Chapter 540 Ten women are too few (2)
She suddenly felt that she had never been close to her grandson!
"The cook, Zhen Bei, has bad intentions and intends to harm the regent princess and the unborn great-grandson of Ai's family. The crime is heinous and unforgivable. Someone will drag Zhen Bei down and beheaded at another day!" the empress dowager ordered solemnly with a dark complexion.

Everyone was stunned, as if they didn't expect the empress dowager to change so quickly, one moment she was still talking about defending the cook, and the next moment she was going to kill the cook.

Sure enough, things are changing!
The corners of Yun Feixiang's lips twitched, and she couldn't help but sneer in her heart. After all, this woman named Zhen Bei was just a chess piece in the hands of the Empress Dowager, and the purpose of this chess piece was naturally to intervene between her and Xuanyuan Tianzhan.

Obviously, this chess piece has left a handle for people, and it can no longer be used, and it can be discarded if it cannot be used. This is the fate of the chess piece.

And the empress dowager obviously did more than that. Isn't the woman next to her who is dressed in sky blue and covered with snow-white fluff successfully separated her father and mother?
It's just the beginning!

"Grandma Huang is so kind to Xiang'er, Xiang'er is so touched!" Yun Feixiang ran to the Empress Dowager with a smile, and shook her arm affectionately, acting like a spoiled child.

The empress dowager was a little awkward, and everyone felt even more awkward. This scene, no matter how you look at it, is incredible!

Everyone has not forgotten that the empress dowager strongly opposed the concubine's marriage to the prince. Doesn't the concubine hold grudges at all?

However, the concubine did it so naturally, it made people feel that she was really grateful and could not repay her!
Yun Feixiang didn't care in her heart. In the past, her character was so upright and black and white, she wouldn't even say a word or utter a word to someone she didn't like.

Now, she just wants to watch with cold eyes and achieve her goal in the simplest way. The unchanging sincerity in her heart is only reserved for the most worthy people.

Plotting and fighting, let them fight by themselves!
The cook, Zhen Bei, was quickly dragged out amidst sobs, and the guards mercilessly grabbed her by the shoulders, like dragging a bunch of things.

No one paid attention to her screaming, no one cared about her life or death, no one pleaded for her, her father was just a small official of the imperial court, there was nothing he could do.

At the beginning, the empress dowager summoned the daughters of civil and military officials, and selected a group of beauties to train and prepare to send them to the Prince Regent's Palace. When everyone heard the news, they flocked to sign up.

Zhen Bei has admired Xuanyuan Tianzhan for a long time, and when he heard the news, he desperately fought for the opportunity.She was beautiful and good at cooking, so she was deeply loved by the empress dowager.

Zhen Bei got her wish and became the first woman to enter the Regent's Palace. She should have won the favor of Prince Zhan with her unique conditions, but in the end she didn't see the man look at her, and she ended up like this with hatred.

What does not belong to oneself does not belong to oneself after all.

All the girls were stunned, they were also the ones who wanted to enter the Regent's Palace, and the Empress Dowager supported them behind the scenes!

But seeing Zhen Bei's fate, they couldn't help but worry a little. Will Zhen Bei's today be their tomorrow?If something happened to them, would the empress dowager be so merciless?
No, no, they will not harm the concubine, let alone the prince's children, they just want to be by the prince's side, even if they are concubines, even as servants!
Both Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Yun Feixiang had finished their meal and sat at the table casually.

Che Zili was still chewing the food in the bowl with great relish, it was made by Brother Zhan, the vinegar jar, the opportunity is really rare, he wants to eat more!
Except for the sound of the car leaving the rice, except for the low chirping of jackdaws in the sky, Zhan Xiangxuan was so quiet that one could hear people's breathing, Zhen Bei had already been dragged down, but no one dared to speak.

The Empress Dowager opened her mouth a few times, but finally dared not speak to Xuanyuan Tianzhan. The indifference and ice on his body seemed to be melted only by the woman in front of him. His sharp eyes could only be felt when he looked at Yun Feixiang. There is temperature and color.

Today she broke her head to enter the Prince Regent's Mansion, and she doesn't know what will happen tomorrow. She subconsciously looked at Ji Lan beside her. She is the girl she trusts the most and has the most ideas.

Lan'er is a girl she picked up six years ago. This girl is smart and thoughtful. She thinks Lan'er is very pleasing to the eye, so she stays.

In the past, Lan'er was only doing some things to serve her. Later, Lan'er proposed to go outside to buy rare treasures for beauty and beauty for her. I feel like I picked up a baby.

Ji Lan's expression remained unchanged, but his fingers slightly bent, and then turned down again!
Point to the sky, if the clouds drift away, the plan has changed!
The bottom is the ground, rooted like a rock, stick to the original plan!

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's expression became more and more cold, and he even began to exert internal pressure. The person in front of him was his own grandmother, and if he didn't cross his bottom line, he wouldn't be able to fight against her openly.However, he didn't want to spend so much time with them, and Xiang'er would also feel bored!
Perhaps it was because the atmosphere was too stiff, the empress dowager finally couldn't bear it, and shifted her target to Yun Feixiang.

"Xiang girl, the Ai family may have misunderstood you before, I'm sorry." The empress dowager said to Yun Feixiang with a smile on her face.

She expressed her inner apology unexpectedly, and everyone couldn't believe their ears.The empress dowager aloofly apologized to the princess, isn't it that simple?

The atmosphere showed signs of easing up, and it was no longer condensed.

Some people are surprised, some people are surprised, some people are puzzled.

"Where is Grandma Huang talking? Xiang'er can't afford it." Yun Feixiang glanced at Xuanyuan Tianzhan, and the man was frowning.

Would the empress dowager bow her head so softly?The answer is, impossible!

"Xiang'er, I think you don't look like a stingy person. I have a good thing to discuss with you and Zhan'er today!" The Empress Dowager turned her eyes and blurted out what she had thought about a long time ago.

"Oh? Grandma Huang, let me hear it!" The little woman opened her eyes as dark as night, and her eyes were as bright as a deep pool, reflecting the subtle expressions on the Empress Dowager's face!
"My royal family in Hanhai Kingdom has a thin bloodline. Grandma Wang hopes that Zhan'er will add more descendants to my royal family, so that the family can prosper and last forever! These women behind me are all good girls with good backgrounds, and I will give them to Zhan'er How?" The empress dowager finally expressed her thoughts!

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's face turned frosty in an instant, his golden eyes were full of cold and sarcasm!

Yun Feixiang glanced casually, and saw a group of coquettish and shy people who wanted to refuse but still greeted, half-hidden by silk scarves—love rivals!
"Okay! Very good!" The little woman put her hands together and clapped her hands!
Everyone was shocked, Wuying and Mingzhu immediately suspected that their master was not in good condition!The empress dowager meant to give the prince a woman, and it wasn't just one, but a group, and the master said it was very good!
(End of this chapter)

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