Chapter 556 The Messy Prince

"Nothing is impossible in this world! You think your layout is perfect, but I have already seen through you. Why does the Queen Mother trust a maid so much, why is this maid so often absent from the palace, why does this maid show hatred and jealousy in her eyes from time to time? These are all Your flaws!" She has seen countless people, Jianghu and the palace, people and ghosts, hypocrisy and treachery, she has long seen clearly.

"How did you know..." Ji Lan was a little surprised, had she been exposed long ago?
"I'm sorry for your mother's death, but I can tell you that your mother's matter has nothing to do with the emperor. Moreover, your mother did not hate, and your so-called hatred has no meaning!" Yan Ruyun's eyes were burning, and her voice was clear and clear. The stones hit the ground one by one.

"You liar! My mother hates Xuanyuan Ce, it's Xuanyuan Ce! My mother's maid gave me a painting, saying that this man is the most powerful man in Hanhai Kingdom, and the person in the painting is exactly the same as Xuanyuan Ce, you say Who is it but Xuanyuan Ce?" Ji Lan yelled, how could her hatred be meaningless?

Yan Ruyun was talking nonsense, she wanted to clarify for Xuanyuan Ce, that's why she made up such a lie!

"The person in the painting is your father!" The queen said calmly, her expression unchanged.

"Hahahaha, are you saying that Xuanyuan Ce is my father? Is that man who even saw me exactly like my mother but didn't think of my mother and wanted to kill me my father?"

"The person on the portrait is your father, but my husband is not your father!" The emperor didn't know about what happened back then, and he had never met Ji Lan's mother, so naturally he couldn't recognize Ji Lan.In fact, she didn't remember Ji Lan's mother either. If it wasn't for the hatred in Ji Lan's eyes that made her investigate, those things would have been forgotten long ago.

"Hahaha, don't you think it's too ridiculous? Then tell me, who is the man in this painting?" Ji Lan laughed loudly, and with a throw of one hand, an image flew out of his sleeve.

The picture scroll stands in the air and opens automatically. The man in the picture is handsome and tall, and he is dressed in black, which is even more unpredictable. beautiful boy.

The wind blows the animation, making a rustling sound, the scroll floats up and then falls slowly, the face of the man in the painting becomes clearer!
"It is indeed the emperor!" An exclamation broke the silence, like a jackdaw flying high in the sky, and seemed to match Ji Lan's still trembling laughter in the air.

But immediately after, more voices rang out, which were doubts and questions from the common people!
"How could she have a portrait of the emperor?"

"Who knows? Maybe it was stolen!"

"The emperor is very handsome and looks outstanding. Who in the imperial city has never seen the emperor? Just find a painter who is very skilled..."

The person who speaks goes to the point, but the meaning is clear and clear!
Everyone nodded one after another, and their eyebrows were full of approval!
"Fart!" Ji Lan roared, and the crowd fell silent, looking at the almost crazy woman on the tower with different expressions.

The woman's face was ferocious, her eyes widened angrily, and her eyes swept across, full of hatred.

"This is painted by my mother herself!" Ji Lan's voice seemed to be tinged with sadness again, she put away the painting and put it in her sleeve angrily.

The common people didn't seem to believe it, but they stopped talking!

Everyone fell silent, looking at the empress with flying clothes on the tower for a while, and the emperor standing awe-inspiring on the ground for a while.

The emperor and queen, they will make a decision, what is the deep hatred between this woman and them?Everyone is waiting for a result, but they don't know how to make this result satisfactory!
"Yan Ruyun, tell me, who is this Xuanyuan Ce? Don't think I will believe your nonsense, I only believe my own eyes!"

Ji Lan's voice was sharp and cold, with a hint of hatred in her bones, who else around her could believe it now?

He Lanyu keeps saying that she loves her, but her heart is lingering over and over again. Whenever she thinks of those beautiful but torn pasts, her heart seems to be suffocated.

What Yan Ruyun said was nothing more than wanting to clarify for Xuanyuan Ce in front of the people of the world, and she was nothing more than trying to create a false image to deceive everyone!
Major events in the world, true or false, are nothing more than a word from those in power!

"Eyes can also be deceiving!" The queen smiled slightly, and a bright smile spread out. She was still gentle and her voice was as soft as the wind.

"Just like the illusions and misunderstandings you caused are all facts that we can see. Every court lady saw you climbed onto the emperor's dragon bed, but in fact, you simply deliberately turned the truth upside down. Let us Mistakenly thinking that the emperor has something to do with you, which caused a huge misunderstanding! Tell me, can you completely trust your own eyes?"

If she only believed in her own eyes, her love would have broken down long ago!

If she only believed in her own eyes, she wouldn't be standing here!
"You know all about it?" Ji Lan frowned, and a trace of panic suddenly surged in her heart. If Yan Ruyun knew about this situation, would she have been prepared for it?

"Yes, I know, I also believe in my own control, I believe in my husband!" If a lion-like man like Xuanyuan Ce was attacked by a yellow-haired girl, then she would really look up and sigh!

Ji Lan looked around vigilantly, his eyes dimmed instantly, there were more black arrows on the tower at some time, and the atmosphere became much lower.

"What a Yan Ruyun!" It turned out that Yan Ruyun had seen through everything a long time ago, and many of the things that followed were all her tricks and plays.

For such a long time, Yan Ruyun, as the queen of a country, is too calm!But this also means that after six years of lurking, nothing has been found now.

"You are too young, too impetuous and childish!" The empress smiled, the phoenix robe set off the slender figure, making her more elegant and dignified. Whether it is temperament, demeanor, or mind capacity, it is not comparable to ordinary people.

"Shut up!" Ji Lan glared at Yan Ruyun fiercely, and couldn't understand her calmness and superciliousness.

This made her think of Yun Feixiang, that woman was also inadvertent, but she took everything into her hands early on, and she also had the same pair of casual, lazy and supercilious eyes, which made her see the distance between them, which made her feel Compared with them, I am ashamed!
No matter what, she believed that the person in the painting was Xuanyuan Ce, she believed that her enemy, with exactly the same face, the same status, was above all people, there was no way she could be wrong!

"I'll say it again, the person in the painting is not the emperor!" Yan Ruyun was still gentle, looking down the tower with soft eyes.

There, a pair of affectionate eyes that have been paying attention, can't bear to be ignored!Having been in love for nearly 30 years, his eyes are still hot at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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