Chapter 568 Great Changes (2)
But why does his princess so firmly believe that the man in front of her is not a prince!
He believed in the princess, and he also believed in his own eyes. It was a matter of the prince's life, so he couldn't do anything reckless.

"Princess, don't be impulsive!" Shadow shouted nervously.Immediately, a cold light came, and Shadow felt suffocated and stiff all over.

"Can I still not recognize my man?" Yun Feixiang growled.

The atmosphere froze in an instant, everyone's hearts rose to their throats, and the man across from him gave a wry smile, his eyes dimmed!

A delicate red shadow flashed past, Yun Feixiang stretched out his hand to grab it, and five fingernail marks appeared on the man's face, he stood straight on the spot without dodging.

The woman bowed her head, but she didn't have any mask on her hand!

Yun Feixiang was startled suddenly, this man didn't wear a mask, it's impossible!There was also a strange light in her eyes, and she was very surprised.

The person in front of him is definitely not Ah Zhan, he is so familiar with Ah Zhan, it is impossible not to recognize him.However, he didn't wear a mask, so how could he have the same face?
Everyone was shocked, this person did not wear a mask, the princess scratched his face when she grabbed it, this was enough to prove that he was their prince, everyone was stunned, not knowing what to do for a while.

"Xiang'er, look at me..." the man said, his tone was still gentle, and his address remained unchanged.

Not only did he have a wound from the dagger on his face, but there were also five distinct finger prints, but his attitude towards the woman did not show any anger at all, but instead revealed infinite pampering and tolerance.

Everyone was even more determined that the man in front of them was their prince, and only the prince would love the princess so much!

If he wasn't the prince, he would have fought back against the concubine long ago, how could he still stand there motionless? !
"Okay! I'll look at you!" Yun Feixiang's eyes turned cold, and she thought to herself that it was a good plan, even the people in the palace stood by his side!

Although everyone didn't speak, Yun Feixiang could already see from the eyes around them that they believed that the man in front of them was Xuanyuan Tianzhan!

The four eyes met, but there was no sense of familiarity in the golden eyes, Yun Feixiang's heart turned cold, and her thoughts became more firm.

"Xiang'er, do you recognize me?" After a long time, the man spoke, with an unspeakable expectation in his tone, Yun Feixiang was taken aback, but only for a moment.

"Even if I look at you a thousand times, you are not Xuanyuan Tianzhan!" Yun Feixiang quickly approached the man's side, and immediately plunged the dagger into the man's chest.

Even if I look at you a thousand times, you are not Xuanyuan Tianzhan!
You were thinking about Xuanyuan Tianzhan, how could you recognize me as Murong Rui?Xiang'er, if you think for a moment that the man in front of you is Murong Rui, how could you not recognize me?
Yun Feixiang sneered, wanting to pretend to be A Zhan, it's okay to deceive others, but Yun Feixiang cannot deceive her!

However, when the woman's eyes fell on the man's neckline, her expression suddenly changed, and a cold smile froze on her lips.

Impossible, it cannot be him!Xiangge's information said yesterday that he was far away in Shengjing, how could he suddenly appear here today?

She didn't have time to think about it, she pulled his collar slightly, her hands trembling uncontrollably, she looked at the man, a snake's tail was exposed on his chest, her eyes widened.

Looking at the skin on the man's chest and the remaining wounds from before, she immediately turned pale!
Yun Feixiang immediately tore off the man's clothes, wanting to verify her thoughts, when her eyes touched the snake, her eyes widened.

Sure enough, it was the trace of the Flame Dragon Purple Snake. On the man's white skin, the golden purple snake seemed to be alive, twisting its body mischievously.

That was when Ah Zhan was healing Murong Rui, he removed the red enchanting snow lotus on his chest, and carved a small snake for him as a prank!
This little snake was carved in the shape of the flame dragon purple snake!
Yun Feixiang has never seen the snake on Murong Rui's chest, but she is very familiar with the flame dragon purple snake!This snake looks very distinctive, it was obtained from the Snake Girl at the beginning, and later it was used for Murong Rui's poisoning!
And the snake on Murong Rui's chest looks like this snake!
"Rui?" The woman asked with a trembling voice.

"Xiang'er recognized me after all!" The man gave a difficult smile, but his eyes were filled with happiness, and a lot of blood flowed out from his chest. The man finally couldn't hold on anymore, and his body fell backwards.

Yun Feixiang's mind suddenly went "boom", and she didn't want to ask him why he appeared here, why he had to pretend to be Xuanyuan Tianzhan, or what happened to him!
Murong Rui, don't let anything happen to you!
"Xiao Mo Xiao Bai, quickly help him back into the room!" The woman's voice trembled more and more, and the cold sword in her hand fell to the ground feebly, making a crisp sound.

The cold night is getting colder, the cold wind is blowing, the sky is not snowing, but the fallen leaves are floating all over the ground, the original clarity is also stained with muddy soil.

Xiao Mo and Xiao Bai quickly supported the man's fallen body and helped him into the room.

Everyone didn't seem to understand what happened, but they saw that the princess gave the prince a knife, then called the word "Rui", and sent someone to help the "Wang Ye" back.

Isn't all this too weird!

Yun Feixiang glanced around, but she didn't see Wuying, and then she thought that Xuanyuan Tianzhan might have gone out.Today he said that he had a bad feeling, presumably to test the conjecture in his heart.

"Shadow, there is a change in the palace, immediately dismiss everyone, strengthen the guards, and investigate all suspicious persons!"

"Send the signal to let your prince come back!"

"The imperial city is closed, and no one is allowed to enter or leave!"

Yun Feixiang issued orders one after another, her complexion had already turned to ice, thinking of Murong Rui's blood all over her body, she could only feel her heart trembling.

She didn't want to think so much anymore, this stupid man just said that he missed her and came to see her, but why did he pretend to be A Zhan?

Yun Feixiang faintly felt that something important was going to happen today!
"Princess, he, he's dying!" Xiao Mo didn't dare to talk nonsense, and quickly ran to Yun Feixiang and whispered.

"You go out, I'll go and have a look!" The little woman hurried into the room, only to see a heartbreaking face.

Looking at the fireworks that suddenly exploded in the sky, Wuying couldn't help but frown. On New Year's Eve, the imperial city has the habit of setting off fireworks, but there are still more than two hours left in Ion Night. How could there be fireworks all over the sky?
"My lord!" Wuying exclaimed suddenly, as if something was wrong.

"Go back to the mansion!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes darkened, and he was already on his horse. Although there were fireworks everywhere, he could still distinguish the signal from Wang Liao's mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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