The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 563 New Year's Eve Beauty

Chapter 563 New Year's Eve Beauty (2)
However, the meaning contained in this sentence is enough to shock every woman standing here!
They also finally understood that the master didn't want to dismiss them, but to give them a home!
child?That's something they never thought of!It's not that I don't want to think about it, but I don't dare to think about it, let alone ask for a complete family for my child.

"A woman's greatest wish in life is a warm home! It is to give birth to a child for the man she loves, so that the family can live happily!"

"Also as a woman, what I long for most is not the glory of standing at the pinnacle of imperial power, not the dream-like prosperity of a lifetime, and not the supremacy of power! But a loving person who will always treat me as good as ever! But a family, It will always hold my heart!" Yun Feixiang's eyes shone brightly, twinkling like the bright moonlight in the dark night, holy and bright.

This kind of look makes people yearn for and look forward to!
Xuanyuan Tianzhan raised his head violently, his eyes were already tender and tender... He just wanted to call her name thousands of times, and brand her in his heart forever, Xiang'er, his Xiang'er!

Yun Feixiang didn't look at Xuanyuan Tianzhan, but she could feel the burning eyes and deep love beside her. The woman below listened very carefully, and seemed to be thinking about an extremely important matter.

"Master, you, are you going to marry us off?" Finally someone bravely asked out the doubts in his heart!

"Girls have to marry, be mothers, and have a man to love them. Therefore, I want to make the decision for you and marry you all!" The little woman explained her meaning clearly and clearly.

The doubts in the hearts of the women have all been confirmed!But at this moment, there are countless emotions in my heart, just like yesterday...

who is it?They always said that they would marry them off, but they laughed it off, thinking it was her joke, but they didn't expect that one day, it would come true!

who is it?He always smiles at them and teases them, but one day, he will seriously arrange life-long events for them and find love that cannot be expected for them!
Master, your heart is so broad yet so delicate, how should we love you?
Night came quietly, this day, it seemed that many things happened, it was extremely long...

Another night of heavy snow, another field of red plums, the red petals fell into the snow, blooming the unique beauty of winter on the white snow.Scattered into snow, turned into spring water, next year, will it nourish the delicate and beautiful spring flowers?
New Year's Eve, finally ushered in!
And this year's New Year's Eve, in addition to celebrating the new year, the Prince Regent's Mansion also had an extremely grand banquet!

On the mountain behind the Prince Regent's Mansion, there is a spacious training field. On weekdays, only the serious-looking and decent-looking Jin Jiawei can be seen here.

Today, however, on the huge school grounds, red silk is flying, ribbons are flying, and fragrant flowers are everywhere. The red carpet stretches forward all the way to the front of the wide high platform.

On the high platform, several extremely beautiful men were playing the piano and flute ensemble. The men had handsome faces, and their temperament was dusty.

The weather was already extremely cold, but they were dressed very chicly and elegantly. At first glance, they looked like iron-blooded men with deep inner strength who could withstand exercise.

Look, the man on the stage looked serious to the extreme, his fingertips were smooth, and he plucked out a very beautiful piano sound.

The man's complexion is jade-like, gentle and elegant. No matter what, no one would have thought that he was actually the shadow leader of the Golden Armored Guard, and no one would have thought that he was already 30 years old this year, a ten-year-old young talent.

Looking at the man playing the deep flute, his flowing bangs covered half of his face, which added to the mystery. His perfect side face, and fortunately, the curve of his jaw, attracted people's imagination.

While he was breathing, the sound of the empty and distant flute seemed to come from the distant sky, shaking people's hearts!
This man is Xiao Mo!And next to him, a man dancing with a sword is Xiao Bai!

Qin Mingzhu looked up on the high platform, and couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction. The master has two handsome guards, and it's also pleasing to watch.

"You girl is really capable, you ran away with a hundred women, and you got another hundred, that's amazing!" He Lianbei said amusedly as he walked up to the VIP seat.

All of this is fine, but what is this girl doing to drag him here?
"That's it, who is this girl? I can't let everyone down, hahahaha..." Yun Feixiang strode onto her seat, and Xuanyuan Tianzhan was frightened, and slapped her on the buttocks.

Yun Feixiang blinked mischievously, but didn't care, she still smiled wickedly, is it easy for her?Isn't it just to find a woman to accompany Helian Bei? !

However, to be honest, she was really curious, would any girls like He Lianbei, a man in his 40s but with extraordinary charm?

The women in Xiangge have always had a good eye, so someone should notice this old man, right?He Lianbei was really at a disadvantage when he was called an old man. With this face, no one would believe that he was over 30 years old.

Yun Feixiang was still thinking about it, but when she saw He Lianbei walking directly to the last position on the stage, she couldn't help being speechless, and it took all kinds of tricks to trick He Lianbei into a conspicuous position.

Unexpectedly, He Lianbei also said that he was going to make it easier, but he found a very simple commoner clothes from the palace somewhere, and happily put them on!
When Yun Feixiang saw it, her eyes widened immediately, oh my god, the clothes worn by the servants of the Prince Regent's Mansion are also better than his, okay?
"Xiang'er, you didn't say that you must dress brightly. I see that the men in the middle of the field are all wearing brocade and satin clothes. If I also wear fancy clothes, wouldn't it be too unremarkable!" He Lianbei looked for himself. He made an excuse, and he felt satisfied.

Yun Feixiang couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth, this excuse was really full of personality!
Everyone else does it, so I'm not doing it, sounds good!
"Xiang'er, I think your father knew that you wanted to find a woman for her, that's why he did this! Actually, that's fine, if he dresses up like this and some women fall in love with him, it's enough to prove that this woman treats him very well." With one heart and one mind!" A certain neglected prince popped up again in an instant, swearing his own sense of existence.

At the same time, he had to pay close attention to his baby. Xiang'er was always walking restlessly, and he didn't see any violent reactions from her. He felt that Xiang'er was abnormal.

However, he checked Xiang'er's pulse, and everything is fine!

"Ah Zhan is right!" Yun Feixiang also felt polite. Some things cannot be forced. He Lianbei has a stubborn temper, so he can't force him, but he can't let him completely.

"Wuying, is everyone here?" Yun Feixiang looked around and felt that it was time to start.

(End of this chapter)

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