Chapter 554
But at this moment, the woman in blue on the city tower had already clenched her fists, her face was pale, her mother's eyes of despair were in her mind, but in her eyes was the handsome figure of that man!
She has humbled herself and committed herself to the empress dowager's side for ten years. Today, she is about to settle a clear account.

"Tie up the queen mother, and drag her and the queen to the tower!" Ji Lan sneered on his lips, his eyes were like ice, Xuanyuan Ce, you are finally back!
"Woo..." The two horses reached the finish line at the same time, which aroused wild applause from the people.

General Gan is brave. Apart from the regent, he is the most powerful general in the Hanhai Kingdom, but the emperor is not inferior to General Gan. It shows that the emperor is a hero and is in his prime.

"Look, what are you doing on the tower?" A sharp and frightened voice suddenly came from the crowd.

The people suddenly realized that their purpose today was to make the empress dowager take back her order, and it happened that the emperor welcomed the army back, and in the cheers and excitement, he almost forgot the original purpose!

However, when they followed the screams, their blood froze and their eyes widened in shock.

On the tall and majestic city wall, there were two people hanging impressively. They were tied around the waist by iron chains, and they were hanged from the city wall by someone, and hung in mid-air.

"Ah... that's the queen mother!"

"And the empress!"

There was a sound of gasping, followed by angry eyes of the people, looking at the people on the tower, standing on the wall in blue, with a gloomy face, who is this woman?
Xuanyuan Ce raised his head violently, raised the fore hooves of the horse under him, and neighed long and mournfully.The man's eyes were bloodshot, and he stared bloodshot at the two figures hanging on the tower, one was his mother, and the other was his favorite wife.

"The archers are ready!" Ji Lan said without hesitation, not knowing who he was talking to.

Suddenly a group of archers appeared on the tower, aiming their bows and arrows at the two men hanging on the city wall.

The eyes of countless people gathered together in an instant, and they looked at the tower in shock. It was only at this moment that they felt the chill all over their bodies.

"Fire the arrow!" A cold voice suddenly resounded through the sky, accompanied by a maniacal laugh, a pair of gray eyes looked at Xuanyuan Ce's face with a destructive hatred.

Almost at the same time as Ji Lan's voice sounded, the archer ruthlessly drew the bow, and dozens of dark arrows flew straight down, roaring towards the heads of the empress dowager and empress.

Ji Lan hardly waited, didn't even negotiate any conditions, didn't say anything, and directly ordered the archers to shoot arrows!

The common people were completely shocked. This situation made them at a loss. They were just unarmed common people, powerless at all, and it was too late to stop it all.

What is the purpose of this woman?Could it be that she has a deep hatred with the queen mother and empress dowager?

But everyone knows that the relationship between the Empress Dowager and the Empress is not harmonious, and it is really unreasonable to have hatred with both the Empress Dowager and the Empress at the same time!
The situation was changing in an irreversible manner, which was unexpected. A woman covered her eyes with sobs. It was the first time in her life that she saw such a bloody and dark situation, and infinite fear suddenly surged in her heart.

Dozens of sharp black arrows pierced the sky, unstoppable, and Ji Lan's crazy laughter became a note of death, echoing in the sky over and over again.

Everyone felt desolate, the atmosphere of sadness enveloped the whole earth, and the sky was dark!Is their tolerant, benevolent and benevolent queen empress going to leave like this?

However, in desperation, a gust of wind suddenly flew over the head, and a huge beam of golden light flew towards the city wall at an extremely fast speed. Everyone only had time to see the golden light whirling out, and they were dazzled by the dazzling light.

Hearing a "huh", the black arrow was stopped by a strong momentum, everyone was shocked, blocking the strong light with their hands and looking into the distance, the black sharp arrow that suddenly stopped seemed to be frozen on the red wall ,not moving at all.

Time also stopped, and everyone's eyes were all focused on the red wall, the black arrow, and the golden dazzling light.

who is it?

Who turned the tide at the critical moment?
Who split the world and reappeared in a desperate situation?

There is a powerful air wave passing through the top of the head, the momentum is magnificent, the air is trembling, dizzy circles, the powerful force is constantly shuttling, heavy and low pressure, but it makes people's hearts full of warmth.

"It's the prince!" Some people who saw clearly the man who shot the shot exclaimed loudly.

"The prince has made a move!"

"With the prince here, the empress will be fine!"

In the eyes of the people, there is extremely firm trust, the brilliance of hope, and the pride that cannot be concealed!
That is their regent, the unshakable god-like existence in their hearts!

In the next moment, the golden light exploded, and the arrow that stopped above the golden light broke instantly, shaking all around!Some bounced back to the palace wall, had nowhere to go, bounced back again, and fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

The broken arrow landed on the ground, and after a crisp sound, it turned into powder. A gust of wind blew the powder into the snow, frozen it into snow, and melted into water.

There was joy everywhere, and the people looked for Xuanyuan Tianzhan's figure one after another.

The man stood on the roof of the luxurious black carriage, and the golden dragon flew up and down in his hand. Suddenly, the dragon let out a low growl, and flew towards the city wall.

At the same time, a black figure soared into the sky, jumped up at a ghostly speed, and flew towards the city wall.

The people all recognized it, that black figure was their emperor!
"Pull the iron lock and continue to shoot arrows. No one can rescue them!" Ji Lan screamed in a frenzy.

The people on the tower also seemed to be crazy, the rain of poisonous arrows re-aimed at the people hanging in mid-air, and they drew their bows without hesitation.

The iron chains slammed violently in the wind, and the two figures were like dead trees without roots, floating in the air above the high wall, and they were at least the supreme empress dowager and empress of the Hanhai Kingdom.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan had a gust of wind, and his internal force absorbed and pulled one person, while the other person seemed to have been caught by Xuanyuan Ce. The golden dragon suddenly spewed out a mouthful of fire, which melted the iron chain in an instant.The two pulled together.

Afterwards, the fire dragon jumped up, and the golden light covered the sky and the sun, bursting out with unprecedented power.The black flowing arrow was sucked into the golden light, and no more madness was seen. The tip of the arrow melted into liquid iron and dripped to the ground!
The common people have long been shocked by the power of the giant dragon, and were too shocked to say a word.

The empress dowager was already old, and after a lot of tossing on the city wall, she almost fell into a coma.

When she opened her eyes and saw Xuanyuan Tianzhan, the grandson who usually didn't wait to see her, she immediately burst into tears.There is a kind of family affection, no words are needed, someone will show it with actions, seeing Yun Feixiang beside her, she suddenly couldn't bear it anymore, closed her eyes in shame, and felt infinite regret in her heart!

(End of this chapter)

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