Chapter 559 Meeting Again (1)
"Yun Feixiang, do you think you can save them by getting them to stand up?" Ji Lan's expression darkened, suddenly feeling that something might be wrong. The antidote to these poisons is already her last bargaining chip, and she must not fail again .

"Try it to know! Hurry up, stand up immediately if you have a stomachache!" The guards of the palace began to urge, and they searched the crowd with sharp eyes.

After a while, forty or fifty people stood up!Miss Lan'er asked them to pretend to be poisoned people, so at this moment they are poisoned!
Yun Feixiang's eyes swept away, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of her lips. Then, she lightly parted her red lips, and pointed at those poisoned people and ordered, "Come on, arrest them all!"

The poisoned people were furious instantly, didn't Yun Feixiang want Xuanyuan Tianzhan to feel their pulse?Why did people arrest them in an instant.

"Why arrest us? We are ordinary people! Let us go, let us go!" Those so-called poisoned people who took the initiative to stand up yelled loudly and resisted.

"Do you still have a stomachache?" Yun Feixiang asked with a light smile.

"No more, Princess!" Someone among the people replied, with a rather strange tone.

"Yun Feixiang, what are you doing?" Ji Lan panicked and screamed unconsciously.

"My concubine is arresting the poisoned people, didn't you see it? Or do you look familiar with these arrested people?" The little woman smiled, looking at Ji Lan with a half-smile.

He Lianbei who was in the carriage behind was suddenly shaken, and listened to the movement outside the carriage with his ears up.He raised his brows slightly, and a sense of pride spontaneously arose in his heart. Xiang'er really impressed him more and more!
"You... What nonsense are you talking about?" Ji Lan stammered, but couldn't speak clearly.

She had placed these people among the common people in advance, so she naturally knew them, but Yun Feixiang seemed to have known about them long ago.

Sure enough, Yun Feixiang's next words made her almost unsteady.

"My concubine noticed it when Ji Lan was playing tricks, and she calmly stopped her subordinates from doing it, so the water in the well in the imperial city is still clean and free of toxins! "

"Ah..." The people suddenly opened their mouths in surprise, as if they couldn't believe it, but immediately, unprecedented cheers erupted from the crowd.

The princess is really not an ordinary person, the princess saved everyone!

"Why did you yell just now that your stomach hurts?" Someone laughed sinisterly.

"It didn't seem to be very painful just now. I just heard that the demon girl poisoned us. I thought I was going to die. I heard people around me screaming, so I felt that my stomach hurts too!"

"Okay, good you brat!"

"Let me just say, everyone drank the porridge made from well water, why is it that you have a stomachache, so you are putting on airs and putting on airs!"

"Hey!" How could he be pretending?He was scared, okay?

"Yun Feixiang, stop talking nonsense, aren't all the people you arrested poisoned? Or are you going to tell everyone that none of them are citizens of the Hanhai Kingdom?" Ji Lan didn't believe it even if he killed him. Feixiang actually found out that she was plotting this matter!
If that's the case, she's a total loser!Every step was seen through by them, and behind every plan, someone was waiting to see her jokes, waiting for her to make a move, but gave her a fatal blow!
Too cruel!They are so ruthless!
How can a Ji Lan be against the emperor and queen of a country who have tried their best to plan the world?How can Ji Lan defeat Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Yun Feixiang who are unparalleled in wisdom and power all over the mainland?
She was just alone, standing alone at the center of the conspiracy, being pulled step by step into the abyss and falling into the trap by the plan that she thought was perfect!
Ji Lan's defeat was a disastrous defeat!

She suddenly thought of her good friend, the invincible Mu Rujing, she remembered that she had persuaded Mu Rujing to stop thinking about Xuanyuan Tianzhan, and stop messing with Yun Feixiang!

But who would have thought that she foolishly provoked their family and made herself the public enemy of everyone in the Hanhai Kingdom.

Ji Lan glanced down the tower, all indifferent, not even sympathetic!
That's right, she was so ruthless that she didn't care about the life and death of the people, and poisoned the well of the imperial city in a daze, so why should she expect the people to sympathize with her?However, even if she didn't do this, who would sympathize with her?

People are used to indifference and ruthlessness, to indifference, to indifference and estrangement, to being high-spirited, who would care about a woman's grievances?
She is like a leaf, blown down from the dead branch by the cold wind, fluttering and helpless!

Ji Lan suddenly looked at Xuanyuan Ling downstairs, the monk who appeared suddenly, but when the monk received her gaze and moved away calmly, she finally realized that she was completely alone!

"Lan'er, don't be obsessed with it anymore!" Suddenly, a woman stepped out from the crowd. The woman was dressed in a pink palace dress, with long black hair and beautiful, slender waist, tender as water.

The woman looked at Ji Lan with complex eyes, intertwined in color, filled with sympathy, rejoicing, and gloating.

The people looked up, their eyes blank, as if they didn't recognize this woman.Yun Feixiang looked at the woman who came out with a faint smile, and the woman nodded slightly at her.

This woman was the woman standing behind the Empress Dowager in the palace that day. Yun Feixiang remembered the woman's appearance at that time, and later learned of Ji Lan's actions, thanks to her cooperation!

But she just cooperated with her investigation, Yun Feixiang would not fail to see the meaning in her eyes, let alone guess the true thoughts in her heart.

"It's you? It's you who betrayed me?" Ji Lan opened her eyes wide and stared at the woman in front of her in disbelief. She didn't expect that a person she cared about the least would bring her a devastating disaster!

Why didn't she kill this woman?
"I didn't betray you, I never agreed with you from the beginning! Ever since I knew you had bad intentions towards the emperor, I have been trying to stop you, but you are so crazy that I can't stop you at all." The woman smiled helplessly, Spreading your hands seems to have endless regrets.

However, as long as you pay attention to her subtle expressions, you can find a lot of acting elements!
Yun Feixiang looked calm, pursed her lips and smiled lightly.

Ji Lan no longer looked at the woman who was talking, this innocent face now made her feel disgusted, why did she have bad intentions, did she think she was noble?After all, it was not for the purpose of entering the Prince Regent's Palace.

But she was still too naive and too stupid, did she think that she would benefit from Yun Feixiang's concern?Did she think that Yun Feixiang would give someone a chance to get close to Xuanyuan Tianzhan?

(End of this chapter)

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