Chapter 567 Great Changes (1)
Sitting down in his original position, Yun Feixiang immediately felt Xuanyuan Tianzhan's strangeness, he held her hand tightly, his palm was dripping with sweat.

"Ah Zhan, what's the matter?" The little woman was puzzled, she had only been out for a while, why did something wrong come back?

"Xiang'er, I have a bad premonition!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan said honestly, this premonition was extremely strong and made him uneasy.

"What kind of premonition?"

"I can't tell, I just feel that something important is about to happen!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan frowned slightly, his face a little dignified.

Yun Feixiang stopped talking. Perhaps Ah Zhan's premonition was not a premonition at all, but the vigilance from being in various dangers for a long time.

Perhaps, something important is going to happen!

"Wuying!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan shouted in a deep voice.

"My lord!" Wuying hurried over and knelt down on one knee.

"Strengthen your guard!" The man narrowed his eyes and said four words heavily.

Wuying's face suddenly became serious, and he was no longer the same as the previous hippie smile. What the prince said to strengthen the guard is to at least double the strength!

Moreover, judging by Wang Ye's expression, it seems that the situation is very serious!
Wuying didn't dare to delay, hurriedly went down to make arrangements, and everything returned to the original state. Yun Feixiang looked up, and in the middle of the field, there were already many young men and women clasping their fingers!

It is impossible for everyone to find the lover of their dreams, and it is impossible for everyone to be a match. She is here to provide everyone with an opportunity, not the barbaric refereed marriage in ancient feudal times.

Naturally, there are also some women and men who cannot find the other half they are satisfied with.Let's stop here, she can't do anything about the rest!
As the sun sets, the silhouettes of the men and women gradually elongate, and the afterglow casts a peaceful and tranquil scene... Such a beauty makes people nostalgic and intoxicated!
Tonight, doomed not to sleep, tonight, doomed to be unforgettable forever.

On this day, Yun Feixiang did not order to stop all activities!
In the back mountain, the fiery red lanterns are lit, with deep affection and sweetness, and a private decision for life.The front hall is brightly lit, and the servants have prepared delicious food and wine, waiting for the host and guests to revel in enthusiasm.

The sound of clinking glasses is everywhere, and there is joy and celebration everywhere. This kind of atmosphere is suitable for getting drunk!

Yun Feixiang grabbed a jug of wine, unable to hold back the joy in her heart.

She looked at the wine glass in front of her. The white jade was flawless, as crystal clear as morning dew. Finally, she raised her hand and put down the wine glass.

All the people were also at this moment, their expressions relaxed.Xiang'er is pregnant with a child, so it's really not suitable for drinking!

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes fell on the woman's beautiful face, and he felt a dull pain in his heart. In Xiang'er's eyes, he seemed to see memories from many years ago!The man was slightly taken aback, all the emotions in his eyes were hidden under the blurred eyes.

"It's been a long time since I've had the taste of wine, I wonder if I'm still not drunk after a thousand glasses?" The little woman sighed and looked at the empty glass in front of her!

"Xiang'er is naturally not drunk for a thousand cups!" Leng Yishuang walked over, grabbed Yun Feixiang's hand, and put a thermos pot into her hand.

"When I ate the secret sauce chicken at Liji, Xiang'er's drinking capacity was embarrassing!" Nalan Ruofei drank, and his eyes were a little drunk.

"Actually, all of you have never really seen me without a thousand cups!" Today, for some reason, she really wanted to drink, but she couldn't!
"Have you seen the prince?" Che Zili took a sip of wine, his eyes were a little dazed.

Lien Chan next to him quickly gave him a hand. This man doesn't drink very well, but he seems to be in high spirits today and drank a lot.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan was slightly stunned, and didn't speak, but his fingers were trembling almost invisibly!
She suddenly remembered that when she was in Xiangge, she was dressed in Tsing Yi under the moonlight, her warm face, her cool eyes...

Yun Feixiang was startled suddenly, how could she think of Murong Rui at this moment?
That's right, only Murong Rui has seen her soberly!On New Year's Eve tonight, he must be lonely in Shengjing alone!

"Xiang'er, have some sweet soup!" Passing a spoon to Yun Feixiang's mouth, she opened her mouth unconsciously, and a sweet taste slowly entered her mouth, warming her heart immediately.

When the little girl raised her head, she saw Xuanyuan Tianzhan's deep eyes, his golden eyes were as bright as pearls, and like a vast starry sky, a meteor streaked across the sky.Afterwards, he lowered his head and gently fed her soup.

Yun Feixiang's heart felt hot, she raised the man's chin with her small hand, and pointed his face at her, Xuanyuan Tianzhan's heart jumped and he froze immediately!

But at this moment, everyone held their breath, watching their own concubine holding the prince's chin ambiguously.Such a bold move, I am afraid that only the princess in the world dares to do it!
"This face, I only need to look at it to know if it's true or not!" Yun Feixiang suddenly shot, a dagger cut the man's face without hesitation.

The man's face felt pain, and he stood up immediately, and all the people also stood up at this moment, looking at the two in front of them in puzzlement.

Che Zili woke up almost immediately, and saw Yun Feixiang cut Xuanyuan Tianzhan's face with the dagger in his hand. He was so shocked that he couldn't speak!
"Xiang'er, you..." The man was calm, enduring the pain and letting the blood run down his cheeks.

"Shadow, take this person down!" Yun Feixiang gave an order, and a cold sword was already clenched in his hand, the cold light shone, and everything was dense.

"Princess, this..." Ying Ying was startled, this is the prince!How dare he take it?
"He's not your prince! If you don't believe me, you can tear off his mask!" Yun Feixiang's voice was cold, and her expression became more serious.

"Xiang'er, don't get me wrong! I am..." He wanted to explain, and he couldn't let Xiang'er misunderstand him!

However, when the icy cold sword touched his neck, the man took a deep breath, and was so heartbroken that he couldn't speak for a moment.

The woman's eyes were cold, and the cold sword in her hand was shining with silver light. The man's hands were behind his back, and the light in his eyes was constantly changing. With the coolness coming from his neck, his heart was also cold to the end.

He never wanted her to guess, but this time, he wanted to see if there was his shadow under her eyes?Is there still a place for him in her heart?

The dagger slashed across the cheek without hesitation, and blood dripped down the handsome face. If the next moment, she slashed the cold sword across his neck, he would not move.

The distance from Shengjing to Xuanyuan Imperial City is no more than a heart. Even if you change your face, voice, and eyes, your heart remains the same, but your love remains the same!
Thousands of times to stop my heart from missing, and thousands of times to overthrow my previous thoughts, I rushed over desperately. If I want to see you, the distance of thousands of kilometers is nothing!
The bright moonlight cleared the ground, and after the heavy snow melted, the entire night sky became extremely clear, with white clouds floating in the sky, and the night moon was quiet and beautiful.

Shadow was concentrated, his eyes fixed on the man in front of him.Whether it's the face, the golden eyes, or the domineering body, they all have the aura of a king that only his prince can have.

(End of this chapter)

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