Chapter 557 Too Ruthless (1)
On the snow-white camp, the man was dressed in a black robe, with a still magnificent face, domineering eyebrows, sexy and perfect lips, and a tall and handsome figure!

She is so familiar with every part of him. When he pointed his sword at Ji Lan, afraid of his own misunderstanding, when he was locked out of the room and stubbornly never left for a whole night, she knew that he was still That wise and mighty man twenty years ago!
Yan Ruyun looked away, and her eyes fell on Ji Lan again, with a little regret.She naturally knew that the person in the painting was the emperor's elder brother, King Ling who quietly retired after becoming famous, but she could not tell Ji Lan, nor the common people in the world.

However, a black ray of light suddenly exploded out of the sky, and a person suddenly walked out from between the sky and the earth. He stood in the air with his hands clasped together, and his cassock, which alternated in gold and red, shone with dazzling light in the air.


"The person in the painting is me!"

Two voices sounded at the same time, one was young and surprised, with unbelievable astonishment.

Another voice was deep and mellow, coming through the air with momentum. The source of the voice was the monk in cassock in the air!
Xuanyuan Wangyue squeezed out from the crowd at some point, and looked at the man in the air with joy on his face.

He was dressed in cassock, his face was still young, the time had not changed, his eyebrows were still clear and moist, his eyes came from afar, and fell on Xuanyuan Wangyue.

"Yue'er, how are you?" The man landed gracefully, and stopped in front of Xuanyuan Wangyue, with a pair of thin hands resting on Xuanyuan Wangyue's shoulders.

Xuanyuan Wangyue even forgot to react, forgot to move, he stood there in a daze, his eyes were red, a bit like a cute rabbit!
"Brother Huang!" Xuanyuan Ce stepped forward, looking at his most respected elder brother!This farewell lasted for many years!

"It's King Ling!" Some people finally came to their senses and exclaimed!
"Yes, it is Lord Ling who devotes himself to Buddhism!"

"It's been more than 20 years. I didn't expect Ling Wang to still be so similar to the emperor. If it weren't for Ling Wang's gentle temperament, I would almost have thought it was the emperor!"

"Don't talk nonsense, be careful of being overheard."

"Hey, who is following whom, the emperor and King Ling? Who doesn't know that King Ling was the biggest hero behind the emperor back then? I just don't know why King Ling suddenly became a monk..."

"It is said that the emperor personally went to the Drunken Buddha Temple to invite King Ling back. The emperor stood outside the temple for three days and three nights, but King Ling insisted on leaving home!"

"..." The voices of the common people gradually became quieter, and their gazes quietly fell on the two tall and tall men.

The two hands were tightly clasped together, and the fingers with well-defined joints were flushed red with blood. The emperor said that brothers are like siblings, and they are closer than siblings... The two men smiled knowingly and embraced each other Let go of each other again!

Between the heaven and the earth, there is suddenly a lot of warmth, and the gloomy clouds seem to have dispersed!

There are a lot of things that don't need to be said, but someone understands them, and that is someone who knows the heart!

"Uncle Huang, hello!" A crisp voice came from the carriage, and then Yun Feixiang's delicate and small face was revealed.

Xuanyuan Ling was taken aback, and turned to look at the carriage. There was the logo of the Prince Regent's Mansion on the carriage. He naturally recognized that the beautiful woman on the carriage was the woman next to Zhan'er.

Xuanyuan Ling couldn't help admiring, Zhan'er really has good eyesight!
"Hi Xiang'er!" The man smiled back, his long and narrow eyes were indescribably enchanting, at this moment, Yun Feixiang actually felt that his eyes were somewhat similar to Xuanyuan Tianzhan's.

"Hmm... what are you doing!" Yun Feixiang wanted to say something to the outside, but when someone pulled her arm, she immediately got into the carriage and fell into a domineering embrace.

"Zhan'er, is your butt itchy again?" Xuanyuanling laughed lowly when he saw it, and the people around him looked strange.

With a sound of "whoosh", a porcelain cup flew out of the carriage, the porcelain cup spun in the air, and hit Xuanyuan Ling without any deflection.

The man stretched out his hand, gently pinched the porcelain cup, and said to Xuanyuan Ce with a slight smile, "Your son is still so wasteful. Although this porcelain cup is not a gold cup or a jade cup, the porcelain cup from the Prince Regent's Mansion is worth collecting. Treasures."

After all, Xuanyuan Ling actually put the porcelain cup into his sleeve, with a calm expression on his face!
"When Zhan'er was naughty when he was a child, Brother Huang spanked him a lot!" Xuanyuan Ce laughed, from the bottom of his heart.

"Yeah, he didn't let people take medicine after spanking, what a stubborn boy!" Xuanyuan Ling answered naturally, and the two men chatted about Xuanyuan Tianzhan's childhood very cooperatively.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan suddenly felt dizzy, can they stop talking about this?

"Hahahaha..." Then, the sound of two men laughing was heard outside.

Yun Feixiang covered her mouth and snickered, and raised her head to look at the man with a smile in her eyes. She never thought that such an embarrassing thing would happen to him when he was a child!

Seeing this, the man's complexion was flushed, and his fair skin was peachy. The little woman couldn't help it anymore, and laughed along with the two laughing outside!

Hearing the coquettish laughter in the carriage, Xuanyuan Ce and Xuanyuan Ling were shocked at first, and then laughed loudly.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's ears turned red all of a sudden, how could Xiang'er know about such an embarrassing thing?Xiang'er actually knew it!understood!

"Hehe!" A chuckle suddenly came from the carriage behind, and the voice sounded like Helian Bei!

Helian Bei also knew, damn it!

It's over, the two of them said outside, there are so many people outside, and the people know it!The more Xuanyuan Tianzhan thought about it, the darker his face became...

"Uncle Huang, do you still want to have your beard pulled out?" The man raised the curtain of the car and said in a gloomy voice.

"Oh! Calm down, Zhan'er calm down!" Xuanyuan Ling suddenly came to his senses, and for the sake of his beard, he couldn't say anymore.Xuanyuan Ce also let out an "oh" very cooperatively, but stopped talking.

However, the man just turned his head!

"Hahahaha...haha..." The sound of laughter came from outside again, Xuanyuan Tianzhan closed the curtain of the car, but suddenly found that inside the car, the little woman was already trembling with laughter.

The man suddenly became messy in the car!

"Hahahahahaha..." There was a louder laugh than the three of them, and the voice came through the wind, carrying some endless sadness and ridicule.

Ji Lan looked at the two almost identical, very similar men downstairs, and couldn't help but clenched her fists and closed her eyes.

Wrong, wrong, everything is wrong!

She always thought that the person in the painting was Xuanyuan Ce, but until the monk in cassock and bald head suddenly appeared, she immediately recognized that this man was the man in the painting.

Those narrow, long and slanted eyes were domineering but concealed endless enchantment. However, such a man always had a faint smile, as if a breeze was blowing by!

This man looks so contradictory!But he is the real man in the painting!

(End of this chapter)

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