The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 541 The wings are full, play freely

Chapter 541 The wings are full, play freely

The Empress Dowager did not expect that Yun Feixiang would agree immediately.It seems that since she stepped into the gate, Yun Feixiang has never objected to her words, which is really weird!

"You have no objection?" The Empress Dowager asked unwillingly.

No woman is willing to share her husband with other women, isn't Yun Feixiang such a generous woman?
She still remembered that when she got married, she mentioned that she would take a concubine for her grandson in the future. At that time, Yun Feixiang said: The father only loves the mother, and the love is so deep that everyone envies her, and Xiang'er is also very envious !

Why on earth would her thoughts change so much now?Could it be that the relationship between her and Zhan'er has broken down?But, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like it?
No matter what, she just agreed!

"Yes!" The little girl replied casually, tapping lightly on the table with both hands, like a cloud and a breeze.

"What's your opinion?" The Empress Dowager's face suddenly darkened, Yun Feixiang really wouldn't compromise so easily!
However, when the Empress Dowager heard Yun Feixiang's next words, she was immediately dumbfounded.

"Ten women are too few, isn't it? The prince's eyes are higher than the top, I'm afraid he won't like two, why don't grandma give some more, let the prince choose carefully, how about a hundred?"

"..." Does Yun Feixiang know what she is talking about?

"Oh, you don't know, Ah Zhan is so ferocious, the demand for that is too strong, and I am inconvenient now! Grandma Huang, you understand..." Yun Feixiang smiled, her voice was as usual, not high Not low.

However, the surrounding maids can hear it, the guards in the courtyard can also hear it, and the hidden guards in the dark can hear it even more!
Everyone immediately glanced at their prince from the corner of their eyes, and sure enough, the prince's face was very exciting!
A group of fat and thin women blushed instantly, glanced flusteredly and quickly at the "demanding" man, half-covered their faces and lowered their heads.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan originally planned to cooperate with the little woman, but after hearing this, he couldn't calm down anymore. Xiang'er really dared to say that when the child in her belly was born, he would let her see what is real. Vigorous!
Che Limeng laughed, and he sat at the table, naturally he could hear the little woman's words more clearly than anyone else.

He laughed, not because of Xiang'er's strange thoughts, but because the jar of black vinegar that had been oppressing him all day finally changed color like a clear sky full of dark clouds!

The way he chokes is really wonderful!
Xuanyuan Tianzhan glared at him coldly, and the expression on Che Zili's face that he hadn't had time to hide was revealed in an instant.

very good!It seems that I want to learn martial arts again, and I also want to learn shape shifting!

The car turned away secretly, feeling like sitting on pins and needles.

The deep winter red plums in the courtyard bloomed a few more in an instant, and the big bright red petals were as delicate as blood, facing the cold wind and cold, competing to bloom their beauty.

The little woman didn't feel that there was anything wrong at all, her eyes fell on the empress dowager, she glanced lightly, then landed on the shy girl behind her, smiled lightly, and finally, her clear and bright eyes fell on the red-haired girl in the courtyard. On plum petals.

The woman seems to be wandering, and she seems to be waiting for the empress dowager to speak. Her beautiful face is three parts enchanting, three parts evil, and three parts unpredictable!
The skin on the Empress Dowager's face was almost twisted together, faintly, the face twitched and some powder fell off, her complexion was white and yellow, very unnatural, this is not developing in the direction she expected!

She has never seen a woman, and she wants to find a hundred women for her husband!

The empress dowager glanced at the blue figure beside her, but the blue figure was as motionless as a sculpture.

At this moment, Ji Lan had to admit that she couldn't see through the radiant Yun Feixiang who was as indifferent as the spring breeze.

The yard became silent in an instant, and the air froze.

The little woman was extremely patient, and no one spoke.

"Okay, okay, Grandma Huang must be careful!" After a long time, when she didn't see the slightest reaction from the blue sculpture, the Empress Dowager said bravely.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's face darkened again, and the air pressure in his body became lower and lower.

The maids and mothers were all stunned aside, their shoulders trembling, their heads lowered, and they didn't dare to vent their breath!What happened today?Why does everything seem so weird?

Yun Feixiang's eyebrows twitched slightly, but a pair of restless little hands under the sleeves stretched out to hold the man's big hand, tickling his palm!

Xuanyuan Tianzhan couldn't laugh or cry at once, and almost couldn't bear to lose the shocking cold air of the regent, bowed his head and gave her a severe punishment!

"Grandma Huang, you must have a clean background, strict family education, gentle and virtuous, tolerant, stunningly beautiful, good at playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, a woman from a good family who can go to the hall and go to the kitchen!" The little woman winked playfully at the queen dowager Blinking, smiling with crooked eyebrows.

With this smile, the amorous feelings are tactful in an instant, and the wind and snow are precarious again.

The Empress Dowager raised her head suddenly, and met a pair of eyes that seemed to be in focus but also seemed to be empty and lifeless. She trembled all over and turned her head away.

She actually felt a kind of fear that she had never felt before!
She suddenly remembered that on the day of Yun Feixiang's wedding three years ago, there were so many gossips, that calm and silent woman!
That is the real Yun Feixiang, everything today is just an illusion!

The empress dowager's body trembled again, her face turned pale. She witnessed the conspiracy and disaster with her own eyes. Lan'er said that she has a very powerful friend who can help them get rid of Yun Feixiang!
So she acquiesced in all of Lan'er's actions, and finally tampered with Yan Ruyun's tea, luring Zhan'er out of the house and into the palace late at night...

No, it's none of her business, she didn't do anything!Lan'er said that all of this is the plan of her formidable friend and has nothing to do with them!

"Grandma Huang, what's the matter? Is it difficult to find so many women? Hey, think about it, for a person as good as Ah Zhan, naturally a woman who is unparalleled in the world can be worthy of him!" The little woman sighed leisurely, her eyes He looked helplessly at Xuanyuan Tianzhan who seemed to be in the clouds.

However, under her calm and leisurely surface, a stream of air in her chest gradually condensed into ice.

She had just controlled her eyes with internal force, and wanted to scare the empress dowager who had no martial arts skills, but she didn't expect that in those old eyes, she saw not only fear, but also a guilty conscience!

Why do you have a guilty conscience if you haven't done anything wrong?Why do you feel guilty when you see her?

"The grandson of the Ai family must be dignified and decent, and only a beautiful and generous woman is worthy of him. Don't worry, Xiang'er, Grandma Huang will definitely choose her carefully!" The empress dowager calmed down very quickly, smiling softly and kindly. road.

The atmosphere is slowly changing, becoming more and more weird. Under such calm, some shrewd hidden guards have already felt the imminent manic changes!

(End of this chapter)

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