The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 529 Uncle Wants Candy

Chapter 529 Uncle Wants Candy (1)
I do not know how long it has been--

"Look, it's the princess!" Someone exclaimed in disbelief, and the people immediately followed the prestige.

On the carriage, a woman stepped out, her bright red dress fluttering, her jet-black long hair flowing like a waterfall, her delicate and rosy skin rosy, her earlobe a little red with a cherry pendant, her red lips like fire than the scorching sun, her eyebrows curved like a moon, her eyes The light is like water... Isn't this the princess of Nanyue, their princess?

Xuanyuan Tianzhan bent his body slightly, the little girl's hand was on his big hand, the man moved lightly, hugged the little girl into his arms, and got off the carriage!
"Ah! Princess!" Someone covered their mouths and cheered in surprise.

"It's really the princess!" Someone rubbed his eyes and made an affirmative voice.

The hermit guards cleared the way on both sides, uniformed in black uniforms, with Yan Dong's stern expressions, Yun Feixiang and Xuanyuan Tianzhan got off the carriage, stood quietly in the middle of the road, bearing the attention of thousands of people.

The little girl's heart moved slightly. From these gazes, she read a lot of affection. The people of Xuanyuan City really remember her!
"Long time no see, how are you?" The little woman waved to the crowd and said kindly.

The common people were taken aback for a moment, but they all stayed where they were, like wooden chickens.

Yun Feixiang didn't mind, she smiled lightly, and walked towards the city gate.

"Hello Wang... Wangfei!" Someone summoned up his courage and shouted.

"Hello, princess!" A group of people shouted.

Yun Feixiang heard the familiar dandy's voice, looked towards the crowd, and saw Nalan Ruofei, he roared happily.

However, I didn't see Leng Yishuang, probably because it was inconvenient to come out with the child.

"The princess is looking at us!" Someone was elated.

The crowd suddenly boiled.

"Long live the prince! Long live the princess" shouted loudly!
Under Yun Feixiang's helpless gaze, the common people knelt down in unison. Long live can only be called the emperor in other countries, but in Hanhai country, there are many exceptions.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes lightly swept around, Wu Ying and Chasing Soul Huihun's figures flew around, Xiao Mo and Xiao Bai were at the forefront of the hidden guard team, maintaining order.

"Long life, all relatives!" Emperor Xuanyuan Ce walked out of the city gate, looking at his son and daughter-in-law with a smile on his face.Yun Feixiang raised her eyes, she hadn't seen him for many years, the emperor was still heroic!

Uh... The common people were shocked again, what's going on?What they worshiped was the prince, and the person who spoke to them for their lives was the emperor!

Empress Yan Ruyun had already walked over with tears in her eyes, looked at Yun Feixiang apologetically and said, "Xiang'er, it's good to be back, it's good to be back!"

The queen's heart was more or less full of apology. If Zhan'er hadn't been poisoned suddenly on the wedding night, the Prince Regent's Palace wouldn't have such a big incident.

Afterwards, she always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't figure out who would do that!

"Father, mother, you only have the emperor's sister-in-law in your eyes, and ignore Wangyue and the emperor's brother." Xuanyuan Wangyue came over to support Yan Ruyun's body, and "accused" in a coquettish manner.

The queen looked at Xuanyuan Wangyue dotingly, and said with a smile: "Yue'er is being naughty again."

The sound of "Yue'er" instantly sent Xuanyuan Wangyue into the eighteenth floor. This feminine name really gave him a headache.

"Zhan'er, where's the million-strong army of the Hanhai Kingdom?" The emperor is indeed the emperor, and at any time, the overall situation is the most important thing.

"Father, the army is moving slowly. They are still in Loucheng. My son estimates that they will arrive in the next few days. Why don't you send a car to meet the prime minister?"

The car twitched away from the corner of his eyes, and he quickly bowed down to refuse.

"My Majesty, I still have a lot of things to discuss with my lord here. Old lord Leng is highly respected. Why don't you send old lord Leng to go there." Damn, is he ashamed to oppress him as soon as he comes back?

In the past two years, who has helped him with Hanhai Kingdom's affairs, and who has helped him make decisions about the affairs of the Prince Regent's Mansion?This man really didn't treat him as an outsider.

It was only then that Yun Feixiang noticed that the car had been separated for three years, and only then did she realize that he had matured a lot!However, Ah Zhan was too impolite, and started arranging work for him as soon as he came back before saying hello.

Leng Gonghao has no objection. In the eyes of the dedicated Lord Leng, as long as it is beneficial to the country and the people, he is obliged to do so!

"I'd better go there myself!" Xuanyuan Ce gave Yan Ruyun a strange look, and said lightly.

Others may not have noticed this glance, but Yun Feixiang did!

There seemed to be some changes between the father and the mother. This change was somewhat obvious. What was it that caused a estrangement between the husband and wife who had always been spies? !

Before the little girl had time to think so much, she welcomed another hug that was not gentle and even careless.

At the same time, Xuanyuan Tianzhan felt that someone was pulling him, so he couldn't help but look down, he was actually caught by the corner of his clothes by a little bun, and when he looked up again, the little woman was already hugged by another woman.

"Uncle!" A childish voice sounded, Xuanyuan Tianzhan suddenly frowned, Shuang'er's child is so old?

And... this child seems to want him to hug?

Xuanyuan Tianzhan had never hugged a child, let alone been entangled by a child. He was in a mess for a while, neither hugging nor not hugging.

The man's eyes turned cold, and he looked at Leng Yishuang, who was holding Yun Feixiang, as if he wanted her to take the little guy away. However, when he looked up, he saw Nalan Ruofei and the car not far away. laugh.

"Wu Ying, take this little guy away!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes darkened step by step, and he looked at the two big guys who were in a mess, directly ignoring the cute and innocent big watery eyes of the little bun, Said in a bad tone.

Uh... how could he be like this?Ok!The two guys who were very proud just now, their eyes widened in disbelief.Can we still be good friends happily?
With a mournful face, Wuying rushed to hug Nalan Yuxuan, his prince didn't want to see Xiao Yuxuan so much, he was really worried about the future little son in the womb of the princess!

"Xiang'er, do you miss me?" Leng Yishuang didn't care about the undercurrents of the men, she hugged Yun Feixiang and didn't let go.

"Shuang'er, when did you become so nasty? If you hold me tighter, I won't be able to breathe." Yun Feixiang couldn't help laughing.

The mother and son really have a tacit understanding, one hugs her and the other hugs Ah Zhan, there is a clear division of labor!
Seeing Leng Yishuang's supple and rosy face, the little woman knew that she was doing well without asking any more questions.

"Mother, uncle doesn't want Yuxuan, uncle is so fierce!" Little Baozi waved his fists to greet Wuying, while already yelling at Leng Yishuang.

"Uncle is fierce, you have to ask your aunt to cover you!" Leng Yishuang said amusedly.

(End of this chapter)

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