The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 531 The Inexplicably Appearing Cook

Chapter 531 The Inexplicably Appearing Cook (1)
Just as she was about to say something more, she heard Yan Ruyun say again: "Your Majesty, Chinese New Year is almost here, you go early and return early, my concubine is waiting for you in the palace!"

Hey, she is not such a hard-hearted person, she knows that he loves her, and since Xiang'er can see it, she will trust him again.

With just one sentence, Xuanyuan Ce's eyes lit up, and he immediately had the urge to not want to go out!

Yun Feixiang felt a warm flow, like the warm sun in early spring, the ice and snow melted, the grass revived, and the flowers bloomed.

When she lowered her head, she saw a familiar big hand. At some time, Xuanyuan Tianzhan had already circled around her, gently wrapping her arms around her waist.

"Father, leave early!" Yun Fei smiled sweetly and winked at Xuanyuan Ce.

Xuanyuan Ce raised his eyebrows, seeing each other for three years, his daughter-in-law is still a ghost!

The man looked softly at Yun Feixiang's slightly bulging belly, he could already predict what kind of person his precious grandson would be!

The emperor left slowly under the solemn and sacred eyes of the crowd, and everyone dared to wave their arms and cheer with joy.

The princess is different from the emperor. The princess is full of so many special features that make them want to get close involuntarily.

This time, the welcoming scene was extremely grand, not only the roadsides were crowded with spectators, the hermit guards lined up coolly on both sides, there was also a large group of Habayashi soldiers, the gate of the palace, and all civil and military officials were all present.

Yan Ruyun said that she wanted to go back to her mother's house to have a look, so she followed Leng Gonghao back to the Leng Palace. The current situation is that Xuanyuan Tianzhan handles everything in the palace.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan stood beside Yun Feixiang, his complexion returned to that of a thousand-year-old iceberg, he remained motionless like a sculpture, and the golden light in his eyes was sometimes hot and cold.

"Long live the prince! Long live the princess!" Shouted like thunder.

Civil and military officials prostrated themselves on the ground and bowed solemnly. Hanhai Kingdom's etiquette has always been simple, but this time Xuanyuan Tianzhan put on the biggest air of regent ever, and asked all the officials to welcome him and Yun Feixiang back with the highest etiquette of Hanhai Kingdom.

The little woman was silently moved, and she naturally understood the man's intentions. At the beginning, those old guys didn't agree with her and made things difficult for her. Later, they went through so much ups and downs.

When Ah Zhan said this, it was clearly a demonstration!
At least he should tell the world clearly, his favor and love for her!

Yun Feixiang didn't care about these things, but civil and military officials did, and the common people did. From then on, everyone knew how important Yun Feixiang was!
Yun Feixiang looked at the people around her, surprised, discussing, cheering, fiery, vicious, and unclear eyes, all kinds of colors were gorgeously intertwined.

The little girl smiled faintly, and slowly stepped into the wide palace road.

"Miss, hey..." In the crowd, there was a servant girl who couldn't stop shaking her head, her eyes closely following Yun Feixiang's bright red clothes.

Such a woman must be talented, good-looking, courageous, soft or strong, and be unique in her own way. Which man would not love such a woman?
"Why are you sighing?" Ruan Ling'er had a smile on her lips, Ruhua's face gradually became stiff, and her fingertips were already stained a little red.

Three years later, she came back. Not only did she not die, but she also had a higher profile than before. Not only was she not swallowed by rumors, but she also had the blood of the royal family!
The same is a woman, why is God so unfair? !
"It's nothing, I just feel that miss's life is hard." The maid didn't dare to say anything, but just shook her head.

Thinking back to the girls who liked the prince with the young lady back then, all of them married rich and noble families. Although they couldn't get their husbands to love only one person wholeheartedly, after all, some people cared for them. They had families, and some even had children of their own.

For example, Xuanyuan Yifeng of Ming Wang's family married the second son of the Taiwei. It is said that the two are like glue, so in love!

The Taiwei and the Emperor have known each other since childhood, and the Taiwei's mansion is also very beautiful, every time the young lady meets Xuanyuan Yifeng, she will inevitably be shown off by others.

"Don't think about what you have and what you don't have." Ruan Ling'er replied lightly, and got into her carriage.

The servant girl lowered her head, her face turned red with aggrievedness, she was fighting for the young lady, the young lady didn't appreciate it at all!
Forget it, Miss has a deep mind, and she can't figure it out!
When she saw the familiar lacquered red gate and the majestic carvings of mountains and rivers on the gate, Yun Feixiang was suddenly moved. No matter how long she was away, this was her home after all!

It's her and Ah Zhan's home!
"Xiang'er, we're home." Xuanyuan Tianzhan's deep words echoed in his ears, as if he had been looking forward to it for a long time, like fine wine, intoxicating.

The lacquered red door slowly opened, revealing the unique style of the Prince Regent's Mansion. The little woman looked up happily, but was suddenly shocked. The layout inside...

Yun Feixiang couldn't believe it, the scene in front of her was exactly the same as the day of her wedding, the festive colored silks were still fluttering, the festive lanterns were still hung up high, and the plaques were still intact.

The little woman lifted her skirt and walked slowly towards the gate. The steps at the gate of the Wangfu were unusually solid, and her heart sank when she walked on it.

"Xiang'er, I will carry you in for my husband." Xuanyuan Tianzhan's tall body enveloped the little woman, and he gently hugged her horizontally.

The guards and maids of the palace stood on both sides, their mouths were opened into an O shape, but there was a sincere smile on their faces.

sincere?Thinking of these two words, the little woman couldn't help but feel a move in her heart, yes, isn't the best welcome to be sincere?
At a glance, many of the maids are no longer familiar, it seems that there should be a new batch of maids.These maids may not look like the previous logos and beauty, but at first glance, they all make people feel very comfortable!

In fact, since that accident, Xuanyuan Tianzhan has adopted a strict selection system for the people in the Prince Regent's Mansion. Even a sweeping nun has to go through all kinds of temptations, pressures, and even threats.

Only after passing various tests can they stay in the Prince Regent's Mansion as servants and slaves. Of course, their treatment is also the best among all noble mansions in Xuanyuan City.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan walked forward with the little girl in his arms, his steps were calm, his eyes were doting, and he was very excited to welcome his wife back home.

Crying, it's still the road and scene three years ago, it's still the scene three years ago!People are no longer as immature as before. From the empress and emperor, Yun Feixiang can already feel the great changes that Hanhai Kingdom has undergone in recent years.

However, this time, she will not give any chance to uneasy and kind people. In the past three years, she has grown a lot!

The little woman's hand unconsciously covered her belly. She hadn't reacted before, but now she felt more and more the real existence of the baby in her belly. This was her and A Zhan's child, and the continuation of their life and love.

(End of this chapter)

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