The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 528 Re-chapter Hanhai Kingdom

Chapter 528 Returning to the Vast Ocean Kingdom (2)
Because, his prince also listens to the princess!

On both sides of the carriage, the majestic and solemn soldiers were expressionless. They habitually pressed the handle of the knife with one hand, and reined in the reins of the horse with the other, and moved forward slowly.

They are the senior hidden guards of the royal family of Hanhai Kingdom!

The hidden guards were very excited. It was a rare opportunity to follow outside to protect the prince and princess for the first time.

Even many of them have never come out openly at all, and even if they did, they would not follow the prince and princess openly.

The carriage moved forward cautiously and unhurriedly. The wheels turned and dragged a long rut on the snow. Some red soil was turned up and mixed with the white snow, which looked extraordinarily enchanting and beautiful.

The eyes of the hidden guards stopped on the soil, as if looking at the holy red snow lotus in their eyes.

Three years ago, they failed to protect the princess well, allowing Mu Rujing to take advantage of the loophole, and finally forced the princess off the cliff.Three years later, escorting the princess back to the country again, what kind of emotion should I feel in my heart?
In the carriage, suddenly stretched out a small snow-white hand, waving restlessly in the snow.

There are pure white snowflakes falling on the palm of the little hand, itching slightly, and suddenly, the snowflakes seem to be warmed by the temperature of the palm, slowly turning into round water droplets, crystal clear.

Afterwards, another big hand as smooth as jade stretched out from the carriage, wrapped the little hand tightly with the big hand, and took it back to the carriage gently.

"Ah Zhan, what did you and Rui say?" After a long time, the little woman's words floated out in a blur.

Ever since he talked with Murong Rui alone, Ah Zhan hasn't said a word about this matter. Isn't it a bit strange?
"Xiang'er, Xuanyuan City is coming soon, father and queen will come to pick us up in person." The man squeezed the little woman's hand, looking softly at her face with indifferent eyes.

Xiang'er, still so beautiful, so charming, just like the night when he first saw her, he was so intoxicated!
Murong Rui said, the world is one!

However, how could he bear such a great gift?
"Okay... I see." Yun Feixiang pursed her lips and murmured.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan raised his eyebrows, the meaning of the little woman's words was somewhat unclear, what did she know?

This time they returned to the country, they took a small road, and it was very quiet all the way, except for the grunting of the carriage, there was only the whistling cold wind.

As they got closer to Xuanyuan City, the bustling atmosphere became stronger and stronger. Gradually, Yun Feixiang had heard the cheers from outside, and she was no longer entangled in what Murong Rui and Xuanyuan Tianzhan were talking about.

However, she was relieved that the two big men could sit down and talk calmly.

"The prince's carriage?" Someone asked suspiciously.

"Are you dazzled? Why is the prince's carriage gray? Isn't it always black?"

"Yeah, the prince's carriage won't go so slowly!" They haven't seen the prince's carriage for many years, and they have given up hope!

"No, that's not right!" Someone else exclaimed.

"what happened?"

"Isn't that Commander Wuying? This... this must be the prince's carriage!" Otherwise, the person driving the carriage cannot be the commander of the Golden Armored Guards, Lord Wuying!
"..." Everyone was silent for a moment, and they all looked at Wuying.

Sensing the scorching gazes of the crowd, Wuying simply took out a mask and covered himself directly.

"It's really the prince's carriage!" These handsome hidden guards lined up looked like they belonged to the Prince Regent's Palace.

With various exclamations in the crowd, some people have already started chasing the carriage.

Yun Feixiang felt that the car was a bit stuffy, so she reached out and raised the curtains of the car, looked around, and found that they had already entered a lively place without knowing it, and they were not far from the gate of the city.

After walking on the path for so long, she suddenly saw a crowd, and her mood became active involuntarily.

"My lord, we are almost at the gate of the city. Your Majesty and Empress will lead all the civil and military officials to welcome you at the gate in person." Xiao Mo rode his horse back from the front, lowered his head and said to Xuanyuan Tianzhan at the window.

"En." Xuanyuan Tianzhan said calmly.

"Ah Zhan, I want to get off the carriage!" The little woman said suddenly, her eyes burning.

Now that she's back, she wants to be in a good light. She has always existed proudly in the world, amazed the world, how many times her life was on the line, and how many times she narrowly escaped death.

Standing here now, I want to be an iceberg red snow lotus standing in the world!

Before Xuanyuan Tianzhan could answer, Yun Feixiang waved his long sleeves and stood up.

A touch of pure red flew out of the carriage, fiery red like a gorgeous red rose, and the cool and elegant fragrance blew with the wind, and the onlookers were stunned for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, a big hand stretched out from the carriage, and Xuanyuan Tianzhan's tall and handsome body got out of the carriage first, his white brocade robe blended with the heavy snow on the ground, and a slight smile appeared on his resolute and perfect face.

This smile instantly shakes people's hearts!

The people were startled, their mouths opened wide, their eyes widened, their backs stiffened, and their necks stretched.

They read it right, this is the prince who exists like a god in their minds!

They read it right, the prince had a smile on his face!

Che Li rode his horse to greet him. As the prime minister of a country and a good friend of Xuanyuan Tianzhan, he couldn't wait to meet him!

But the scene in front of him instantly shocked his eyes!

The red belt that floated out first fell slowly, until the last moment when it landed, another gust of wind blew up the red ribbon, and it floated into everyone's eyes again!

"Am... am I dazzled? The ribbon floating out of the prince's carriage seems to be made of refined silkworm silk." The sharp-eyed human said.

"That's not the point, okay?" Someone patted his head, feeling like he hated iron for being weak.

They are mighty and domineering, he didn't look at the prince of Yushu Linfeng here, but he saw a ribbon flying out of the prince's carriage.

"But, you have forgotten that the princess wears red clothes made of silkworm silk most often!" The man suddenly mustered up his courage and said loudly.

Everyone was shocked again, as if they had fallen into various memories and thoughts.When they looked up, they also saw the dahlia-like red ribbon.

The prince still can't forget the princess!
They still remember the unparalleled princess in the world.

They still remember the kind and approachable princess who is not afraid of power.

They even remember that the princess who challenged all civil and military officials, who is both wise and brave, can crown the world!The concubine's time in Hanhai Kingdom was only a few months, but as ordinary people, they remembered her deeply.

However, what a confidante, the concubine left them forever on the wedding night!Because of this, Xuanyuan City was covered in haze for a long time.

Now, the old things are brought up, and the sadness in everyone's hearts gushes out like a spring, and the bustling road is gradually silent.

(End of this chapter)

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