Chapter 560 Meeting Again (2)
In the eyes of a woman like Yun Feixiang, love is unique, no one is allowed to desecrate it, and no one is allowed to share it!All the women who wish to step into the six gates of the Prince Regent's Mansion are absolutely impossible to do so!

"Yun Feixiang, you are a master at chess, and I, Ji Lan, feel inferior!" This time, she really underestimated Yun Feixiang and the queen too much. Perhaps to be more precise, she has never seen someone who really understood her. Yun Feixiang and Yan Ruyun.

The little woman just raised her eyebrows slightly, and said nothing, as if she didn't want to answer Ji Lan.In fact, she doesn't even bother to spend too much time dealing with an opponent like Ji Lan, it's not worth it, and it's unnecessary!

There is a kind of person who lives in a dream made by himself, and even if he wakes up, he is already bewitched!

"Son, stop being obsessed, your father is still here!" Yan Ruyun looked at Ji Lan and said earnestly.

However, the queen was a little strange, why didn't Brother Ling say a word?
"Hehe, I never had a father!" Even He Lanyu couldn't believe it, would she still believe in this father who came out of nowhere?Besides, she could see clearly the indifferent eyes of that man, and she would never admit that that man was his father again!

"Your Majesty, let her go!" At this moment, Xuanyuan Ling suddenly spoke.

"Let her go, no one can stop her!" The emperor nodded slightly and immediately ordered.

The people looked at the tower and seemed to disagree. Ji Lan made such a big mistake, how could he just leave?She deserves the punishment she deserves.

However, the people never expected that Ji Lan would——

"I don't need sympathy from any of you! I hate you! I hate you!"

I hate you!

I hate you!

I hate you!

The voice of hatred and unwillingness soared into the sky, exhausting all the internal strength to roar out the long-standing resentment and hatred in his heart.

The people were still in shock, when suddenly they saw a line of blood flying out, and Ji Lan's figure fell straight down from the tower.

Ji Lan's figure fell quickly, and the water-blue gauze was just like her name, just like the blue sky. However, the ghostly woman flying in the air opened her eyes full of hatred In the direction of Xuanyuanling!
With a sound of "boom", the woman's body fell to the ground, causing flying snow all over the ground, snowflakes splashed everywhere, blood spread, and large enchanting red plum blossoms bloomed on the pure white snow, a pool of snow melted into bloody.

Xuanyuan Ling's eyes flickered slightly, and the brows moved slightly, but his body still stood in place. There was a sound of wind in his ears, as if he heard the voice of a young woman.

"Brother Ling, was that you last night?" The woman asked him half shyly, covering her face!

Yuefeng, not me!

Ji Yuefeng, you should understand me!

Even if it was me, I would not love my sons and daughters. For the sake of this vast sea country, I have no scruples. My appearance today is just to prove the emperor's innocence, and to prove that all this has nothing to do with the emperor!

Xuanyuan Ling came quickly, but also left indifferently, as if he was wearing the light of Buddha, he crossed the light and left without a trace!
Xuanyuan Ce's eyes were dim, and he stopped saying a word. Some secrets were destined to be buried in his heart!
"Ah Zhan, almost everyone thinks Ji Lan is Uncle Ling's daughter, right?" Yun Feixiang asked softly as she watched Ji Lan fall to the ground of the tower.

"Didn't Xiang'er think so?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan held her little hand, smiled lightly, bowed his head, and kissed her forehead lowly!
"Who am I? I have piercing eyes, so of course I can see clearly!" The little woman smiled coquettishly, then bared her teeth and said.

She had already received a lot of news, and she had sorted out the reasons clearly.

The little woman's expression is really cute, and the man just smiles like a spring breeze. Sometimes, Xiang'er really sees clearly, so clearly that even without her, she can handle everything well!
"Xiang'er, you seem to have forgotten one more thing?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan pondered for a while, then said mischievously in his sexy voice.

"What's the matter?" The little woman opened her eyes wide, feeling bad.

"You seem to have forgotten to send someone to notify the guards who are waiting to complete the mission in the back mountain that the mission has been cancelled."

"Bastard, why didn't you remind them?" Yun Feixiang immediately punched Xuanyuan Tianzhan. Since he remembered, why didn't he notify them?This man must have done it on purpose!
"My husband also forgot for a while." Xuanyuan Tianzhan was funny, he also just remembered this matter, and they both forgot about it at the same time, it is really strange to say it.

"No hurry, no hurry, tomorrow is New Year's Eve, just in time for a big carnival!" The little woman narrowed her eyes, and said calmly.

Wuying rushed to the gate of the imperial city, but found that there was no figure of Mingyue, just in time to meet the emperor returning with an army of millions, there were too many people, and he couldn't find the blue figure in his memory!
The man was so anxious that he stood on the tall city tower, looking over and over again for the people who entered and exited the city gate.

Until, a touch of blue color appeared in sight, and the women's belts fluttered on Qingshi Street, Wu Ying rubbed his eyes, the corners of his eyes were a little sour, and was about to go down to the tower to meet him, but when the figure suddenly raised his head, it was not his familiar face!

The man was disappointed for a while, his chest was full of melancholy, but his eyes were shining brightly, not letting go of any figure. The princess explained that the moon will come, and the bright moon will definitely come!

"My lord, my concubine, I saw that the women outside the door were all gone, so I decided to call it a day and told the hidden guards in the back mountain that the mission was temporarily postponed..." The new butler is Zheng Bo's younger brother, He was very thoughtful, but when Yun Feixiang heard what he said, the hand that served the tea stopped immediately.

"Oh? I didn't realize that Uncle Zheng's younger brother is also a big butler who understands his master's thoughts very well!" Yun Feixiang smiled coquettishly and said in admiration.

"Princess, I know I was wrong, this old slave shouldn't make decisions on my own!" Steward Zheng immediately knelt down and looked at Yun Feixiang in fear.

The little girl just smiled and said nothing, her eyes were peaceful, and Xuanyuan Tianzhan who was beside him only glanced at Steward Zheng, and then turned his attention to Yun Feixiang again!

Xiang'er has been getting sharper and sharper in her work recently!

The little girl was still thinking about this matter. Butler Zheng was Uncle Zheng's younger brother, and was promoted by A Zhan himself. She shouldn't have had any guesses, but Uncle Zheng did it without her or A Zhan's consent. , Tell the hidden guards that the mission has been postponed, which makes people feel uneasy after all!

"Tell the hidden guards that the mission will resume tomorrow!" The little woman gave the order again and stopped talking.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan tapped the chair behind him almost invisible with his fingertips, and there was a shadow flying behind him. Of course, ordinary people can't see the hidden guard's actions!
"Yes, princess!" Steward Zheng led the order to go out, with a weird look on his face. Does the princess not believe him?Or is it that the princess is worried about him?

(End of this chapter)

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