Chapter 537 Acting With You (1)
When the third table dish was served, a certain woman didn't even look at it, she clasped her hands on the neck of a certain prince, and murmured with her small mouth: "My lord, why is this dish made by a top chef? Just thinking about it makes me feel unpalatable, delicious. Don't eat it!"

The maids widened their eyes again, so it can still be like this?The princess is not just acting like a baby, she is simply making trouble for no reason!
sky!The prince actually dotes on the princess so much!

"Come on, the cook made the concubine unable to eat well, so she dragged down [-] boards, and then kicked out of the palace!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan looked at the little woman amusedly, but uttered cold words.

Before the cook could react, she was immediately dragged out by the hidden guard with quick eyesight and quick hands.

An evil light flashed in a certain woman's eyes. If a man wants to seduce her, he must have the consciousness of being beaten as a mistress!
When the cook was dragged down, Yunfei Xiangxiang immediately let go of Xuanyuan Tianzhan's neck, picked up chopsticks and devoured the delicious food, shouting while eating: "It's so delicious!"

With this move, the eyeballs of the maidservants around were about to fall out!

Seeing that the little girl had a good appetite, Xuanyuan Tianzhan was also in a good mood. The couple enjoyed their lunch happily, and the room was filled with a warm atmosphere.

The maids were very uncomfortable and stiff at first, but they also relaxed when the little woman teased them, and only then did they feel that the princess that the old mother said was very approachable!

However, hearing the wailing of the cook from outside, no one doubted that such a princess would be easily bullied!
After a turbulent meal, the little girl finally put down her chopsticks and stroked her belly contentedly. Beside her, Xuanyuan Tianzhan was drinking tea, looking at her meaningfully.

His fragrance is always so changeable!
"You all go down!" The little woman suddenly turned her face straight, and said to the maids beside her.

Everyone was shocked again, the princess had a serious face, which was completely opposite to her previous appearance!Well, their hearts couldn't bear it.What kind of person is the princess?Why can't they see through?
All the servants retreated, Yun Feixiang spoke up and asked seriously: "Ah Zhan, what happened in the palace? Also, this cook, no matter how I look at her, she doesn't look like a cook! However, Really good cooking skills!"

Xuanyuan Tianzhan paused, and slowly put down the teacup in his hand, there seemed to be a hint of helplessness in his brows, his father's lesson was still in front of him, he must not let Xiang'er misunderstand him in any way.

He will still tell Xiang'er, don't worry so much, and leave everything to him, but before that, he will tell Xiang'er everything, let her understand and know.

"Xiang'er, come with me!" Holding Yun Feixiang's hand, Xuanyuan Tianzhan was like holding a treasure.

The man carefully took the little woman's hand, supported her waist, and walked towards a secret door in the hall.

Once the two of them left, it was night!
But at this time, in the palace, a certain old lady was looking angry. She waved her sleeves angrily, and the hot tea splashed on the ground.

"Yun Feixiang is so courageous! The Ai family found a cook for her with good intentions, but she didn't expect her to be so ungrateful, not only beat the cook, but also kicked the cook out! I'm so mad at the Ai family !" The empress dowager's chest heaved violently, and all the servants were so frightened that they prostrated themselves on the ground and buried their heads on the ground.

The tea splashed on them, it was very hot, and their skin was blistered, but they didn't dare to make any moves!

In the past two years, the empress has been ostracized, and the empress dowager has gradually regained power in the palace. Who would dare to disobey her?

They thought that such days would last until the queen mother died of old age, but they didn't expect the princess regent to come back!
The Princess Regent who won the hearts of the people back then is back!

Who is the Princess Regent?

The princess regent is not only the royal daughter-in-law who is valued by the emperor and loved by the empress, but also the most important person in the king's heart!
Behind her is not only the powerful Nanyue Kingdom, but also the wholeheartedness of Emperor Sheng Tian, ​​and more importantly, she has captured the heart of the prince!
Everyone in Xuanyuan City knows that the prince loves the princess to the bone. Three years ago, the princess fell off the cliff for no reason, and the prince followed without hesitation. The entire Xuanyuan Imperial City was shrouded in grief for half a year.

Since the prince and the concubine met, the concubine has followed the prince in the north and south, experienced life and death, and has a very high prestige among the people and the army!
Such a woman, even they admire from the bottom of their hearts!The empress dowager hates the concubine so much, she is bound to go to war, how many storms will there be in the palace?
"The empress dowager calm down!" When the old woman was almost out of anger, the woman in light blue clothes slowly stepped forward, gently comforting the empress dowager.

She raised her fingertips slightly, and a stream of silk flowed into the Queen Mother's body.

The empress dowager's heart warmed, and she let out a long sigh of relief, feeling more and more that Yun Feixiang made her intolerable!If you can't tolerate it, then don't tolerate it!
"Lan'er, tell me, how can the Ai family tolerate such a vixen in the Xuanyuan family?" The empress dowager's old eyes flashed, and she slapped the table with her palm.

Ji Lan patted the Empress Dowager on the back, and softly attached to her ear.After a while, the Empress Dowager's eyes lit up, and a red light finally appeared on her face!What a tacit understanding, Lan'er actually thought the same as her!
"My lord, my subordinates are incompetent..." Wuying ran over quickly, and glanced at the angry empress dowager, especially the empress dowager's forehead, which was slightly oozing blood and swollen blue bumps, with a troubled expression on her face.

The hidden guards of the palace and the hidden guards of the palace almost fought, but in desperation, he ordered Jin Jiawei to intervene and took out the identity of the leader of Jin Jiawei, but the empress dowager tried to force the door.

With so many people watching outside the door, he couldn't be rude to the empress dowager in public?Moreover, the empress dowager forced her to die and she bled again. He was really afraid that something big would happen!
Besides, the empress dowager also brought along the hidden guards of the palace, and if she really started to do something, I'm afraid it would have a bad effect.

The Royal Hidden Guard has been found to be divided into two branches, namely the Hidden Guard of the Prince Regent's Mansion and the Hidden Guard of the Imperial Palace. One directly serves the Prince Regent's Mansion and the other directly serves the Imperial Palace. Both are responsible for secretly protecting and listening to news.

Among them, the hidden guards of the Prince Regent's Mansion are directly under the orders of Prince Regent Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Emperor Xuanyuan Ce, and no one else can mobilize and command them.

It stands to reason that even Yun Feixiang cannot be transferred, but in fact, the regent listens to the princess, how dare they not?Therefore, Yun Feixiang also became the actual person in power of the hidden guard of the Prince Regent's Palace.

The highest leader of the hidden guards in the Prince Regent's Mansion is Chasing Soul, followed by Huihun, and then Xiao Bai and Xiao Mo!

However, the hidden guards are only a small group of elite forces, and the royal family of the Hanhai Kingdom is dominated by the Golden Armored Guards, who are the most powerful guards in the army.

The Golden Armored Guards conducted strict selection again, and the best people were selected to form the Golden Guards, becoming the most powerful team in the royal family!

(End of this chapter)

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