Chapter 553
She believed in his sweet words, and she believed that he was sincere to her!
Until she was in the filthy brothel that smelled of all kinds of makeup, until she broke into the room of the hottest star, and found a pair of men and women who were intertwined, until she saw clearly that the man was He Lanyu.

Her heart fell into the cold lake in an instant, and her hatred for the man who betrayed her heart was overwhelming, occupying all her thoughts.

It turned out that she was the stupidest woman all along!

She couldn't kill He Lanyu, thinking of every gentle and long night, he whispered red-faced love words in her ears, she still only said "scroll" after all.

My mother was once betrayed by a man, and this man was the emperor above ten thousand people in the Hanhai Kingdom!If mother's personal girl hadn't told her these words, she would never have known!
She only remembered her mother's tears, her mother's sorrow, her mother's depression and her mother's lonely death with hatred.

Everything that Xuanyuan Ce owed to his mother will be returned today!

Ji Yuefeng, the face of a woman who pleases herself, you are like the spring breeze!
But mother, Xuanyuan Ce's spring breeze has already blown to Yan Ruyun, and he is reluctant to give you even the fragmented memories. Our mother and daughter look so alike, but he doesn't think of you because of me at all. Instead, he will unswervingly kill me !

He has already forgotten you!forget you!forget you!
Yun Feixiang wanders among the common people, Xuanyuan Tianzhan is the eternal flower protector, the man's golden eyes are indifferent, but he is always alert to everything around him, his tall body protects the little woman in his arms.

The little girl smiled kindly and talked with the common people, as if the leaders of the country came to inspect, and the people admired it.Pairs of eyes glanced at her belly piously, with blessings, but also with puzzlement!

"Princess, are you going to take a hundred concubines for the prince?" Some people asked naively.

In fact, the Empress Dowager suddenly went to the Prince Regent's Mansion that day, and then news spread that the Empress Dowager asked the Empress Dowager to find a hundred women for the Prince.

However, the people don't believe it!
"Which woman wants to find more women for her husband?!" The little woman smiled, and her words were firmly believed.

She just wanted to find a woman for the older leftover men in the palace, to have a stable home, and when they were old, they would find themselves cared for and warmed!

The little woman's words were clear and clear, like spring water flowing in the mountains, bubbling sweet and moistening the heart.

yes!How could the princess take the initiative to find so many women for her husband?

"The queen mother's order is not to be postponed. The queen mother is old and should not be angry. She is also kind-hearted and thinks of the royal family's blood." Can't help but sigh.

"Princess, don't worry, we will definitely not agree!" Someone shouted excitedly.

"Yes, we absolutely do not agree!"

"The princess already has a child, the empress dowager can't do this!"

"Xiaoshizi will be like Prince Hui when he grows up, mighty and brave, with unparalleled wisdom!"

"Hahahaha..." The little girl gave a hearty smile, and the common people laughed too.

They suddenly discovered that compared to three years ago, the current princess is much more wanton and domineering!

When she talked, she was full of indifference to everything. She was like a thrush, full of confidence and indifference, as if she had everything under control!

At this moment, the common people thought of the goddess. If the prince is the male god in their minds, then the princess is the goddess. Standing together, the sky of Xuanyuan City seemed to suddenly brighten!
Yun Feixiang, what magical power do you have? !

Ji Lan grabbed the edge of the city wall with one hand, her whole body trembling and her veins swelled, she held on tightly to the city wall, a shiny nail was broken, and bright red blood seeped out.

Suddenly, an empty and high-pitched horn sounded from the sky above the imperial city, and the loud and clear sound of the horn came from the city gate. The people looked up in surprise and looked forward to it!

I didn't expect the emperor to come back!

When the emperor returns, the people are excited, the gates of the city are opened wide, and millions of troops enter the imperial city mightily, horseshoes clattering, galloping forward, and returning home with glory and military exploits.

A group of soldiers in black came on horses, with a magnificent momentum, the horseshoes stepped on the snow, and their steps were sonorous and powerful.

Iron hooves clanging, men full of pride, singing military songs loud and clear in all directions, millions of troops are like long dragons, with an momentum like a long rainbow, pointing directly at the sky, soaring nine days.

In the 120th year of the Hanhai National Calendar, Emperor Xuanyuan reigned for 30 years, and the emperor personally greeted the triumphant army in the tower city. The imperial city cheered and all the people rejoiced!

But there are also unofficial records that at the same time today, the Empress Dowager and the Empress were held hostage by a mad woman in the city tower. The emperor was furious and blood stained the imperial city!
Some people in later generations speculated that the identity of this girl was unknown, and she was suspected to be the emperor's illegitimate daughter!
The hearty laughter of the men echoed in Huangcheng Street!On the horseback, there is a warrior with high spirits, riding the horse and raising the whip, singing triumphantly!
He Lianbei raised his hand slightly, and from behind the carriage, he saw Xuanyuan Ce who was the leader among the millions of troops. He only saw him when he was young, and he hadn't seen him for decades. He didn't expect to see his old friend again!

Decades have passed, and now the children have grown up. Thinking about the pride of the day, talking about the past and the present, the man who was full of pride in his youth is still shining with great light!
Xuanyuan Ce, he stood at the pinnacle of imperial power, but he gave infinite trust to those around him, and infinite favor and love to his son. His mind is like the sea, and he tolerates everything, so he will eventually become a generation of emperor, a wise king for thousands of years!

On the other hand, in the family's power struggle, gradually deviated from the center track, deviated from my original dream, if I persist in life, how wanton and chic it will be, no matter how many hardships I have experienced, no matter how complicated the environment I am in, I will always be able to Frankly, you can always let go, and you can always see hope!

At this moment, he finally understood.

When he raised his eyes, he saw that red color, like the most beautiful flower blooming with the most beautiful youth, the corner of Helian Bei's lips curled up, that was his daughter!A woman who makes the most outstanding man in Hanhai Kingdom fall in love with her!

On Huangcheng Street, the guards had already arranged to clear the road, and Xuanyuan Ce was in high spirits, racing horses with the soldiers.

The common people stood on both sides, and when they saw their mighty and domineering emperor, they applauded and cheered loudly!
"Your Majesty, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." After Gan Lu finished speaking, she swung her whip, and the flying horse swung its hooves and flew away.

"General Gan is a hero!" Xuanyuan Ce gave a big praise, and also rode his horse forward. The emperor raced horses with all the generals, and his style remained the same as before.

The emperor and Ganlu galloped wildly, quickly throwing off the soldiers behind them. Yin Yun and other veterans chased after them, but they could only hold their own!

The cheers of the people reached a climax, the crowd was boiling, and everyone was full of passion and pride!

(End of this chapter)

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