Chapter 538 Acting With You (2)
The Golden Armored Guard has two commanders, light and dark. The leader in the light is Wuying, and the leader in the dark is Shadow. Shadow is not only the dark commander of the Golden Armored Guard, but also the commander of Jin Jingwei. Under normal circumstances, Shadow is not dispatched, and Wuying is in charge of all external affairs. .

Both Wuying and Yingying have a great right to protect the peace of the Prince Regent's Mansion, and have the right not to obey anyone's orders except the Emperor and the Prince Regent.

Wuying has used his identity as the commander of the Golden Armored Guards many times to stop those powerful people who want to use their status to suppress others and forcibly enter the Prince Regent's Palace. Will throw it out without mercy.

Speaking of it, Wuying can be described as majestic, iron-blooded and cold-faced!

Because of this, many people in the Prince Regent's Palace are afraid of Wuying, but Wujing, who took the opposite path to Wuying, followed Che Zili and assisted Che Zili in handling many important political affairs!
For three years, Wujing gradually gained a firm foothold in the political arena.

Since Wuying had this glorious mission, no one has dared to blatantly trespass. Today, Wuying encountered an unprecedented problem for the first time.

"It's okay, you step back!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan said calmly while setting up the bowls and chopsticks.

He has seen the situation in front of him very clearly, so there is no need to say more.The most important thing now is that Xiang'er hasn't eaten yet.

Wuying retreated quietly and stood aside.

Accompanied by a gentle gaze, a bowl of translucent porridge appeared in front of him. The man's doting gaze was so obvious that Yun Feixiang could not help but act like a baby: Ah Zhan, I want you to feed me!

It's a nice feeling just thinking about it!
The little girl didn't really do that, she picked up the spoon leisurely, took a spoonful of porridge, and put it in her mouth.

The entrance is sweet, moist and smooth, so beautiful that the little woman can't help closing her eyes, savoring and enjoying it carefully.

Che Li stood by the table, a little embarrassed, the dishes were not finished yet, what should he do?Gritting his teeth, he quietly left, ready to serve another dish.

Brother Zhan did it himself, it's a pity that it got cold after a while.

The empress dowager's face became even more ugly, and she looked at Yun Feixiang with burning eyes. Didn't Yun Feixiang hear what she said just now?
"Concubine Zhan didn't salute when she saw the queen mother. She really deserves to be from a family background. According to slaves and maids, she should invite the maids in the palace to teach the people in the palace the rules, so as not to hurt the royal family's face by spreading the word." Beside the empress dowager, A maid made sharp accusations.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's complexion turned cold, and his whole body was immediately covered with ice. His palms were surrounded by golden light. The little woman had quick eyes and quick hands, and quickly grabbed his hand, stopping his anger.

She is interested in playing tricks with these ancient women today.

"The master didn't speak, but the pug has become ignorant, bold servant girl, do you have any part to speak here? Could it be that you don't pay attention to the empress dowager?!" Qin Mingzhu just came back from the outside, all the way here, and listened When someone said that her master was wrong, she immediately turned her face.

"Mingzhu, don't be rude, the people in our Prince Regent's House are different from those who don't understand the rules!" The little woman blinked mischievously, signaling Mingzhu to stay calm.

"Yes, master!" Qin Mingzhu was so clever that he immediately understood what her master meant.

The eloquent maid trembled all over, and immediately shut her mouth and dared not speak again, not because of what Mingzhu said, but because of the cold gaze of the prince, which made her horrified.If she wants to say something more, the prince will kill her.

"Ahem, Ai's home is here, but I still haven't picked you up!" The empress dowager coughed calmly, with her nose crooked, before she spoke.

The people around were stunned for a moment, and then they all knelt down and shouted, "Thousands and thousands of years for the empress dowager".

"Oh, Ah Zhan, it's really Grandma Huang!" The little woman exclaimed suddenly, and stood up with a "whoosh", her eyes widening.

The voice was so kind, as if meeting his own grandma.

The maidservants were stunned, Ji Lan was stunned, Ming Zhu was stunned, Wu Ying was also stunned, the Empress Dowager was a little unsteady on her feet, and almost had a heart attack.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan smiled and looked at the little woman dotingly, with great interest.

"I said, why did I hear such a friendly voice this early in the morning? It turns out that Grandma Huang is here!" The little woman had a calm expression, and the intimacy in her tone was undisguised.

Princess, what's the matter?Was the empress dowager's furious voice just now really kind?
"Grandma Huang, why didn't you send someone to notify you in advance when your old man came? We can pick you up outside the door too!" The little woman continued to talk regardless of everyone's reactions.

Ji Lan snorted coldly in her heart, it would be weird if you went outside to pick up the Empress Dowager!

The corners of the Empress Dowager's mouth were already stiff, Yun Feixiang's tenderness and kindness were in stark contrast to her rage and aggressiveness just now.

Sensing that everyone was looking at her in a wrong way, she suddenly wanted to do something to show the majesty and grace of the empress dowager, before she could think of what to say, Yun Feixiang's voice came to her ears again.

"Grandma Huang, have you eaten yet? Why don't you try this meal? Prime Minister Che made it. It's just that the cooking skills, tsk tsk... still need to be improved!" Yun Feixiang winked at the Empress Dowager while commenting.

Ok?The prince spent a lot of effort to do this, how can the princess be made by Prime Minister Che?

The Empress Dowager was skeptical, would Che Li go to the Prince Regent's Mansion early in the morning to cook?

But by coincidence, Che Zili just appeared in front of everyone with a tray, the Empress Dowager's face turned blue, she held back what she was about to say, and said in a stiff tone: "I didn't expect the Prime Minister to cook interest."

Che Zili was secretly amused, wondering if he would be jealous that brother Zhan's labor had been stolen!He heard what Xiang'er said just now, no matter whether this guy is jealous or not, he will naturally cooperate well!

"Empress Dowager, if you haven't had breakfast, why don't you come together? Weichen has learned a few dishes recently, why don't you give Weichen a review?" Che Zili looked looking forward to asking for a review.

However, Yun Feixiang looked like she couldn't bear to look directly at her, frowning and devouring her face. When the two joined together, the Empress Dowager shunned her a little bit.

"Well, Ai's family has already eaten it, you eat it, or it will be cold in a while." The empress dowager said awkwardly.In fact, she didn't eat breakfast either, but she really didn't have much appetite for this seemingly very list of meals.

Ji Lan stood aside, always feeling that something was wrong.

By the way, Xuanyuan Tianzhan has been eating casually, and he doesn't seem to find it too bad!Moreover, is this fragrant meal really so unpalatable?

(End of this chapter)

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