Chapter 561 Believe in Love

"Princess Qi, more than 100 women have come outside!" The guard ran in in panic, his face extremely shocked.

So many things happened to those women today, why did they come back again?

"Let them in!" Yun Feixiang moved her hand suddenly and stood up excitedly. She looked outside the door, smiled again, and sat down again.

The guards were shocked, how could the princess be so excited?This is so strange!Does the princess really want to find more than 100 women for the prince?

But what the guards don't know is that these women are not the noble women who were dismissed by the people at all, but the women from the Red Bamboo Fragrance Pavilion who were once so beautiful in the world!
"Sister!" Qin Mingzhu's excited and uncontrollable voice came from outside the door, and then, there was the sound of trotting footsteps, Qin Mingzhu rushed out, and a group of women had already walked in led by Wuying!

The four eyes met, full of silent emotion, Qin Mingyue's eyes were blurred, and there was only endless red in her eyes!

At a glance, Yun Feixiang immediately recognized the woman in green clothes. Time flies, it seems like a lifetime ago, I still remember the laughter in the Red Bamboo Fragrance Pavilion back then, I still remember the Shengtian Palace, dancing thousands of miles across the country. , Stunning allure.

Bright moon, bright moon, my heart is like a bright moon.

Perhaps in this ruthless world of conspiracy and power, where trust becomes a sword, there is only Mingyue, the only woman who only wants to take care of her wholeheartedly, who she Yun Feixiang has always trusted from the beginning to the end, from beginning to end!
"Master!" Finally, I couldn't help the turbulent waves in my heart, a hoarse and excited voice, like a frenzied tide, turned into countless waves, and finally turned into two lines of tears!
Yun Feixiang opened her arms, as she did every time she teased Qin Mingyue, and burst into a big smile, ready to welcome the woman whose cheeks were full of tears!

This smile, like a rose in full bloom in midsummer, is so delicate and beautiful that it shames everything in the world. This smile moved Xuanyuan Tianzhan's face. Perhaps at this moment, the man really realized that Qin Mingyue is very important to the women around him. How important!
"Still crying so much, I'm so sad, I'm going to marry Mingyue!" Yun Feixiang smiled.

The familiar fragrance floated into the nostrils, still making people feel so comfortable and caring, the incense on Mingyue's body remained unchanged, it was a faint breath like green tea.

Yun Feixiang sniffed, enjoying the familiar and elegant fragrance to the fullest.

When Qin Mingyue heard her master's kind words like chatting, her nose became more sore, and her tears couldn't stop shedding. The master still loves to tease her so much, and the master still treats her with such enthusiasm!

Wuying seemed to be moved, but also shy, and turned his head, but Yun Feixiang saw that his ears were red, surprisingly red!
"Mingyue don't marry, Mingyue has to take care of her master for the rest of her life!" The woman's eyes were clouded with tears, and tears of emotion and excitement kept flowing.

Yun Feixiang smiled silently. It was the expected words again, but with such a sincere look in her eyes, she had no doubt that Mingyue would really do it!

Take care of her for a lifetime, for a lifetime!

Wuying raised his head, looking at the woman in green with a handsome face in the sunlight, something flashed in the man's eyes, and then he became firm again, no matter what decision Mingyue made, he would stand by her side.

The youth and frivolity of the past are no longer, the mistakes and regrets of the past are over, he will love her with a new attitude, and only love her!

"Well, don't marry, don't marry, don't marry anyone except Wuying, hahahaha..." Looking at the strange expressions of the two, the little woman smiled happily. There are some things that need not be said or asked. , you can see everything!
They are duck mouthed!
"Master..." Mingyue stomped her foot, and everyone around her laughed.These laughters made Yun Feixiang feel so familiar.

"Hahaha, Mingyue is shy!"

"Master, have you been okay these past few years?" Mingyue blushed, and smoothed a strand of hair from her ear, but her eyes were full of worry.

"Well, I'm fine!" Yun Feixiang rubbed her stomach unconsciously. In recent years, God seems to have taken good care of her.

"Ah... Master has a baby?" Mingyue suddenly noticed Yun Feixiang's belly and couldn't help exclaiming!

The women around were startled, and they all looked at Yun Feixiang's belly. The master really had a baby. When they saw it, they also noticed that Xuanyuan Tianzhan, this all-powerful, god-like man, was gently supporting her family at this moment. Master's waist!

The man's gaze was gentle and affectionate, his eyes were full of love, everyone was immediately relieved, the prince loves their master so much, presumably the master must be very happy.

"That's right, Mingyue hasten to give birth too!" Yun Feixiang jokingly said.

"Master..." Qin Mingyue's face turned red, why does master still love to tease her so much?Sentence after sentence without stopping.

However, it was also this kindness that made her feel the familiar warmth!
These years, fortunately, Mingzhu took care of the master, otherwise she really couldn't let it go, now seeing that the master is still fine, her heart is suddenly at peace.

"How about Wuying, are you satisfied with this great gift?" The little woman changed the subject and said to Wuying who was dazed aside.

"Hehe...satisfied, satisfied!" Wuying didn't expect the princess to talk to him suddenly, so he couldn't help but nodded foolishly.

When Yun Feixiang heard Wuying's words, she immediately laughed. She just saw Wuying's dazed look, so she asked him, and she was really fooled!

"Master..." Qin Mingyue was speechless, the master was making fun of her and she was making fun of Wuying, how did she become a great gift from the master to Wuying!
Mingyue gave Wuying a charming look, why is this man getting more and more stupid?From the moment we met until now, he has always looked like a fool!

Wuying suddenly panicked, Mingyue looked like a strange little woman, he must have not seen it for a long time, and immediately, the man's soul was taken away.

"Mingyue, you deserve happiness!" Yun Feixiang's voice became a little serious and serious, and she looked at Qin Mingyue, her eyes instantly as calm as water.

Having experienced so many ups and downs, and so many trials of life and death, I have already tasted all the flavors in this world. What can compare to a precious relationship!

If you love each other, you should be together!Wuying and Mingyue, they should also settle down!

Seeing the firmness in the master's eyes, Mingyue also understood her master's thoughts in an instant. How could she not understand the master's hard work?
Besides, Wuying has always been the man in her heart!
Maybe because of some things in the past, they no longer had hope, and they deliberately alienated each other.However, after three years of complete separation, she realized that this man had already carved an indelible mark on her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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