The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 542 Go in and take a look at Liuyunfang

Chapter 542 Go in and take a look at Liuyunfang (1)
Judging from their many years of experience in protecting the princess, the princess's thoughts will never be so simple!
On the other side, Xuanyuan Tianzhan was already leaning on the back of the chair, with one hand resting on the armrest of the chair, and the other hand dragging his graceful and sexy chin with great interest.

"Then there will be Grandma Lao, but—" Yun Feixiang hesitated to speak, a pair of eyes that were as black as black gemstones shot out a flash of light like lightning!
The light turned in an instant, quickly fixed the focus, and shot at Ji Lan's body quickly, without any preparation or hesitation, just in a split second, like a strong light piercing through the clouds, the light penetrated Ji Lan's heart!

"However, Xiang'er has always had a good eye, and there is one Xiang'er who likes this scene." The little woman said with a smile in her tone very naturally.

"Oh? Who is it?" The Empress Dowager asked in a dazed manner, her eyes dimmed and a smile forced on her face.

She was shocked by Yun Feixiang's aura, those eyes seemed to be able to see through people's hearts like the eyes of heaven, which made people palpitate, and it was only then that she really realized that Yun Feixiang had full wings.

But she was even more shocked when Yun Feixiang noticed Lan'er. Although Lan'er was beautiful, she deliberately dressed plainly today. Compared with Yingying Yanyan behind her, she was really inconspicuous!

"This girl, I seem to have seen this princess somewhere before!" The little woman stood up suddenly, and came to Ji Lan in an instant.

Everyone was startled, especially the maids, who opened their mouths wide in surprise. The princess was at least ten steps away from Miss Lan'er, but they only saw the princess standing up, and the next moment she was standing next to Miss Lan'er. before.

The Empress Dowager was even more amazed, she never thought that Yun Feixiang was such a woman with such strong martial arts, if she attacked her secretly, she might not have a chance of surviving.

This is horrible and makes her creepy!
Yunfei Xiangyun smiled lightly, Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes were full of doting, and he looked at her softly. The enchanting red color in the soul and blood that he was familiar with was still like a mountain snow lotus in the world of ice and snow. Folded, the sun never dies.

The corners of the little woman's lips curled up slightly, as if she had expected everyone's expressions, except for the golden armored guard and the royal hidden guard, these women seemed to think that she was just a beautiful and beautiful woman among the royal family.

However, she is no longer as stupid and naive as they are. The once fledgling chick has grown up, has its own solid wings, and can do whatever she wants. It is extremely powerful!
"The princess must have read it wrong. Lan'er has been with the queen mother all the time. The princess has not been in the country for many years. It is probably because Lan'er looks too ordinary. You can find a face like Lan'er in the crowd, so the princess feels familiar. Go." Ji Lan knelt on the ground with a plop, and said with a low eyebrow.

"Oh, don't be nervous. I just said that I seem to have seen you before, but I didn't say that I must have." Yun Feixiang stretched out his hand and patted Ji Lan's shoulder casually, with an internal force hidden in his palm.

Ji Lan couldn't take it anymore, her face was slightly pained.

Yun Feixiang immediately withdrew her strength, and her eyes were cold. Although the woman's expression was different, she paid more attention to her steady breathing.

This woman's martial arts are barely strong!Compared with her, it is far behind, presumably all things are done by means and tricks.

"Grandma Huang, I think this girl is pretty good, how about giving it to Ah Zhan?" The little woman glanced at Xuanyuan Tianzhan's tooth-itching expression, and said calmly.

"Ah?!" A woman exclaimed in surprise.

"Isn't Lan'er already the emperor's woman?" Someone whispered.

"I didn't expect that she would seduce the emperor and then the regent, what a good trick!"

"No wonder the Empress was so angry that she had several heart attacks."


There were whispered discussions from behind the empress dowager, and the women who were shy just now looked at Ji Lan angrily.

Yun Feixiang acted as if she hadn't heard their discussion, and asked in surprise: "What are you talking about? What's wrong with Miss Lan'er?"

A woman with a strong temperament can't help it long ago, wishing to tell the secret in her heart in front of the whole world.

"Princess, you don't know, Lan'er has already been blessed by the emperor, can't, can't..." The woman stole a glance at Xuanyuan Tianzhan, how can such a woman be given to the prince again?

The empress dowager wanted to speak, but she didn't know what to say. What they said was the truth!
"Oh? So that's the case! Is the father drunk in the bar?" Yun Feixiang suddenly said in a friendly tone, jokingly.

"This, I'm afraid only Lan'er knows!" The woman said something inexplicably, looking at Lan'er with a half-smile in her eyes.

If it wasn't for her help, would Lan'er have climbed onto the emperor's dragon bed?Now that she seduces the prince again, don't blame her for turning her back on her.

There was a flash of sharpness in the little woman's eyes, and she instantly remembered the eyes and appearance of the woman who spoke just now!
"Xiang'er, this is your father's fault. The Ai family has made the decision. Even if this matter is over, don't mention it again." The empress dowager looked at Lan'er with pity.

"The Empress Dowager, the princess, it's all the servant's fault, I dare not blame the emperor." Lan'er prostrated on the ground even more docilely.

"Okay, get up!" the empress dowager said distressedly.

Although such things have already happened, the emperor still refuses to accept Lan'er as his concubine, and even wants to execute Lan'er. What a miserable child.

"Oh, I suddenly remembered a painting." The little woman's surprised voice sounded again.

The corners of Wuying and Mingzhu's eyes twitched suddenly, Wangfei, what kind of painting did you think of at this time!

"I've seen a painting in the Wang's study before. The girl in the painting looks like Miss Lan'er. The girl in the painting is called, what's her name? She seems to be called Ji Yuefeng!" Yun Feixiang seemed to have thought of something suddenly, surprised Said.

Ji Lan, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly trembled all over, clenched her fists, and clenched her teeth. Suddenly, she quickly relaxed her expression, knelt down on the ground, and did not get up.

The cold wind blows off the branches in the courtyard, and the fallen leaves are blown away by the strong wind. In the past few days, there has been light snow in the sky.

Ji Lan's sudden fainting ended the Empress Dowager's trip to the Regent's Palace, and the Palace returned to tranquility, and the maids and nurses happily prepared for the New Year.

However, unknowingly, something has just begun.

Emperor Xuanyuance personally went to Loucheng to welcome the army of the Hanhai Kingdom. The people all over the world shouted the emperor's grace, and the soldiers were encouraged, and they returned home like an arrow!
Leng Yishuang brought Nalan Yuxuan to visit from time to time, and no one in the palace stopped him, and Xiao Yuxuan made a small oolong from time to time, which made everyone laugh endlessly.

Whenever a few young men and women mentioned the child in Yunfeixiang's belly, Nalan Ruofei would hold his head high and look like he was flattened.

(End of this chapter)

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