The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 570 Sleepless in the Imperial City

Chapter 570 Sleepless in the Imperial City (2)
However, at this moment, Zi Yegeng suddenly remembered that at the same time, gorgeous fireworks flew into the sky, and the imperial city cheered instantly, as if the sparks soaring into the sky just now were just the prelude to the sky filled with fireworks!
However, the common people don't think about why the fireworks were set off twice tonight. They cheered, and every household lit firecrackers. Tonight, the imperial city has no sleep!

The woman smiled wryly in the ground. She hid deeply and planned for a long time. After all, she was no match for him. Fortunately, she didn't reveal herself and gave him a big gift!
The sound of continuous coughing came from the underground passage. Many people were ashamed, and their white clothes were also stained with gray and black. If they hadn't run fast, they might have been burned to ashes.

Many people were thankful that there was no time to sympathize with the screams that did not escape, but they were also unable to shake off the thrilling heart-piercing sounds in their ears.

There is always a price to pay for following the young master!
It was the young master who ordered the passage to be closed, they were just following orders, if you want to blame, you can only blame them for not running fast!Taking a step back, if all the people above run away, wouldn't they be more exposed.

"Young master, I didn't expect them to set fire directly!" A maid in white said angrily.

"There are more things you didn't expect! This underground passage can no longer be used!" the woman said calmly.

That man, sooner or later, will find this underground passage, and those dead people can only confuse his sight a little bit.

"Why?" The maid was puzzled.

It took them more than half a year to dig such an underground passage, but the young master actually said that it can no longer be used in the future, so wouldn't their long-term efforts be in vain?
They haven't been close to Yun Feixiang at all, how can they avenge their dead former young master?

"If you don't want to die, don't use it!" The woman said sullenly, with a slight dissatisfaction in her tone.

The maid hurriedly shut up, she was really crazy just now, she dared to ask the young master why!
But then again, it's really strange that the young master didn't get angry today.

"My lord, there are hundreds of corpses inside, both male and female, and the ratio is even, but I didn't find the red blood jade that the lord said!" After spending most of the night, Wu Ying took people to clean up the inside and outside. Thoroughly!
"She escaped!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan said with his eyes narrowed as he looked at the burning house.

Can you escape under heavy siege?There must be other channels!

Xuanyuan Tianzhan only needed to think about it, and immediately sent people to search for the underground passages.

"My lord, we also discovered this!" Wu Ying spread out his palms, and a shiny gold medal suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan glanced casually, but when he saw the gold medal in Wuying's hand, his gaze changed again and again!
The man picked up the gold medal and looked at it repeatedly. On the gold medal, a real dragon appeared alive. On the tail of the dragon, there was a crack. The crack was very thin. If you didn't look carefully, you would think it was just a scratch!
Xuanyuan Tianzhan scratched his fingernails into the cracks, and turned them left and right. The cracks suddenly became bigger and separated, and the gold medal was inlaid with a formal "Rui" character!

Murong Rui!Just as Wuying wanted to see what it was, Xuanyuan Tianzhan had already closed the gold medal and put it in his sleeve!

Wuying was puzzled, what was that, why did the prince look so weird?

Yun Feixiang leaned weakly against the head of the bed, a smile finally appeared on the corner of her lips.

The wound on Murong Rui's chest has miraculously healed, the man's face has returned to its original appearance, and the wounds and nail marks on his face are no longer there.

His face is warm and moist, just like a woman meeting for the first time, asking who in the world is like spring breeze like spring water, it must be Murong Rui!

He was in a state of deep sleep, with a stable face, as if everything that happened outside had nothing to do with him.

He is just a sleeping male god who cannot bear to be disturbed.

Yun Feixiang calmed down, raised her hand, and looked at her slender five knuckles. She clenched her fists tightly, but she didn't have any strength at all.

"Master really didn't lie to me!" The woman sighed softly, and slowly put down her hands.

The memory flew back to Heishuiya, to ten years ago, when she was only an eleven or twelve-year-old child.It was also during that period of time that she spent the most time with Master!

"Little Dingdong, our Xiaoyao Tianxia's martial arts has a very miraculous effect, it can quickly heal wounds, even the heart!" Xiaoyao Heishui said with a smile, stroking his beard.

However, as long as you look carefully, you can find that there is a hint of ambiguity in his smile, and Tinker Bell is so small, of course you can't notice it.

"Master, how good are you?!" The little girl's eyes lit up, as if she had found a treasure.

"Don't be too happy, everything has pros and cons, yin and yang are balanced! If a person's wound is to heal, there must be an authentic disciple of Heishuiya who transmits true energy to this person, but this true energy will be exhausted once consumed." Do it!" Xiaoyao Heishui continued to explain, looking at the little girl with a gentle expression.

"Master, do you mean that you will lose all your martial arts?" The little girl blinked her innocent eyes and asked in a daze.

"Yes, so, Ding Dong, don't use this trick lightly!" Xiaoyao Heishui nodded with a serious expression.

The little girl fell silent, but then, she blinked her big eyes again, as if she hadn't heard the news.

She thought that if the person she cared about was seriously injured one day, she would definitely help them!But that person must be someone she cares about!

Losing martial arts is a fatal pain for every martial arts practitioner. It takes more than 20 to [-] years of hard work to practice martial arts well.

If martial arts don't exist, it's better to die, of course, that's what martial idiots think.As a modern person, life is the most important thing. Without life, what is the use of martial arts?
Now, she really lost all her martial arts, presumably she exhausted her true energy for Murong Rui's healing.

Compared with Murong Rui's life, martial arts are nothing!
However, I still feel a little uncomfortable in my heart. How long will it take to recover my peerless martial arts?
More importantly, the elder brother has sent a message that all the forces are ready, and the army is ready to march into the Western Regions in early spring!
"Xiang'er, what's the matter with you?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan hurried back after dealing with the outside affairs, and saw the woman leaning on the head of the bed.

Nothing happened in the palace, all the enemies who wanted to enter were intercepted by him outside the door, how could something happen?

By the way, he wanted to come back to see her just now, but he left too hastily, and he also noticed that the expressions of the people outside were not right, but he didn't ask carefully.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan stood at the door, the moonlight shone on his tall body, standing still like a god.

"A Zhan!" Yun Feixiang raised her head and saw the man, her heart suddenly felt warm, this is her A Zhan!
The woman couldn't wait to trot over, and took the initiative to hug the man's waist tightly, and buried her face in his chest!
(End of this chapter)

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