Chapter 547
This is indeed a wonderful place!

Also at this time, the little woman saw a house, her eyelids jumped, this is not a house, is it a mansion, okay?
Rows of bamboo houses are built on two floors, and the houses are connected by suspension bridges in the air. It was the bamboo building built by Xiaolong team in just ten days.

Perhaps, this is the unintentional insertion of willows and willows!

In front of the bamboo building, the stubborn old guy stood upright, the snow outside the house was swept aside, and the long bamboo row extended to the foot of the carriage.

Yun Feixiang wanted to scold him severely, and wanted to ask him why he ran so far and why he was so stubborn.

However, all of these were swallowed back into his stomach when he saw that smiling face.

It was so beautiful here that she couldn't help but want to live here.

Entering the house, it was very warm inside, the stove was burning vigorously, the fire was crackling, the tea on the fire was already boiling, and there was a sound of gurgling.

The little girl unceremoniously sat on the bamboo chair covered with plush blankets, sipping tea, and suddenly felt that there were no more comfortable days.

"Reluctant to leave?" Helian Bei raised his eyebrows slightly and said with a faint smile.

"Hmm!" The little girl replied frankly.

I don't want to leave for now!Just want to rest here for a while.Helianbei didn't say anything, but kept a soft smile on his face.

The room is very quiet and warm. Everyone doesn't say anything, but they can feel the preciousness of family affection!

"Give Xuanyuan Tianzhan a hundred concubines? Or find a wife for those people?" He Lianbei squinted his eyes, and saw the Xiaolong team who was practicing not far from downstairs.

He found such a remote and secluded place, but he didn't expect that just as he was about to build a house, a group of young people with high martial arts skills and full of vigor flew out.

They didn't talk much, but they proved their identities with actions.

Iron-blooded men one by one, digging foundations, measuring distances, chopping trees, moving wood, commanding command, clear division of labor, quick action, amazing.

In just ten days, an amazing pavilion townhouse was built.

"Your vision is really poisonous!" Yun Feixiang smiled calmly, and filled a cup of tea for He Lianbei. The tea is ordinary tea, but under such an environment, it is unusually fragrant.

She would find a woman for her husband only when her mind was sick. Obviously, she was in a normal mind.

However, considering the older young hermit guards, guards, golden armor guards, Wuyuelou guards, etc. in their family, isn't there a caring person missing?
"What do you want to do?" He Lianbei looked at the woman with a laid-back look on the opposite side with some amusement, thinking that this was his Helianbei's daughter.

"Do an ancient If You Are the One + large-scale blind date event! How about you being a witness for these paired couples?" The little woman smiled at He Lianbei, with a wicked smile.

"Blind date?" He Lianbei was thoughtful, this is a good idea.

"However, I witness? That's the best—" Helianbei paused and said, "Don't do that!"

"Pfft..." Yun Feixiang couldn't help laughing.

She originally thought that it would be best for me to witness what he was going to say, but she replied humorously that she had better not do that.

"I won't force you, anyway, you're old and you're not interested!" The little woman shook her head regretfully, her eyes lit up as if she had thought of something, "Hey, how about I find you another one?" Wife, anyway, you look like you are in your early 30s, mature and attractive, maybe there will be a woman..."

"Stop! Is there anyone else who is serious? How can I find a stepmother for myself?" The more this girl said, the more outrageous she became.

Are there not many women who have experienced He Lianbei?In the end, who can stay by your side all the time?Those who love are absent, and those who don't love have exhausted all their efforts. Now, he just wants to enjoy the rest of his life and doesn't want to make any more troubles.

"Tch, if I find you a young and beautiful woman, I won't call you stepmother, she has to call me princess! Hahahaha..." The little woman raised her eyebrows, showing a complacent look.

Who said that her husband is the unshakable regent of the Hanhai Kingdom? !
Helian Bei blew his beard and stared at his eyes, the father and daughter were having a great time!
"Cough cough..." Xuanyuan Tianzhan coughed heavily, did the two of them, one big and one small, unite and forget him?
"What? Zhan'er has a cold?" He Lianbei turned his head and asked with concern.This is the tone, clearly a tone of suppressed laughter.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's face darkened, he was really Xiang'er's biological father, and he was still so playful in his 40s!

"Ah Zhan, if you catch a cold, go back to the room and rest for a while!" The little woman put away her laughing expression and said seriously.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's face turned even darker.He doesn't have a cold at all, okay?

The father and daughter must have done it on purpose!
"Xiang'er, you guys talk slowly, I'm going to practice your Xiaolong team!" The man stood up after speaking, leaped gracefully, and walked down the steps towards the Xiaolong team.

Yun Feixiang came to her senses and stared at the man with wide eyes, but only saw his back.Well, the noble prince can't play around at will, otherwise someone will suffer.

"Hey, don't slap your face! If you don't look handsome, the girls won't like it!" It also counts on their handsome faces to attract the girls' attention!

Even if Yun Feixiang was killed, she would never have thought that Xuanyuan Tianzhan's practice had made many soldiers of the Xiaolong team suffer, and she would never have imagined that almost all of these failed men had found their true love!

When a woman sheds tears in front of a man, won't the man love her well?Of course, this is also indispensable for Yun Feixiang's wife-oriented education all day long.

After chatting with He Lianbei for a long time, the sky gradually turned late, the heavy snow had already stopped, and there was thick snow piled up on the ground.When Yun Feixiang and Xuanyuan Tianzhan came back, they saw a group of beautiful women at the gate of the Prince Regent's Mansion.

The queen mother moved very quickly, and she actually sent a hundred beauties in only two days before the New Year's Eve.

The queen mother moves so fast, how can she slow her down?

Because of the emperor's departure, the palace of Hanhai Kingdom became extremely cold, and because of the lack of tolerance and generosity of the empress, everyone became extremely sensitive.

The empress dowager is in sole control of the harem power, and the heavy and low air pressure is everywhere!
In the pavilions, the eunuchs looked at each other, sighed lightly, and shook their heads and left, no longer in the mood to talk to each other.

The palace maids hurried past with their heads down, tense, even though the snow scene outside the corridor was intoxicating, and the red plums were fragrant, they didn't seem interested in admiring it.

(End of this chapter)

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