Chapter 546

"Daddy has been working hard for days, and Ling'er feels sorry for her. Come and buy a Jade Guanyin statue for Daddy, and ask the Bodhisattva to bless Daddy to live a long life!" Ruan Ling'er took the initiative to come over even if someone paid attention to her.

The corner of Xuanyuan Yifeng's mouth twitched suddenly!Pretend, really know how to pretend!
Why haven't I seen her buy something for her father before?

"Your father is so lucky!" Xuanyuan Yifeng said with a smile on her face, feeling a little disgusted in her heart.

"Ling'er is just doing a filial piety, any daughter should have such a heart."

"Ah Zhan, let's go." Yun Feixiang immediately lost interest and said to the man.

Ruan Ling'er's words reminded her that she still had to visit that lonely old man, so she stopped playing charades with them to be hypocritical.

"Well." Xuanyuan Tianzhan got up, walked over tenderly, took the little woman's hand with his big hand, and held it tightly in the palm of his hand. The man is elegant and noble, with unparalleled charm. Even Ruan Ling'er at this moment can't maintain it. Keep your calm look.

Her eyes darkened slightly, and Yun Feixiang immediately seemed to sense it, and looked into those eyes that just couldn't understand.

With just this one glance, the little woman was startled. She didn't expect Ruan Ling'er to have such complicated eyes?

She thought that she could only see the nympho-like obsession or melancholy from Ruan Ling'er's rare slack, but she didn't expect to see this kind of eyes that seemed to be love but not love, and hatred but not hate.

Ruan Ling'er turned her head quickly, leaving behind a perfectly disguised profile.

"Shuang'er, let's go too, little bun should cry." After ordering the shopkeeper to pack the previous pieces of jewelry, Nalan Ruofei and Leng Yishuang were also preparing to leave.

The exclamation of the people came from outside, and they left slowly, following the carriage.

"Ling'er, I think this Guanyin statue is pretty good, why don't you buy it back and give it to Lord Ruan." Xuanyuan Yifeng pointed to a huge jade Guanyin statue and suggested excitedly.

She just secretly asked the little guy that this Jade Guanyin costs 20 taels, and Ruan Ling'er can't afford it.

"I suddenly remembered that my father already had a Guanyin statue, so I don't think I need to buy it for the time being." Ruan Ling'er said lightly, and walked out the door.

"..." Xuanyuan Yifeng looked at the purple back who left without hesitation, and did not recover for a long time.

Passing through the criss-crossing streets, passing through the most prosperous area of ​​the imperial city full of traffic, the black and luxurious carriage moved forward all the way, but drove to the most secluded area of ​​Xuanyuan City.

The road is getting quieter and the road is getting narrower!

Lying in Xuanyuan Tianzhan's arms, Yun Feixiang kept looking out of the window. The changing scenery along the way was just like her ever-changing complexion.

What about going to the inn?She couldn't believe that there was no inn in this wilderness.

If it weren't for her people following her all the way, I'm afraid that even He Lianbei would not be able to find him. This stubborn old guy can't live in the Prince Regent's Mansion or in the comfortable Wuyuelou other courtyard. The Feixianglou where Nalan Ruofei is located can't live, but he has to live in such a far suburb!
The carriage ran all the way, shuttling on the path in the forest, there was gradually the sound of leaves brushing outside, and in the interlaced light and shadow, there were streaks of shadows projected on the carriage.

The speed of the carriage gradually slowed down, and the road surface seemed to be getting smoother... The light in the carriage suddenly brightened on one side and darkened on the other.

"Xiang'er, look outside!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan lowered his head, and placed a light kiss on the woman's forehead.The man's fingertips passed through the woman's soft black hair, stroking it over and over again, as if he couldn't put it down.

Ok?The little woman raised her head in doubt. Didn't Ah Zhan dislike her always sticking her head out?He said it was cold, and he was afraid that she would freeze.

Yun Feixiang lay on Xuanyuan Tianzhan's shoulder, and lazily stretched out her hand to lift the curtain. This is the first time she has lifted the curtain, and she has lost interest. Now she is more concerned about when she can arrive at Helianbei's residence place!
Oh, it turned out to be a bamboo forest!
Seeing the cute appearance of the little girl who was nothing more than a bamboo forest, Xuanyuan Tianzhan couldn't help laughing immediately.Why does she always look to the left, the beautiful scenery is on the right.

"Did Xiang'er smell any fragrance?" The man was very patient, his affectionate eyes were like water, his low voice was mellow and charming, and his sexy jawline was beautiful, full of extreme temptation.

"Yes!" The little woman swallowed, and looked away slightly, the collar of the clothes he was wearing today was a bit too big, and his snow-white skin made people think about it.

"Can Xiang'er guess it? What kind of fragrance?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan continued to lure her to explore the wonderful scenery outside, as if he didn't realize it.

"Your meaty fragrance!" The little woman said half-seriously, and then she smiled mischievously and heartily, "Hahahaha..."

Xuanyuan Tianzhan was embarrassed for a moment, he gently grabbed the little girl's hand, grabbed her with a big hand, and pulled her into his arms, the little girl was immediately hugged and sat on the man's body, she raised her head, the man's golden eyes were flickering, There are faintly dancing flames.

Uh, don't, estrus in broad daylight is not a good thing!
"Hey, let me tell you, did the servants make you a sachet with the plum blossoms in the courtyard? I smell a little plum blossom fragrance." The little woman sniffed Xuanyuan Tianzhan as she spoke. It does smell the aroma of plum blossoms.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan suddenly became speechless, and Xiang'er's imagination could be enriched.

When did he use the sachet?When did he use the sachets made by the servants?His things are handled by Wuying with full authority, how can the servants in the mansion have a chance to contact him?

Couldn't Xiang'er imagine that the fragrance came from outside?Well, he put it more bluntly!
"Xiang'er looked out the window on the left, now look at what's on the window on the right?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan shook his head helplessly and dotingly, and stretched out his hand to lift the curtain on the right side for the little woman.

Yun Feixiang was taken aback for a moment, then casually turned her head to look, and after a moment, the little girl stood up from the carriage.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan was really terrified, but luckily the carriage was high enough, otherwise there was no guarantee that she would not touch the roof of the carriage above.

"Wow, there are so many winter plums, so beautiful." The little woman exclaimed immediately, but the man was worried, and his heart was hanging up and down following her movements, and his eyes followed her closely all the time.

It is no longer snowing outside, but there are still condensed snowdrops hanging on the branches. The pale yellow wintersweet is not as delicate as the red plum, but it gives people a fresh and peaceful feeling.

Close your eyes gently, take a breath, and immediately feel that your whole lungs have been washed clean, and all the dirty and hostile energy are melted by this faint fragrance.

On the left is the lush green bamboo forest that shades the sky, on the right is the light yellow and elegant, fragrant golden wintersweet, the ground is white all the way, the thick snow reflects the sun, and the earth is shrouded in holiness.

(End of this chapter)

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