The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 562 New Year's Eve Beauty

Chapter 562 New Year's Eve Beauty (1)
After Yun Feixiang and Mingyue exchanged pleasantries, they all focused their attention on the woman who came with Mingyue.The arrival of these women was not her order, but they came spontaneously.

"See you, master!" The colorful women bowed and saluted, all kinds of dresses were really shining, such colors made everyone feel hot.

God knows how many envious and jealous eyes there were when Wu Ying greeted them!
"Get up, don't be too polite!" Yun Feixiang smiled, and glanced at these familiar faces. In the past, all the expenses of all the forces behind Xiangge depended on the superb dancing skills of these women!
Xiangge is no longer, but their contribution to Xiangge will never be erased.

Yun Feixiang will always remember that there was a group of women who used their youthful talents to cultivate the first batch of forces for her.

The world will also remember that there is such a group of women with stunning dancing postures, unparalleled in the world... They have performed a dance feast that can never be surpassed!

"Yan'er, have you ever missed me?" Yun Feixiang looked at an older woman, that was Liu Yan, a very capable woman!
"Master, I miss you so much!" Liu Yan grinned, cooperating with the master in a cute and cute tone.

"Hahaha...does Xiao Le miss me?"

"Think, think about it..." The little girl was so excited that she couldn't speak clearly.

"Are you all satisfied with your life in Suizhou?" Yun Feixiang gradually stopped teasing, and asked a slightly serious matter with a light smile, but it didn't seem too serious!

"Satisfied." Someone replied, not very excited.

"Quite satisfied!"

Everyone is silent!

"Who will tell me what I really think?" Yun Feixiang asked in a low voice.

"The scenery there is beautiful, and there are many literati and scholars. Generally speaking, it is not bad, but master, I don't know why, those days in Suizhou, my heart is empty."

"Yeah, master, we don't think there is anything wrong with Suizhou, but we don't feel the hope of life! I even thought we would stay in Suizhou forever..."

Everyone began to talk about some of their feelings in Suizhou. Most of them thought Suizhou was a good place, but they felt that there was always something missing in Suizhou, which made them eager to leave Suizhou.

On the contrary, when they set foot on the road to Hanhai Country, their hearts gradually became more at ease and warmer.

"Actually, I have summoned you all the way to Hanhai Country to tell you something solemn!" The little woman flicked her red sleeves, her tone softened.

"Master, no matter what happens, it is our duty to go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire!" A group of women's eyes were burning and firm.

"No, everyone listen to me!" The little woman raised her hand with a serious and serious expression.

"As your master, I first feel sorry for myself. I should have considered your future earlier, but due to my negligence, I haven't put this matter on the agenda for a long time!"

"Master, what are you talking about? Our future is to follow you. No matter where the world is, we will never abandon you. You are our future!" The women were a little excited and puzzled.

"Master, don't dismiss us, don't drive us away, we will always be the people of Xiangge, the master's people forever!"

Yun Feixiang heard the sound of sobbing.

"Master, we don't have to dance, we don't have to do such a job that looks disgraceful, we can support ourselves and the power behind it with our own hands, please believe us, master!"

Yun Feixiang felt her eyes ache, and when she closed her eyes, tears filled the corners of her eyes!

You are our future!

We will always be the Lord's people!

Master must trust us!

"You have misunderstood, I am not trying to drive you away! I just want to give you a bright future!" The little woman opened her eyes, and her clear eyes were as dark as night.

"Master, we just want to be by your side. The grace of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring. You gave us hope to live, and you taught us how to be strong in adversity. We just want to stay by your side. Serving you!"

The girls were still talking, but Yun Feixiang felt thousands of emotions welling up in her heart. She never thought that these girls would be so determined to follow her!
Yun Feixiang raised her hand, not angry but arrogant!
The woman was dressed in red, with a serious face. Standing in the center of the courtyard, her figure suddenly became taller. Behind her, the three characters of Zhan Xiangxuan gleamed in gold, majestic.

The breeze was a bit bitter, blowing past their ears, everyone fell silent and looked at the woman in the courtyard, that was their master!Faintly, they knew that the master had something extremely serious and serious to tell them!

"I once told you that no matter what time you are, you must see the hope of life. I once told you that no matter what time you are, you must believe that there is warmth in the world. Do you all remember these words?"

I once told you to believe in love, do you remember?
"Remember!" Yun Feixiang answered with a uniform and firm voice!

They remembered every word the master said!

At that time, the master was deeply tormented by the pain of the dark pavilion, and every time the poison flared up, his body would almost convulse in pain, and he often fell into a coma.

But every time, the master would tell them to believe in hope, even if tomorrow is the end of life, they should live the remaining days well.

"You are not too young anymore, after so many years, you should start a family!" Yun Feixiang smiled, her eyes were unusually soft, yes, the girls should have a home of their own.

"Master! We have always regarded Xiangge as our home!" To Yun Feixiang's surprise, women's firm voices came from next to her ears.

"Xiangge is our home!" The women shouted in unison, Xiangge is their forever home!

Yun Feixiang's heart was moved, a sweet and uncontrollable emotion was brewing, like drinking too much wine, this emotion would overflow in the next moment.

"That's right, you all have a big family. The sisters live in harmony, hold each other hostage, and build such a beautiful family together! But now, the master wants you to have your own small family!" Yun Feixiang opened her red lips lightly, There is a lot of seriousness on the smiling cheeks.

The girls were stunned for a moment, the master wanted them to have a small family of their own?

"Master..." There was a confused voice.

"Most of you are orphans. You have lost your parents since you were young, and you have rarely received love from your relatives. So, do you want to give your children a complete home, a warm home!"

The woman's words became very light again, just like rainwater falling into the sea, only a circle of ripples.

(End of this chapter)

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