Chapter 548
The breeze rolled up the falling leaves, and flew out of the palace over the high palace walls. The red walls and green tiles, the glazed glow, and the magnificent palace finally lost the color of the past.

There seemed to be a cloud over the palace, and the weather became more gloomy and cold. A group of women carefully pushed open the vermilion gate and walked in lightly.

The purple bead curtain separates the outer hall and the inner room. The people in the inner room are talking, and the straightforward words are spread out without concealment, but the ladies wish they were deaf and blind, so that they could not see or hear anything.

A few days ago, the queen mother was unhappy, and Xiaolan was beaten to death, because someone around the queen mother suspected that Xiaolan had eavesdropped on secrets that should not be heard!

"Queen Dowager, do you really think that Yun Feixiang will give the prince a concubine?" Ji Lan skillfully massaged and pinched the Empress Dowager's shoulders, tapping and beating her shoulders. Professional service.

The empress dowager closed her eyes, enjoying the caring service. She remembered that the maids also served her like this before, but why didn't she feel so comfortable?

"That's what she said by herself, Aijia only looks at the results." The Empress Dowager's expression was slightly restrained, as if she was tired, did Lan'er really think that these one hundred women were so easy to find?
In order to avoid leaving excuses for Yun Feixiang, she really picked and picked the portraits and official identities of those women, and finally chose the ones, and issued edicts one by one, and sent people to send them out. In the past few days, almost everyone in the palace was thrown off their feet!
Moreover, not all women are willing to enter the Prince Regent's Palace. Once everyone knows that there are a total of [-] women who have the opportunity to serve the Prince Regent, and they feel like retreating, they are not so motivated. So many people, where are they? It's the prince's turn to spoil them?

I'm afraid that he died in the ruthless intrigue of the women before he saw the prince's face.

What is even more difficult for the empress dowager is that some people even say that the prince and the princess are a fairy couple, which makes people unable to bear to destroy the relationship between them.

If the common people know, what should they think of her, but what she doesn't know is that the common people still know!
After finally convincing everyone, a lot of them gathered hundreds of women who were proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, and well-educated.

The more the Empress Dowager thought about it, the more exhausted she felt, and she really didn't want to go to the Prince Regent's Mansion and hit the wall in front of those gatekeepers!

The bag on the head is not ready yet!
Ji Lan finally stopped talking, Yun Feixiang was not her ultimate goal, although Mu Rujing almost died at Yun Feixiang's hands, but Mu Rujing's hatred is far less important than her mother's hatred !
Mu Rujing is just a friend of hers, but her mother's hatred comes from the depths of her soul, and she must take revenge!

Tomorrow, the man who went to Loucheng to greet the army of millions will come back, and then, she will give him an even richer gift.

The woman's eyes became more and more cold, as if the whole body was covered with ice, and the temperature dropped sharply, she suddenly exerted force with her fingertips unconsciously, and the empress dowager suddenly let out a sharp and strange cry.

The empress dowager raised her head and saw Ji Lan who she had never seen before, and this sight became the beginning of her nightmare.

In the Prince Regent's Mansion, a hundred women at the gate attracted many people to watch. It was lively and lively, but there was a festive atmosphere for the New Year.Big red lanterns are hung on both sides of the gate of the palace, and there are guards maintaining everyone's order!
Inside the palace, however, it is busy, with all kinds of beautiful men coming and going!

They are suave and graceful, calm and resolute, quiet and introverted, or talk and laugh freely, but like jade, or evil and handsome, or standing coldly, or glamorous... There are all kinds of styles.

Yun Feixiang couldn't help but linger on her eyes, full of admiration!The guards of the Prince Regent's Mansion are indeed first-class and stunning!The most beautiful is Yinwei, followed by Wuyuelou masters, followed by Jinjiawei... And these people are all selected by Yun Feixiang from the various camps based on their usual achievements!

Of course, this time she didn't consider the Dulong and Xiaolong teams!Compared with the guards of the Prince Regent's Palace, they are much younger, and there is no rush for marriage!
"Princess, Wuying is not here, and my subordinates go out to have a look." The voice at the door became louder and louder. Today Wujing rarely appeared in the palace, ready to go out to deal with the matter at the door.

"Who asked you to go out? Why didn't you wear the clothes that were delivered to your room today? Why don't you go back and change them!" The little woman straightened her face, her expression was more serious than ever.

Yun Feixiang remembered that there was a woman he liked in Wujing, but Ah Zhan said that for some reason, that woman had left him!

Wu Zing was startled, and immediately opened his eyes wide, Wangfei, this... since when did he even care about what clothes he wears?
He just thought that the dress was more expensive and of good texture, so he was reluctant to wear it for the time being.Now that the concubine has spoken, he should hurry back and change!
The little girl turned her eyes to another place, but she saw a few supreme commanders who were serious and stern, as if someone owed him money.

"You, you, you, you guys, with such a handsome face, what are you doing with a straight face, not all girls like ice cubes!" Yun Feixiang said while looking at Dong Luo .

After the war ended, both Dongluo and Dugu Piaojian followed Yun Feixiang back to the Hanhai Kingdom. At this moment, the two of them stood together, one was as passionate as fire, the other as cold as frost, they didn't look like a couple at all.

Hearing this, Dugu Piaojian frowned, Xiang'er was obviously talking about him?Dugu Piaojian suddenly remembered that Xuanyuan Tianzhan dared to hug the little girl in front of everyone, and immediately waved his big hand to embrace Dongluo's waist.

Dongluo's eyes widened in an instant, but her face showed the shyness and tenderness of a young girl. It's not that Brother Piaojian had never done such an intimate thing with her, but he had never done it in front of everyone.

This feeling is a little embarrassing, a little sweet, a little exciting, but also full of deep happiness.

Someone whistled, and the whistle sounded cheerful, like a cheerful woodpecker eating worms leisurely.

"Look, boys need to be more enthusiastic, and girls will like it! Remember, you must smile, showing your white teeth, hearty smile, and unstoppable charisma!" The little woman seized the opportunity, Quickly teach by example.

Dugu Piaojian's face darkened suddenly, and Xiang'er was talking about him again? !
"Princess, wait, why do we want to please girls?" Xiao Bai jumped out suddenly, and asked nervously.

An older guard laughed.

Xiao Mo is a few steps away from Xiao Bai, this idiot can't even tell?
Yun Feixiang immediately gave him a big roll of the eyes, you can see people's shadows are clear, but he, a stunned boy, still doesn't understand!
(End of this chapter)

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