Chapter 566
Everyone is very happy, but why does He Ya look preoccupied?Did something happen?

The woman nodded, then shook her head violently, her eyes stared at the high platform with burning eyes.

Yun Feixiang was taken aback, did this girl take a fancy to the people on the stage?
Could it be Mochizuki?Following He Ya's gaze, Yun Feixiang saw Xuanyuan Wangyue at a glance!

"Xiaoya likes him?" Yun Feixiang asked softly, pointing at him.

Xuanyuan Wangyue was arguing excitedly with Nalan Ruofei about what kind of woman Yingying would like. At this moment, Xuanyuan Wangyue's complexion was ruddy, and her exquisite handsome face was exquisite. He was really a handsome man!
"No, master." The girl shook her head like a rattle, but her gaze was firmly fixed in the direction of Xuanyuan Wangyue.

Yun Feixiang was startled suddenly, and raised her head to look behind Xuanyuan Wangyue. Behind Xuanyuan Wangyue was Helianbei who was dressed in coarse linen and thought he was inconspicuous and had escaped a catastrophe!
Yun Feixiang hesitated, if it was another woman, she would definitely be pleasantly surprised.

But Xiaoya, she is too young!
Although He Lianbei is infinitely charming, but the age difference between Xiaoya and Xiaoya is too big. Moreover, He Lianbei is mature, so he may not like such an immature girl!
"Forget it, master, he won't like me!" He Ya took a step back, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said in a firm tone.

Yun Feixiang was slightly stunned, she was still thinking about how to persuade He Ya to give up Helianbei and choose a young and handsome bodyguard, but she had already understood it.

But at this moment, Helianbei seemed to have discovered something, and turned his head to look at them.

The two kinds of light suddenly broke through the air and intertwined in the air. Yun Feixiang saw He Lianbei's body tremble, and her body seemed to be a little stiff. She also saw the eyes of the woman in front of her brighten, with an excited expression on her small face.

"So, I can only be his maid!" The woman seemed to be talking to herself, but she didn't know where the courage came from, she raised her feet and stepped onto the high platform step by step.

The girls in Xiangge may really have different courage and charm. Under the gaze of everyone, He Ya approached Helianbei step by step, and showed him a bright smile.

This smile is like pushing away the dark clouds, and the sun is shining.

At this moment, Xuanyuan Wangyue and Nalan Ruofei stopped talking about the handsome men and women on the field, and looked at the woman who was getting closer to them.

Then, Xuanyuan Wangyue and Nalan Ruofei saw the woman bypass them and stand in front of Helianbei!

With a light yellow body and fair and delicate skin, she stands tall and graceful, like a blooming lotus, fragrant alone.

No matter from which angle you look at it, she is a girl so beautiful that it makes people's hearts flutter. Many men are heartbroken and look towards the high platform.

He Lianbei also raised his head, and looked at the woman in front of him generously. He wanted to see, what kind of woman was it that discovered his existence and approached him boldly?
Although he was sitting in the middle of the high platform, he moved the chair secretly. Xuanyuan Wangyue happened to block most of his body, and he was dressed in commoner clothes, so he was even more convinced that no one would notice him. noticed!
But when he saw a woman who was as beautiful as a flower and obviously not yet in her teens, he was instantly stunned.

It turned out to be such a little girl!
He has never doubted his charm, and his high-strength martial arts has maintained a good appearance and a strong body, and women will fall in love with him!

However, his deepest love at the beginning was lost to Yun Tianxiang, and he failed to win the woman's heart!

He Lianbei shook his head, and smiled slightly at the woman. Those eyes were as dark as night, like shining gems, shining through, deeply attracting people.

He Lianbei was at a loss for a moment, glanced at the woman, turned around and got off the high platform in some embarrassment.

He Ya was shocked at first, and then delighted. Holding the hem of her skirt, she trotted over with the man. He Lianbei walked very fast and imposing. The girl knew that he was not an ordinary man!

At the same time, she knew that a mature and charming man like him must have had a woman he loved, but when she saw him for the first time, she couldn't help it.

He Ya bit her lip tightly and followed, she bumped like a deer, her heart beating wildly.

"Do you know, I am your master's biological father!" The man in front suddenly stopped and spoke slowly.

"Ah... Ouch!" Before He Ya could react to what he said, the tip of his nose touched something hard.

She raised her head suddenly, and found that it was the man's back, and he had stopped at some point.

A small object bumped into him from behind, Helianbei froze, turned his head, and saw the most speechless scene he had ever seen.

The woman wiped her nose with her hands indiscriminately, blood was all over her face, seeing He Lianbei turning her head, He Ya smiled foolishly.

He Lianbei was stunned, his back hit the girl's nose!

"Your back is so strong, it almost broke my little nose!" The woman's soft and innocent words came, leaving Helianbei speechless.

Some are coquettish, some are sad, some are funny, like elves.

"Let's go!" As if taking the wrong medicine, He Lianbei said a word.

First find a place with water and wash her nosebleed.

Yun Feixiang was behind them, watching the two people leave, one big and one small, she couldn't help sighing, maybe God is such a fool!Or maybe, some fate is destined by God!

In fact, she also has selfish intentions. The royal father and concubine mother will come back after all. How will they get along with Helianbei when they meet Helian Bei?
Helianbei is her biological father, and her concubine is her biological mother. Perhaps this complicated love triangle can be made simpler, that is, Helianbei also has a destination!
For Helian Bei, she also felt a little guilty. Under her persuasion, he lost almost everything in the joint Beishang battle, including his beloved son Helian Zhongyu, his family power and the noble Beixiang. King status!
For her daughter, He Lian Bei broke up with He Lian Zhong Yu and his son, their family relationship was cut off, and until now, they are all alone!
When those Helian clansmen with background forces were killed or exiled, Yun Feixiang could still see the deep pain under his calm eyes.

Then, he was alone!
Yun Feixiang couldn't help sighing, well, everything depends on fate, some things cannot be forced, just like when Xue Yinghua married He Lianlie back then, no one would have thought of the ending!

"Wow... Tianyue and Mingzhu seem to have had enough!" Wuying shouted with his eyes widened.

When Yun Feixiang returned to the high platform, she saw Qin Mingzhu and Xiao Tianyue sitting on wicker chairs beside them, seeming to be talking sweetly, while Wujing was also enthusiastically discussing poems and songs with a woman.

(End of this chapter)

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