The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 569 Sleepless in the Imperial City

Chapter 569 Sleepless in the Imperial City (1)
Xiao Tianyue and Qin Mingzhu were walking on the street, expressing their deep affection endlessly. Unexpectedly, soldiers and horses were mobilized in the imperial city, and there was the sound of horseshoes.

Xiao Tianyue grabbed a soldier casually and showed the gold medal on his waist. When the visitor saw that it was a general, he was so shocked that he couldn't speak!

"What happened?" Xiao Tianyue asked in a deep voice.

"General, there is a change in the imperial city tonight. There is an order from above that no one is allowed to enter or leave the city gate! Suspicious people in the imperial city will also be interrogated!" The soldier honestly explained the situation, Xiao Tianyue let him go, and he staggered a few times Step, hurried to catch up with the big troops.

"Mingzhu, let's go back quickly!"

Inside the closed door, Yun Feixiang ordered that no one should be disturbed. Dugu Piaojian has already led the Dulong team to guard the door, window, and all places that may be attacked by surprise.

Maybe others don't understand, but when he heard the woman tremblingly yelling that word, he knew that the man was Murong Rui. Although he didn't know how Murong Rui turned into Xuanyuan Tianzhan's appearance, but that man was real. It's Murong Rui!
At that time, he noticed that the dagger was inserted into Murong Rui's chest, at least three inches deep, and it was on the left side of the chest.

The house was very quiet, and the strong smell of blood almost drowned Yun Feixiang's breath. At this moment, he couldn't speak a thousand words, and only saw that pale face.

"Even with a different face, you still recognize me!" The man opened his eyes and said gently with a smile on his lips.

"Don't talk!" The woman's eyes were moist and her tone was stern.

"Xiang'er, hug me!" Countless hugs appeared in the dream, and countless warm images appeared, although under such circumstances, he was still looking forward to it.

"Do not talk!"

The woman didn't hug the man, but stretched out her hands and touched a few of his acupuncture points.

"If I can die in your arms, I will die with no regrets!" The man stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to get close to the woman's face, but his eyes were blurred and he could only see a blur.

"You won't die, don't talk!" Yun Feixiang sat down with her knees crossed, her eyes sparkling, but she was very firm.

She can save him, and she can definitely save her, just like every time he came back from a secret fight with the prince, as soon as he saw her, he knew that another catastrophe had passed.

"I'd rather die in Xiang'er's arms, at least no one will disturb us at this moment!" He knew how deep the wound on his chest was, and he couldn't last much longer.

The woman remained silent, turned her palms with genuine energy, hoping that Xiaoyao Tianxia would really have the effect that Master said, even if she paid all the price, she would be willing.

"Xuanyuan Tianzhan went out to patrol. He was afraid that you would worry, so he didn't tell you. I saw him go out with my own eyes. He went out, so I came in." The man was still talking, his eyes could no longer be opened, his voice was confused confused.

"I'm happier than him. I can die in your arms, but he can't!"

Xiang'er said that if someone loves her, she must not die before her. She doesn't want to endure that kind of loneliness, so only Xuanyuan Tianzhan can endure that loneliness.

The man raised the corners of his lips, a little proud.

"Murong Rui, shut up! You are not allowed to speak again!" Yun Feixiang roared, tears falling from the corners of her eyes.

"Xiang'er, I really want to kiss you, I'm so close to you, but I've never kissed you before, I don't know if I can't bear it, or I don't dare..."

He was so tired, his eyelids were so heavy, his mouth was so dry, his chest hurt so much, he felt that he was going to leave.

Yun Feixiang felt a sudden pain in her heart, she couldn't bear to look at Murong Rui, she had some feelings, hidden too deeply, but in the end it was just suppressed, Murong Rui's love was too tired and heavy!

If possible, she hoped that he never met her, he is the emperor of Shengtian, he shouldn't be an infatuated man!

On the New Year's Eve of the New Year's Eve, no one thought that he would appear in front of her eyes. But who is responsible for the current tragedy?

Outside the gate of the Prince Regent's Mansion, there were footsteps of guards walking all over the ground, and under the ground, there were countless pairs of killing eyes.

Behind a pile of dry firewood, a cover was pushed open, and a person quickly flew out of it, and landed on the roof opposite the Prince Regent's Mansion. There was a window on the roof, and the figure flew in.

"Young master, everything is ready." The visitor knelt on one knee with a very respectful expression.

"Three years ago, my sister was here to lure Yun Feixiang, but she couldn't kill her after all. Now, I don't want to kill her, I only want her to hurt!" The woman turned her back to the window, her petite figure exuding air-conditioning.

After she finished speaking, she chuckled lightly, and the corners of her mouth curved evilly.

Everyone felt the low air pressure and did not dare to breathe out. The young master's smile is the most penetrating!
"Accord to the original plan, remember, don't go head-to-head with the elite guards of the palace!" After a long time, the woman opened her mouth, and a smear of blood flowed from her fingertips, with a strong smell.

Everyone felt cold all over. They saw a person fell beside the young master, and they didn't even make a sound.

"Young master, it's not good, we are surrounded!" Suddenly, there was a tense and hurried voice, and at the same time, the sound of weapons being unsheathed.

"Huh?" Hidden so well?How could they be exposed?

She had ordered all the subordinates hiding here not to act rashly, but the sound of the sword being unsheathed clearly proved that the enemy was approaching.

The woman opened the black curtain of the window and looked from the roof. She was startled suddenly. Countless torches illuminated the courtyard like daytime. Countless black figures stood on the wall, and their cold eyes radiated a frightening look. momentum.

Countless rockets aimed at them, emitting a blinding light as if quenched.

Under the moonlight, the man on the opposite side was wearing a black robe, with golden silk dragon patterns shining brightly in the moonlight and fire.

He stood with his hands behind his back, his face was stern, and under the radiance, his face could be clearly seen. It was as perfect as a knife, more handsome than he remembered, with sexy and stiff lines, all exuding a cold aura.

"Kill without pardon!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan said bloodthirstyly.

"Retreat!" The woman pulled down the curtain with one hand, and quickly flew to the underground exit.

Countless fire arrows shot out, brushed against the strong wind, and there was a huge spark at the place where the woman was just now. The smell of burning tung oil spread quickly, and the crackling fire instantly set the whole house ablaze.

Most of the people were woken up. Tonight was the New Year's Eve. Everyone was watching the new year. The government ordered that they were not allowed to go out. The people were reunited at home.

However, the fire coming from the center of the imperial city was so dazzling that almost everyone could see the soaring flames in the courtyard.

There were running footsteps and stern shouting from officers and soldiers everywhere outside. Some bold people looked out through the crack of the door and saw the golden armored guards flying past, their eyes widened in shock.

Someone opened the door again, glanced out, saw Jin Jingwei, and immediately locked the door, and the senior royal guards were dispatched, something must have happened!

(End of this chapter)

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