Chapter 549
What made the little girl even more speechless was that there were many eyes like Xiao Bai's.

"This is an order!" The little woman silenced all curiosity and doubts with one sentence.

Oh!It turned out that this was an order!The older guard laughed happily, and the younger one nodded half-understanding!
"Later, you will be responsible for abducting girls, one for each person. Those who succeed in abducting will receive a big gift, and those who fail in abducting will go stand in the ice and snow for three hours in a military posture!" The little woman's voice was lukewarm, but her own momentum.

The sound of the wind whizzed by everyone's ears, and the wind was blowing goose feathers and heavy snow, and they were standing in the snow, covered with frost, their hands and feet were frozen stiff, and their faces were icy red.

They are more willing to abduct girls, this is a task!

Some young boys began to ask their elder brothers for advice, and the silly boys gradually understood the true meaning of their princesses. These hundred women were not given to the prince at all, but the princess had won them for them.

They suddenly remembered that half a month ago when the Empress Dowager came to the Palace, the Concubine said that she wanted [-] women from a good family with clean backgrounds, strict family education, gentle and virtuous, tolerant, beautiful, good at playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, who can go to the hall and go to the kitchen. , It turned out that it was all for them!

They are extremely grateful for the good intentions of the princess!

"Although this is a task, it needs to be treated with sincerity. If there are girls who are tempted by you, you must give your heart!" The little woman's words were remembered again, like a breeze, causing ripples on the lake.

The courtyard was suddenly quiet. Today, everyone took off the tight-fitting black clothes that hadn’t changed for ten years. When the flowing black hair fell like a waterfall and the brocade robes fluttered around, everyone fell into deep thought.

"In a lifetime, it is not easy to meet someone, but to be together is a kind of fate. I hope you can cherish this opportunity!" She didn't want to say too much, and left the rest to them!

She believes that they are not masters who only know how to fight and kill, and she hopes that they can have their own unique gentleness!

"Go." Yun Feixiang said softly, her eyes filled with encouragement and tenderness.

The handsome men immediately went to the back mountain of the palace, waiting for them, but they didn't know if it was a mission or a sincere friendship.

"Xiang'er, you are really worried!" A warm embrace encircled Yun Feixiang from behind, and her back was pressed against a generous chest.

"At the beginning, why did you give up Murong Rui and choose me?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan's voice was deep and sweet, mellow like wine, slightly strong.

"This refusal to answer, you clearly know it!"

"I still want to hear it!" the man insisted.

The little woman raised her eyes slightly, her thick and slender eyelashes trembled slightly, her red lips parted slightly, and a gentle voice sounded slowly: "You are like a ray of sunshine, which shot into my heart without warning, from the time I visited the lake in early spring With that teasing kiss, I will approach you step by step, approach you, and fall in love with you!"

"Love, maybe you can't find the most suitable one, just marry anyone, maybe suddenly looking back, the man who treats you the best is standing there, and you are like a huge rock thrown into the sea to me, rolling in the sea , turn the monstrous waves!"

You are the deepest touch to me, not because Murong Rui is not good enough, but because you happened to break into my heart, and I accepted you with peace of mind!
And this intrusion just happened to be the fatal key!My peace of mind is the best reason to love each other!

Xuanyuan Tianzhan, you are the key to the door of my heart, open the door and lock me from now on.

The little girl lightly raised her head and looked in Shengtian's direction. Some people, who don't know how to love, will always occupy an important place in their hearts, and they will never forget each other for the rest of their lives!

In the center of Shengjing, the majestic imperial city, Hanxiang Palace, and the emperor's bedroom, the pen in the man's hand suddenly fell onto the paper, and a ball of black ink was swept onto the painting, just to add a touch of black hair to the woman's sideburns.

The person in the painting is petite and beautiful, with a soft expression. Compared with the cold and noble women in Murong Rui's previous paintings, the aloofness and arrogance of chasing the snowy peak, it has a little more soft beauty.

There are still vermilion lips, black eyes, long flying hair, and thick eyelashes, but when you look down, you can clearly feel the changes of the woman in the painting, the woman's lower abdomen is slightly swollen.

Yuan Cheng carefully picked up the brush on the painting, and gently put it on the pen holder beside him. He only took one look, and felt that the woman in the painting was about to come out.

The emperor's painting skills are superb, and every stroke and every stroke is demanding perfection. No wonder Prince Zhan, who is world-renowned, feels inferior.

"Xiang'er's belly should be this big." Murong Rui murmured and smiled softly.

Yuan Cheng was stunned, and there was an inexplicable light in his eyes. He had seen too many romantic men, he had seen too many merciless and irresponsible noble sons, but he never thought that Da Sheng In the Heavenly Dynasty, there will be such an infatuated emperor!

There were footsteps outside, it was the cold wind coming back!

"Your Majesty, the things you ordered to send to Miss Xiang'er have arrived in Xuanyuan City, Hanhai Kingdom!" Leng Feng came from the door, shaking the snow on his body, and looked at the person on the main seat.

"Mmm!" Murong Rui was still smiling, even a slight hum was so gentle.His gentleness does not only belong to the person in the painting, but when he sees the person in the painting, he always has deep affection from his heart.

"Your Majesty, the north has sent..."

"What has Xiang'er been doing lately?" Before Leng Feng could finish speaking, the emperor interrupted softly, asking the question he was most concerned about.

Leng Feng shook his head helplessly, and stopped talking about the northern affairs. Anyway, it was all good news, so it's okay if you don't talk about it!But what he couldn't figure out was that the emperor's skill and speed in dealing with political affairs in recent years, as well as the effect, were unbelievable!
Thinking of this, he glanced at His Majesty's desk, Oh!As expected, there was no more memorial.

"I heard that Concubine Zhan wants to give Lord Zhan a hundred concubines. Xuanyuan Imperial City is full of rumors! However, there are also people who are forced by the empress dowager, and the concubine has no choice! The actual situation, I don't know..." Leng Feng said with a strange expression.

Murong Rui smiled softly, it's no wonder she would accept a concubine for Xuanyuan Tianzhan!Most likely there are some weird ideas!

"Is she in good health?" The emperor tilted his head slightly, stroked the wet painting with his fingers, tapped lightly with his fingertips, and the man touched the red lips to the center of his eyebrows with a little red color on his red lips.

Looking at it this way, Xiang'er has added another evil spirit!
"The princess is fine!"

"I should go and see her." Murong Rui pondered for a long while, then said with some worry.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid that the government affairs will not be delayed!" The emperor didn't have much time in the court, and the ministers got a lot of training, but the emperor was often away, and some important matters in the court were difficult for the ministers to make decisions for a while!

(End of this chapter)

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