Chapter 571 Moths (1)
Only his embrace is so reassuring, only his embrace is so warm!
"Xiang'er, idiot..." Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes fell on the woman's belly, which was already swollen, and it was obvious that there was a baby.

The man habitually caressed the little woman's wrist with his big hand, checking her pulse.Yun Feixiang froze, and immediately didn't know how to speak!
Xuanyuan Tianzhan frowned in a rare way, the qi in Xiang'er's body was like a thread, as if the true qi had dissipated, however, it seemed that some powerful force was reborn rapidly.

He glanced around and saw a man lying on the bed, Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes suddenly shone golden, as bright as the glow of a bright moon.

The person on the bed is Murong Rui!
"Xiang'er, what happened just now?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan lowered his head, looked into the woman's eyes, and asked seriously.

He couldn't judge the situation in her body, why did it suddenly appear different from before?He also couldn't imagine why Murong Rui was lying on the bed, as if he was seriously injured!
"Ah Zhan, Murong Rui is here. He was injured. I saved him and spent some energy." The woman explained simply.

She couldn't imagine how distressed he would be when she told him personally that she had lost all her martial arts skills because of saving Murong Rui.

"This man is really..." Xuanyuan Tianzhan frowned, his tone was a little weird, and he was also a little angry, but he suppressed the anger and carried the little woman out of the room.

But Xiang'er's words were obviously too succinct. During his absence, something else must have happened!
Xiang'er didn't want to talk about it, and it wasn't easy for him to ask.

Yun Feixiang was extremely tired today, lay in Xuanyuan Tianzhan's arms, and soon fell asleep.She hugged him greedily, like a kitten, extremely docile, the man's body stiffened, and his expression gradually softened.

Looking at the woman's sleeping face, Xuanyuan Tianzhan's heart felt soft, and he smoothed her slightly messy hair behind her ears. The man took a deep look at the sleeping woman, kissed her on the lips, and shifted away in a flash. Moved out of the room.

At the same time, dozens of hidden guards with high martial arts skills appeared outside Yun Feixiang's room, and the chasing soul was also transferred back from other tasks.

In Zhan Xiangxuan's study room, the man was sitting on the upper seat, his face was gloomy and cold, he was dressed in black like ink, mighty and domineering, his golden eyes were like the sea, and the sea was rolling with waves!

Xiao Mo and Xiao Bai knelt aside, unable to speak clearly, Dugu Piaojian stood with his sword in his arms, expressionless on his face.Everyone else looked solemn and lowered their heads.

"My lord, that's how it happened." Che Zili tried his best to describe what he had seen in detail. He lived in the phase for a long time and grew up with Xuanyuan Tianzhan. Only he can fully explain this matter under pressure. come out.

"Okay, you all go out!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan remained expressionless and said nothing.

Che Zili has been described very clearly, and he understands it very clearly!

Everyone looked a little strange, but they stopped talking and left quietly!The prince's reaction is a bit strange!

"Come out!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan said to the roof as soon as the door was closed.

"Boy Zhan, how do you know that your teacher is here?" Master Miao Shou let out a chuckle, rolled over and down along the beams and pillars of the house, his movements were as light as a kitten.

However, a kitten would never have such cunning and bright eyes. The old guy in front of him is obviously an old fox!
He has a gray beard, his eyes are slightly squinted, and the skin on his tight face is like that of a teenager. His eyebrows are raised and raised, and his smile is full of smiles, as if he sees through everything.

"You healed Murong Rui's injury?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan asked directly after glancing at Master Miaoshou.

Che Zili said that Murong Rui's wound was three inches deep, and it was right in his heart.

With such an injury, he couldn't imagine who else could save Murong Rui except Master.No one knew what happened after Murong Rui returned to the room. He had reason to suspect that Master took the opportunity to enter the room!

Master Miaoshou curled his lips, and gave Xuanyuan Tianzhan a meaningful look.

"Your daughter-in-law is cured!" Master Miaoshou blew on the flowing bangs in front of his eyes, and said a word lightly.

"Xiang'er?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan was shocked, his hands clenched into fists.

Xiang'er said that it took a little energy to save Murong Rui, and he thought it was the master who took action, and Xiang'er was just assisting from the side!
But Master said so, which meant that he didn't make a move at all. Could it be that Xiang'er saved Murong Rui by himself?
Xiang'er was still pregnant with a child, how could she spend so much energy to save Murong Rui?Moreover, even if he expended his true energy, judging from Murong Rui's situation at the time, he might not be able to save him!

Infinite doubts flashed across Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyebrows, no matter how much he thought, he still couldn't figure it out!
"This is the unique skill of Xiaoyao Tianxia martial arts. I lost all my martial arts in exchange for one person's wound to heal!" Master Miaoshou smiled lightly, as if he didn't care.

Xiang girl will have to go through this step sooner or later, and now is a great opportunity!
"Why didn't you stop Xiang'er?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan was furious, if it wasn't for the master's promise to take care of everything in the palace, he wouldn't go out to inspect at dusk.

I thought I would be back soon, but I didn't expect an assassin to be found in the city, which delayed most of the night.

"Stinky boy, what's your attitude? Is there anyone who talks to Master like this?" Master Miaoshou also became angry, and he slapped the table with one hand, and a piece of wood fell off the desk.

When the old guy smashed it, infinite distress flashed in his eyes, that is the best red sandalwood and golden silk nanmu, what a pity!
However, his precious apprentice seems to be really angry, which is worse than a broken piece of wood!

Xuanyuan Tianzhan had a gloomy face, his whole body was cold, he shouldn't have left Xiang'er even half a step away!

"Your master, I am not doing this for the good of Xiang girl!" Master Miaoshou said with a rather aggrieved tone as he moved his beard.Since when has it been so difficult for him as a master to do something good!
The man snorted softly, turned his head away, his face was still smelly.

Master Miaoshou's beard was raised high, the corners of his eyes twitched, his fingers trembled, his heart tightened, and he finally realized that he had violated the bottom line of some domineering guys.

Well, he admitted it!

"Have you checked the pulse of Xiang girl? Although there is no true energy, there is a powerful new force in the body! This is like the rebirth of the Nirvana of the dragon and the spirit, and it is a watershed on the road of martial arts!"

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's face changed a little, but he still didn't speak.The situation in Xiang'er's body is indeed as the master said, so he is not sure what is going on.

Is it like the rebirth of the flying dragon that gathers the spirit of the dragon?When the master said this, his mind suddenly became clear!
This matter does not seem to be a bad thing, but a certain opportunity has arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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