Chapter 550
Murong Rui stopped talking, as if he was thinking about something.

"By the way, Your Majesty, I have something to report to you." Leng Feng glanced at the man with his head bowed in thought, and braved up to speak.

"Let's talk." The man's voice was still calm, as if nothing could affect his emotions. His thoughts flew across the border and headed east.

"Miss Che was no longer in the dungeon two years ago, and the prisoner now is no longer the prisoner who was on duty at that time, so Miss Che has not been whereabouts so far..."

Leng Feng didn't know what his master's true thoughts were, and he didn't dare to speculate!
"I already know!" Murong Rui said lightly, without any change in expression, not even a trace of surprise.

He tacitly agreed to Che Zimei's departure. Although Che Zimei gave Xiang'er a sleeping pill when he got married, it was out of good intentions after all.

Locking Che Zimei into the dungeon is also an expedient measure.Only after a person has experienced physical and mental exhaustion, will he give up his original persistence, especially girls, they need a warmer embrace!
He just didn't want Che Zimei to have any hope, he already couldn't hold others in his heart!
Che Zimei should also have her own way to go, forget him, she can go better.

In fact, Leng Feng should also have thought that Che Zimei is the younger sister of Che Zili, the prime minister of Hanhai Kingdom, and the emperor could not keep her locked in the dungeon for public or private purposes.Since there is no news from Hanhai Kingdom, Che Zimei must be living a very good life!

"Your majesty, in fact, Miss Che is sincere, why does your majesty..."

Murong Rui raised his head suddenly, his eyes blocked what the cold wind was about to say.

Leng Feng quickly shut up, knowing that he had surpassed.

"There's no reason, it's just that she wasn't the deepest touch in my heart. Xiang'er inadvertently broke into my heart, and I put her in my heart and closed the door to others!" There was a smile on her face, as if she had returned to many years ago, she was wearing a dazzling red dress, leaning against the door frame of the Red Bamboo Fragrance Pavilion, facing the twilight of the morning, she said with a sweet smile, "Here we come again."

But at this moment, the woman was leaning in Xuanyuan Tianzhan's arms, she looked at the sky, and felt that the sky over Shengtian must be very blue, blue!

"Murong Rui is a good man, but he is destined not to be my true son! My true son is you! Ah Zhan, I have said something, even if I say it ten thousand times, the answer is still the same!" Xiao The woman looked at the man who locked her eyes tightly, and once again repeated her true thoughts and love!She has never been stingy in expressing her heart, and she loves him, so she tells him without reservation!

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's golden eyes seemed to ignite a flame, melting the winter ice and snow in the courtyard. Under the winter sun, the ice and snow melted and dripped into water, making holes of different depths in the snow. The water in the holes was crystal clear. .

"Xiang'er is my favorite, but I can't get it, and I can't let it go. I won't force myself to forget her. On the contrary, I will always remember her. She is the most cherished person in my Murong Rui's life!" The man's eyes were suddenly warm and determined.

"I hope there is a woman who will become the sunshine in Murong Rui's life and take root in his heart." Her brows were bright and her eyes were full of expectation.

"Anyway, Xiang'er has already made a choice, I only hope to see her happy!"

"As long as he is happy!"

"As long as she is happy!"

"Murong Rui will be happy! He will definitely!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan hugged the little woman's body tightly, sighed slightly, his heart seemed to be touched!

Xiang'er, I'm not Murong Rui, I won't feel what's in his heart, but I won't allow myself to love you less than anyone else!
I will give you the greatest freedom, the broadest shoulders, the warmest embrace, the most gentle gaze, and the most indestructible love!

The man's golden eyes suddenly wandered between the sky and the earth, and the sky was full of affection, and the whole world was brightened in an instant.

"Report to the lord and concubine, Senior Helian is here." A guard suddenly came to report, Xuanyuan Tianzhan had to straighten up, staring sullenly at the guard who suddenly broke in and disturbed the beautiful atmosphere.

He still has something to say to Xiang'er!

Sure enough, Uncle Zheng was still easy to use. Uncle Zheng would never break in so blindly and disturb him rashly.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan suddenly remembered that Uncle Zheng seemed to have a younger brother who was also in the palace. It seemed that he was only in his forties. Uncle Zheng was old and naturally no longer fit to work on the affairs of the palace. Maybe his younger brother could be the housekeeper of the palace.

"Please come in soon!" Yun Feixiang said, and went down the steps to greet her, without seeing the dark expression of the man behind her.

This stubborn old man said no, but he still couldn't bear to refuse her!
Marriage?That was just a cover, it was enough for her to make the decision, why would Helianbei be the witness of the marriage?She just wanted him to have fun!
"My little brother, when will we be able to go in?" The women outside the Prince Regent's Mansion were already waiting impatiently. Although everyone didn't dare to shout loudly, all kinds of voices of dissatisfaction still spread in all directions.

"Yes, yes! When can we go in?" The voices of the women's impatience spread, seemingly unintentionally or intentionally.

After a long period of verification, the common people finally knew why there were so many women outside the Prince Regent's mansion, and they all stared with dissatisfaction.

How could the empress dowager do this? Doesn't the empress dowager know that the prince and concubine are very affectionate?Didn't the empress dowager see that the prince and concubine were separated for three years and finally reunited?Didn't the empress dowager see that the princess was still pregnant?
This time, not only the empress dowager, but also Yun Feixiang did not expect that tens of thousands of people in Xuanyuan City jointly signed a letter requesting the empress dowager to withdraw her order.

The common people marched collectively and went to the gate of the palace. They passed on the order of the empress dowager to force the prince to take a concubine, their own resentment towards the empress dowager, and their love and support for the regent and the regent princess. Expressed in the most direct way of street transmission.

The imperial city suddenly undergoes great changes. Xuanyuan Imperial City, which has been at peace for hundreds of years, today, two days before the New Year's Eve, the people collectively besieged the palace gate.

There were already people around to report, Yun Feixiang smiled lightly and ordered someone to open the gate of the palace and invite all the ladies to enter!
But at this time, those people who stayed at the gate of the palace rushed forward, besieging a hundred women at the gate!
The guards of the palace walked quickly, and went in again to ask their princess for advice!
The faces of the girls suddenly changed. Unexpectedly, they were about to step into the Prince Regent's Palace they had dreamed of, but they were blocked by a group of mountain villagers!
But they didn't know that what was waiting for them was not to become the regent's concubine or servant, but to become the largest group of happy women who lived together forever in the history of Hanhai Kingdom!
(End of this chapter)

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