The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 543 Go in and take a look at Liuyunfang

Chapter 543 Go in and take a look at Liuyunfang (2)
Only at this moment, he will feel how cute this little bun is who is clamoring for candies all day long!
But at this time, Xuanyuan Tianzhan put on a straight face, pretending to be serious and asked the little bun, is it better to be daddy or uncle?
The little bun called his uncle in a childish voice, and Nalan Ruofei was so angry that he suddenly felt that he was not his own father, and asked unwillingly, is uncle handsome or daddy handsome?He remembered that Xiao Baozi always said he was handsome!
Of course uncle is handsome!The little bun looked like a little grown-up, which made everyone laugh again.Whenever Xiao Baozi was asked whether he wanted a younger brother or a younger sister, Xiao Baozi would stare at his aunt's belly half-understanding, and then shyly replied that he wanted a younger sister and wanted to protect her.

The wind and snow at the end of the year became more and more violent, and the boots stepped on the ground, leaving no sound, and the wide footprints were quickly covered, leaving no traces along the way.

Three days later is the new year, and the imperial city is full of busy signs of welcoming the spring.

Zhan Xiangxuan, Xuanyuan Tianzhan lay on the soft couch, enjoying the good time in the morning.He still remembered that on New Year's Eve many years ago, he stood alone in the highest royal attic of Xuanyuan City, looking up at the vast starry sky and bright moon, just to get closer to her. Now, the little woman is in his arms, as quiet as a kitten .

In a blink of an eye, after many years, only her smile is the eternal love that lingers in my heart.When will he be as gentle as water and infatuated?
But no matter when it started, he had already fallen deeply.

"Ah Zhan, I want to go out for a stroll!" The little woman tilted her head, her jet-black eyes were as bright as obsidian, shining brightly, her red lips parted slightly, and there was faint excitement and anticipation in her voice.

"It's cold outside, and it's snowing heavily. Xiang'er is inconvenient, so don't walk around casually." Xuanyuan Tianzhan's doting and soft eyes swept across the little woman's face, and then landed on her slightly swollen belly.

The big hand was gently placed on the little woman's belly, stroking inch by inch.

"It doesn't matter, your carriage is so thickly built and covered with so many blankets, it won't freeze me!" She just wanted to see Helianbei, this old man was very stubborn and refused to enter the palace with her, How lonely it must be outside alone.

"Isn't Xiang'er going to watch the excitement?" After watching the excitement and getting out of the carriage, the overwhelming cold was unbearable.

"You can also watch it on the carriage. It's the Chinese New Year, and you have to feel the New Year's atmosphere outside."

"Okay, everything is Yixiang'er!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan agreed with a smile as if he felt something close to each other.

A woman's delicate voice came from the house, and there was a male voice with a low voice from time to time. As the Chinese New Year approached, it seemed that the affairs of the court were much less.

The maids cleaning the corridor in the distance could hear the laughter and laughter in the room. Qin Mingzhu was sent out by Yun Feixiang again, and Wu Ying stood guard outside the room. Her tall and straight figure was like a cedar, straight and proud, but slightly aloof. lonely!
The door of the room opened with a "squeak", and the little woman was wrapped thickly by the man. The silk brocade was wrapped with fine goose down, which was soft but very warm. The outside was covered with ermine fur and a pure white fur cover. Outside the big red shirt, there is a peerless elegance that no one can match.

The snow is bright and bright, clean and white, and the woman standing on the snow instantly steals the brilliance of the snow and instantly fascinates people's eyes.

"Wu Ying, have you been lonely these few days?" Yun Feixiang suddenly spoke when passing Wu Ying who was slightly dazed.

"Yeah, princess, I have nothing to do recently, but I always think about the past." The latter sentence was added after he couldn't control it. In front of the princess, he seemed to be very bad at hiding his thoughts.

"Hahahaha..." The little girl laughed loudly, and walked forward slowly. Xuanyuan Tianzhan followed Yun Feixiang, shaking her head helplessly, leaving her words in the wind.

"Mingyue has already been ordered to come to Xuanyuan City, so hurry up and meet her outside the city."

Wuying was shocked immediately, and hurriedly chased him out to inquire carefully, only to see that the black carriage had already driven forward, and the man driving the horse turned back and smiled mysteriously, it turned out to be Xiao Bai.

The man froze for a moment, and lightly rode his horse out of the city.

Xiao Mo and Xiao Bai were driving the carriage, with never-before-seen surprises on their faces. The princess said, if they behaved well, let them serve in the open. From today onwards, they will be the princess' personal bodyguards, and there is no need to act like Like a hidden guard, he has been lurking in the dark for many years.

Xuanyuan City is still bustling and bustling, with tea pavilions, wine shops, inns and post houses, porcelain and antiques, the voices of people are full of people, and it is very lively.The cries of the hawkers and the cheers of the passers-by are mixed together, which sounds very pleasant.

The little woman stretched out her hand to lift the curtain of the carriage. The snow outside had stopped, and the ground was being cleaned. The early morning winter sun hung high in the sky, and the golden sunlight flooded the earth.

"I still remember when Ah Zhan clumsily gave me Zhu Chai!" Passing by a jewelry store, the little woman smiled and met Xuanyuan Tianzhan's affectionate eyes.

The vermilion hairpin on her head is inserted into the bun obliquely, and the flying black hair is like a long waterfall, dotted with red gemstones, thousands of black threads and a little red cherry, so attractive!
Xuanyuan Tianzhan's face was reddish, the cold wind was blowing, he rolled up the corner of the curtain, and a gleam of light from the gap in the curtain sprinkled on his snow-like face. The man who was already so beautiful became even more handsome, and his stiff lines became softer.

That was the first time he gave a girl something, and if Wu Ying hadn't reminded him, he wouldn't have known the girl's mind, the childhood experience back then, but now thinking of it, it's so warm!

"Xiang'er, why don't we go down and look at the jewelry here!" The man suggested with a thought.

"Okay!" The little girl readily agreed. She was afraid that the man would worry about her body, so she was quiet all the way, obediently feeling the lively atmosphere in the carriage, but now Ah Zhan has proposed it on her own initiative. What a pity!

Xiao Bai and Xiao Mo were even more attentive. The princess wanted to come down for a stroll, and their pride was going up!
Just now, many people were attracted by the luxurious carriage, and now that the carriage stopped, they are even more curious to show it here.

Someone seems to have recognized it, this is the Prince Regent's carriage!
Xuanyuan Tianzhan jumped out of the carriage first, with a chic and elegant demeanor, which made people admire. The man stretched out his hand gracefully, and a corner of the red dress jumped into view.

It turned out that the prince took the princess out for shopping!
Everyone understood, and their eyes refused to leave for a long time. The prince and princess who had been away for three years reappeared in front of everyone. Everyone only thought that they were so suitable for each other!
I don't envy mandarin ducks, I don't envy immortals, I only envy the love of this immortal couple!

The bustling street became more and more lively, Yun Feixiang took a closer look, only to find that this jewelry store is called Liuyunfang, it is a famous jewelry store in Xuanyuan City, and it is also the most frequented place for women from the homes of dignitaries in the imperial city one.

Xiao Mo and Xiao Bai introduced skillfully, as if they wanted to take out all the news about Liuyunfang in their stomachs, Yun Feixiang was a little funny, watching the two jokingly said: "You can talk so well, why don't you abduct a girl to be your wife ?”

(End of this chapter)

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