Chapter 555
The giant dragon flew back into Xuanyuan Tianzhan's body again, and everyone came back to their senses and breathed a sigh of relief. Both the empress dowager and the empress were saved!
"Hahahahahaha..." A wild and mocking laugh sounded extremely uncoordinated, with overwhelming hatred, "It's useless, I've already killed her! Xuanyuan Ce, I killed your favorite woman!"

She had expected Xuanyuan Ce and Xuanyuan Tianzhan's martial arts to be strong, so she sent someone to kill Yan Ruyun before, but now Xuanyuan Ce's arms were nothing but a cold corpse!

"It's painful, isn't it?"

"Heart-piercing pain, right?"

The woman's curse-like voice echoed... echoed...

Everyone was horrified, and looked at the woman in Xuanyuan Ce's arms. Her eyes were closed, her face was pale, and her lips were bloodless and purple. She was lying in the man's arms, like a lifeless ghost, without life. angry.

The empress is dead?

Xuanyuan Ce knelt down on one knee, in his arms was a woman who had long been out of shape, but this face was so familiar, the only woman he had missed day and night, the only woman he had loved all his life, at this moment, she was lying quietly in his arms In the middle, there is no sound, and it is completely cold.

Yun Feixiang's eyes were dim, and she fell on the woman with her eyes closed tightly. She saw Yan Ruyun's stiff body, thin face, and hands hanging on the ground limply.

Sitting next to the woman was the empress dowager who had been rescued. She stared at Yan Ruyun steadfastly, regret and guilt welling up in her heart.

Xuanyuan Ce seemed to be dumbfounded, and still maintained the posture of landing on the ground. Yun Feixiang saw him trembling all over, and saw the sadness in his eyes. With just this one look, she could be sure that the emperor loves the empress only!

At the beginning, who disregarded the opposition of the officials and resolutely married you from the world of mortal fireworks into the palace, and have loved each other ever since?

At the beginning, who was so affectionate, emptied the three thousand in the harem, and vowed to share the world with one person?
"Hahaha! Xuanyuan Ce, do you finally know the pain? Is it very painful?" Ji Lan's voice roared on the tower, attracting countless hateful eyes, but the woman only saw Xuanyuan Ce's expression, no, how could he face it? Expressionless?
He should roar at the top of his lungs, he should be furious, he should notice her uncontrollably, and hate her!
"You know, when you are in pain, I will be happy, and my mother will be happy!"

Ji Lan was still talking to herself, the people thought she was crazy and looked at her like a monster.

"Hehe, is that right? I'm here to see how happy you are!" Suddenly, a majestic voice came from the tower, and something dazzled.

Everyone raised their heads and looked towards the tower above.

When I saw this, I was stunned!

Isn't that woman in a phoenix robe, a golden pearl crown, and a sweet smile, their empress?

Yan Ruyun suddenly stood on the city tower, dressed in a queen's formal attire, with lifelike phoenix and gold embroidery on the hem of the dress, and the golden phoenix danced lightly as the breeze blew.The golden phoenix crown is shining brightly, and the swaying golden beads sway gently with the phoenix crown, and a little vermilion on the forehead adds to the beauty.

Time flies by, but everyone suddenly finds that time seems to have stopped!
"The empress is still as beautiful as 20 years ago!"

"Yeah, I still remember that when the empress got married, the wind blew up the curtain of the car, and the old woman was lucky enough to see the real face of the empress. After more than twenty years, I did not expect that the empress is still so beautiful!"

"You don't believe me when I say that your mistress is extraordinary in martial arts? Back then when soldiers were deployed on the battlefield, I saw that man was just like your mistress..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"What are you laughing at, I'm serious!"


Xuanyuan Ce suddenly put down the woman in his hand, stood up slowly, a smile appeared on the corner of his lips, how could his Yun'er die so easily?
At the beginning, it was the woman who disguised herself as a man, a gold and iron horse, looked at him firmly in the wind and rain, and said, everything will pass after the rain!
At the beginning, who abandoned the position of the patriarch of the huge hermit family, dressed in red and tried his best to gain imperial power for him, and turned into the tenderness of a woman for him!

People in the world only know that the emperor disregarded the opposition of his officials, thunderously suppressed the opposing forces, and insisted on marrying Ruyuefang's top card, but who knew that no matter the weather, there was a virtuous and great woman behind the emperor who silently helped her.

Maybe the emperor will fall in love with a top brothel, but he won't give up the three thousand in the harem for her, and only drink a ladle of weak water!
To be able to get the undivided and loyal love of an ancient feudal man must be a woman who is in harmony with him, lives and dies in the same boat, but never leaves him!
Yun Feixiang suddenly laughed again, the queen is indeed the queen, she is gentle and virtuous in ordinary times, and she is the one with extraordinary charm today!

With the help of the maid, the Empress Dowager still fell back of the carriage unsteadily. It was not until today that she understood why her son fell in love with that brothel girl.

The woman stood on the city wall, dressed in a phoenix robe, so dazzling, she attracted everyone's attention just by standing there.

Why was she blindfolded by something, unable to see the kindness of the queen, the love between her and the emperor, and the peaceful and prosperous Hanhai Kingdom because of them?
She is too old, her eyes are blurred, and her mind is not clear. Only now does she know how much his children and grandchildren pamper her!

The imperial power allowed her to play around, even if she foolishly raised a white-eyed wolf, it was just cleaning up the mess for her afterwards.

All of this was caused by her, and she suffered by herself!Maybe, she shouldn't come back. She was wrong when she stopped Zhan'er's wedding, or maybe she was wrong when she looked down on Yan Ruyun.

His son is a dragon and a phoenix among men, how could the woman he fell in love with and dismissed from the harem three thousand times be an ordinary woman?

"Ah Zhan, Father is not stupid, he should have known that the Empress is not dead, right?" the little woman wiped her chin and said with great interest.

"The queen mother wants to punish the father, but she feels sorry for the father. According to the original plan, the mother should wait for the father to be confused and sad for a while before coming out!"

"But who is the dead woman?"

"A prisoner on death row, whose face has been changed." The man patiently explained, he knew that the little woman would ask this.

"A queen mother does not give way to her husband!"

"Xiang'er too!"

"Your mouth is so sweet, come here, give me a scent!" The little woman hooked her fingers slightly, then smiled and blinked at Xuanyuan Tianzhan.

The man's face turned red, and he approached his face evilly. The little woman tapped his face lightly, pouted from a distance, and tapped her fingertips again, pushing the man away.

"Impossible! You can't be the empress, the empress is obviously dead!" A scream came from the tower, and his eyes passed through the crowd, and fell on Xuanyuan Ce.

The man had already stood up, looking deeply at the woman on the tower, ignoring Ji Lan who was screaming.Yun'er is really bad, she knew about Ji Lan's plan a long time ago, but she was jealous on purpose, which made him very worried.

(End of this chapter)

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