui as his adoptive father, it's a bit strange how to say it!
The rival in love for so many years suddenly no longer looks like a rival in love, but like a relative, how can this make him not feel awkward?
Murong Rui's expression changed, and he felt a little more relieved.

"By the way, tell me, is the child in Sister-in-law's belly a boy or a girl?" Xuanyuan Wangyue asked on a whim.

"Of course it's a little prince, just like my prince, he will definitely be a man standing upright in the future!" Wu Ying immediately flashed his eyes, imagining the future heroic appearance of his little prince.

"I think it's a little girl. If she was a stinky brat, she would be alive and kicking, and she won't be silent until now." He Lianbei looked at Yun Feixiang's stomach, looking full of experience.

Yun Feixiang was a little speechless, and glared at He Lianbei... This is not a rabbit, it's less than four months old, so why should it be alive and kicking?
"I think it must be twins!" Dugu Piaojian, who seldom speaks, suddenly joked.

What he said is more effective than a cold joke and can cause repercussions.

"Don't tell me, I think it's possible!"

"Um, it's possible..." But the possibility is too small.

"Very likely."

"It must be possible!"

"What nonsense are you all talking about! How can there be such a good birth?" The little woman said fiercely, and immediately stopped the "twittering" of this group of people.

Dugu Piaojian touched the tip of his nose, and shut up wisely, he usually seldom talks, but for some reason today, he thought it was funny, and said it without thinking.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan was smiling, and was very happy to hear everyone talking about his precious child. In fact, he also wanted Xiang'er to have twins!
After going through so many hardships, they finally bear the fruit of love, and they should have one more child.

"Cough...Brother Zhan, I have something to say to you alone!" Murong Rui coughed suddenly, interrupting everyone's random thoughts.

Leng Feng's eyelids twitched, remembering what the emperor said to himself not long ago, he thought the emperor was just talking.The emperor doesn't really want to... right?

Xuanyuan Tianzhan raised his head in surprise, Murong Rui wants to talk to him alone?It means that everyone else avoids it, including Xiang'er!
Yun Feixiang was also a little surprised. Looking at Murong Rui's appearance, he didn't seem to be joking, nor did he seem to be trying to attract everyone's attention. He seemed to have something to tell Ah Zhan!
In the bitterly cold winter, there was snow in the sky, the goose feathers were flying, and it was as white as velvet flowers. This year's snow covered a particularly light area, almost covering the entire Shengtian Continent with a layer of snow white.

On the official road leading to Hanhai Kingdom, a low-key and luxurious carriage "Gulu" was moving forward. The road was not smooth, but the carriage was driving very steadily.

The man driving the carriage was sweating profusely, and carefully whipped the horse's buttocks with a whip, as if the horse pulling the carriage was an old man.

Master Ma, please walk steadily!
With a "boom", the wheels of the carriage rolled over a stone, and the body of the carriage shook.

"Wuying, stop!" The man's low and slightly angry voice came from the carriage.

"Wuying, it's okay, keep going." Another beautiful female voice came.

As soon as the shadowless horsewhip stopped, it was swung again instantly, and landed on the horse's buttocks.The rule he figured out was that when the prince and the princess give orders at the same time, they must listen to the princess!

(End of this chapter)

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