The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 530 Uncle Wants Candy

Chapter 530 Uncle Wants Candy (2)
Yun Feixiang immediately raised his forehead, and gave Leng Yishuang a hard look, did you teach your son like this?
Unexpectedly, when Xiao Baozi heard this, his eyes lit up, and he immediately struggled to get into Yun Feixiang's arms.

Wuying hugged Nalan Yuxuan in his arms, already a little at a loss, the little guy still has a lot of strength, he kept jumping down, looking at Yun Feixiang with cute eyes.

"Come on, Xuan'er, hold me by my aunt!" With such a cute appearance, the little woman couldn't stand it anymore, she quickly escaped from his mother's "claw" and hugged her son.

"Aunt, uncle is so fierce!" Nalan Yuxuan muttered incessantly, looking timidly at Xuanyuan Tianzhan.

At this time, Xuanyuan Tianzhan had already spoken to his father!
Yun Feixiang looked at the Queen, and saw that her expression was the same, but if you looked closely, you would find a little haggard on her face.

In the past, the happiness revealed in the eyebrows and eyes was much less, and compared with Leng Yishuang, it was more obvious.

Yun Feixiang strengthened her conjecture, something must have happened between the royal father and the queen mother!
"Zhan'er, from now on, you will have full power to handle important matters in the court!"

No one noticed that Xuanyuan Ce was talking about from now on, not this period of time.

"Since the father insists on leaving, the son can't do it either, but when is the father going to come back?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan rarely frowned, with a worried look on his face.

"I haven't thought about it yet, maybe everything is calm and I'm back!" Xuanyuan Ce said helplessly.

With his beloved wife on one side, his mother on the other, and all kinds of misunderstandings and entanglements, he was very confused.

For some reason, there have been so many things happening in the palace in the past two years!
Xuanyuan Ce's eyes looked at Yan Ruyun, and there was still a trace of affection in it. The man's deep eyes only accommodated one person, and it was Yan Ruyun, the top card of Ruyuefang that he married desperately back then!

Now, his heart is still the same, so what about her?So many things that can't be explained have happened, will she still believe in him as before?
The emperor's dragon chariot had moved forward at some point, and Yun Feixiang noticed that there was a servant standing beside the carriage, but it was not Tian Fu who was beside the emperor!
"Yun'er, let's meet the army together!" Xuanyuan Ce pondered for a while, and finally walked over, grabbing Yan Ruyun's hand with one hand.

The woman suddenly raised her head, and the man's eyes were affectionate and blurred. Just like before, he looked at her so deeply and said, come with me!

With just one sentence, she left with him desperately.

The little woman's hands were cold, and the wide sable fur couldn't cover up the severe winter cold, her petite body trembled slightly, and there were faint tears in her eyes.

"No need, the concubine is not feeling well, the emperor can go by himself." The queen withdrew her hand, took a deep breath, and said lightly.

She raised her head stubbornly, resisting the moisture in the corners of her eyes, and fell in love for more than 20 years. Now, they will never return to the past.

It was as if sand had been rubbed into her eyes, and the gurgling water could not wash away the pain in her eyes.

Yun Feixiang was a little surprised, she had no doubt that Xuanyuan Ce still loved Yan Ruyun deeply, and Yan Ruyun also loved the emperor deeply, but there seemed to be a deep gully between the two, not as good as before. The tacit understanding of love.

What happened?
The little woman glanced at Xuanyuan Tianzhan, seeing Ah Zhan's appearance, she seemed to know it already.

He kept getting news every day. Although he was always away, there was never less news about Wuyuelou. Ah Zhan must have known about it.

Yun Feixiang looked at Che Zili again, and the man's deep frown also showed his inner fluctuation.

Looking at Leng Gonghao again, there was no expression on the face of this old prince who was dedicated to serving the country and the people.

Time seemed to stand still, and there was a sad atmosphere in the air.

"Aunt, uncle is so fierce!" Xiao Yuxuan's milky and persistent confession sounded again. It was very inappropriate, but it was just right to wipe away the embarrassment of silence.

Yun Feixiang turned her head involuntarily, and coaxed Xiao Baozi with a coquettish smile: "Uncle wants to eat candy, you can go to Daddy to get candy, if uncle has candy to eat, he won't be so mean to Little Yuxuan."

The little woman smiled like a flower, and explained to the little bun seriously.

"Really? It turns out that uncle wants to eat... candy." Xiao Baozi tilted his head, his face showing the original look.

"Yeah, Xiao Yuxuan is really smart!" Yun Feixiang couldn't help kissing his tender and fair face, what a cute guy!

The two people, one big and one small, had a serious conversation, and the corners of the hidden guards' mouths twitched.His prince likes candy?
Xuanyuan Tianzhan's face immediately turned dark.

Nalan Ruofei rubbed the corners of his lips fiercely, his muscles were so twitching that he couldn't stop.

"Xuan'er also wants to eat candy, Xuan'er wants to eat candy with uncle, Xuan'er is going to find daddy." While speaking, Nalan Yuxuan's eyes had already sensitively glanced at Nalan Ruofei's position, and immediately fell from Yunfeixiang's arms. After getting off the ground, he went straight to his father to get candy.

"Hahaha, the princess has a way!" Che Zili laughed unabashedly, he had never seen such an interesting thing.

Nalan Ruofei wanted to hide, he was most afraid of his son's entanglement, he suddenly felt that it should be two years before he wants this little guy!

After a while, I heard Xiao Yuxuan yelling for candy, Nalan Ruofei coaxing that Uncle Che has candy, and Che Li coaxing that your father has candy...

After coaxing and coaxing, both of them couldn't come up with candy. Xiao Yuxuan was disappointed, acted like a baby, and cried again. Finally, Nalan Ruofei hugged her and went to buy candy.

"Yes, let's buy candy for your uncle!" Nalan Ruofei also yelled, raising his voice deliberately.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's cold eyes immediately ran after Nalan Ruofei's back, Wuying shrank his neck, probably Nalan's skin was itchy again.

Nalan Ruofei couldn't help but look back, his condensed eagle eyes made him panic, and he quickly slipped away.

God, what kind of idea is Xiang'er coming up with!

"Xiang'er, Xuan'er really listens to you, I'll go and see their father and son, lest they stare at each other for a while." Leng Yishuang winked at Yun Feixiang, and then chased after the crowd .

She wasn't sure that Xiang'er would catch her and ask her about her aunt. She really didn't want to talk about it, and it just made her angry.

Yun Feixiang smiled, but she didn't take it seriously, she just thought that the young couple had a good relationship and got tired of it.

"Mother, you should go with father!" Yun Feixiang moved close to Yan Ruyun's ear, and persuaded in a low voice, "Xiang'er can tell that father still loves mother so much!"

Yan Ruyun was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Yun Feixiang, did Xiang'er know what happened in the palace?After being stunned for a while, she finally said: "Xiang'er is pregnant, the queen mother should stay in the palace and take care of Xiang'er."

Yun Feixiang didn't know what happened, but she knew that both of them loved each other deeply.

(End of this chapter)

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