Chapter 572 Moths (2)
"Xiang girl's martial arts has improved to a higher level, and her true energy can be transferred to the child. After the child is born, it will carry internal energy, and ordinary people can't hurt him." Master Miaoshou saw the man's complexion improved, and also He eased his tone.

"En." Xuanyuan Tianzhan finally uttered a word, and he didn't care about the previous things.

"Good boy, girl Xiang is fine, you should consider cleaning the court moths." As time went on, some people became more courageous, and those who were behind the scenes should also be cut off.

It's been a long time since he told Boy Zhan how to deal with the affairs of the court. Over the years, he has been tempered and trained, and he doesn't need any guidance from his master.

This time, maybe the last time.

"Good!" One word, sonorous and forceful.

Ruan Mansion, early in the morning, the maid was cleaning, recalling the news that she heard from the neighbors in the morning, her heart was excited, but suddenly she saw a purple figure.

The servant girl ran up and flew towards the purple figure.

"Miss, something big happened?" The little maid wanted to share this matter with her own lady. The lady has always paid the most attention to the affairs of the Regent's Palace. If she knew what happened last night, she would be very happy.

"What's the big deal?" Ruan Ling'er rubbed the center of her brows, she looked very tired, the servants had been awake for a long time, but she just came back not long ago.

However, she forgot that on New Year's Eve yesterday, the servants were all watching the New Year's Eve, and they didn't sleep at all!
The maid is very strange. Didn't Miss sleep well last night?Why do you look listless?Miss didn't seem to keep the New Year's Eve last night, did she?She remembered that the young lady went to bed early.

"What's going on?" Ruan Ling'er was displeased when she saw the servant girl was silent, and her tone was slightly angry.

"Last night, the Prince Regent's Mansion was attacked by assassins. I heard that King Zhan is mighty, and he killed all the assassins!" When the little girl mentioned this incident, her face blushed. Everyone said that the prince is so mighty.

A cold gaze floated over, the smile froze at the corner of the servant girl's mouth, and her whole body turned cold, what kind of gaze is this Miss?Why is it colder than the winter wind and snow?
She couldn't believe it, raised her hand and rubbed her eyes, and looked at her young lady again, but found nothing. The young lady's expression was as usual, but she was a little more tired.

The servant girl was a little dazed, did she just go into a daze?
"Miss, don't you think King Zhan is mighty?" the servant girl brushed off her bad mood and asked hastily.

"Oh? Really?" Ruan Linger asked blankly.

Of course mighty, not mighty, how could she like Xuanyuan Tianzhan for so many years?

But then again, after so many years of enduring, what else can't be endured?

"Uh...Miss, I still have things to clean up, so I'm going to clean the room." The little maid felt that the atmosphere was a bit off, so she quickly found an excuse to leave!

On the morning of the first day of the new year, Yun Feixiang woke up!

On the morning of the second day of junior high school, Murong Rui woke up!

On the morning of the third day of junior high school, Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Murong Rui had a fight!

On the fourth day of the lunar new year, blood changes in the imperial city!
Xuanyuan Ming, Ruan Wenhua and other important officials were arrested because they enriched their own pockets and secretly cultivated their influence. The evidence was conclusive.

On this day, the imperial city was shocked, the common people applauded, and the ministers panicked!

"Report to the prince and concubine, the second young lady of Taiwei's mansion is asking to see you." The guards came up to report.

Yun Feixiang pursed her lips, as expected, she had lost interest in a role like Xuanyuan Yifeng, who was nothing more than crying and fussing, but she was more concerned about what a woman like Ruan Ling'er would do.

"How did you throw her out before, and why do you still throw her out!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan said without raising his head.

"Find out the dagger on her body, the dagger used to assassinate me must be very sharp!" The little woman smiled lightly.

If it weren't for the face of Master Sima of the Taiwei Mansion, Xuanyuan Yifeng would have to stay in the death row like his father, but she would have been able to avoid this calamity by marrying the second son of the Taiwei Mansion after all.

The guard's eyes lit up immediately, he just needed a sharp dagger.

The atmosphere outside is heavy and the fighting is chaotic, but the atmosphere inside is relaxed, so pleasant!

"Xiang'er, look!" Murong Rui recovered from his injury, but still needed to recuperate, so he stayed in the Prince Regent's Mansion.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan has a big opinion in his heart, so bear with it!
Looking at the painting in Murong Rui's hands, Xuanyuan Tianzhan's face darkened immediately. He had asked someone to put away the pen, ink, paper and inkstone. Where did Murong Rui get the pen?

And in this short period of time, he actually drew a complete picture, and it's no surprise that he drew Xiang'er!
Xiang'er was leaning on the soft recliner, stroking her stomach with one hand and resting her cheek with the other, she was so charming!

"Brother Rui, look!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan snatched the painting from Murong Rui's hand, and spread out a painting in his hand.

Murong Rui painted Xiang'er so beautifully, do you want to frame the painting?But why is Murong Rui painting such a lifelike painting?
As soon as Murong Rui raised his head, Wen Run's face changed, this man is sometimes quite naive.

Yun Feixiang didn't have time to see the painting in Murong Rui's hand, but instead saw the painting in Xuanyuan Tianzhan's hand. He painted Murong Rui, and the man in the painting was as haggard as a weak willow, looking like he would collapse in the wind!

Moreover, she looks like a spoiled flower!

The little woman couldn't help laughing, but she didn't want to. When she smiled, the little thing in her stomach kicked her.

"Xiang'er, what's the matter?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan immediately ran over and asked nervously.

"The little guy finally moved!" The little woman grinned.Ever since she had a child, her reaction has always been very small. Today it is rare to have a reaction, but she is very happy in her heart.

"Ah... let me listen!" The two men were surprised and said in unison.

"My child, what are you listening to!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan flew towards Murong Rui with a cold light, it was already a great kindness for him to keep him, but he still wanted to get so close to Xiang'er!

"I am the foster father of the child!" Murong Rui refused to budge, Xiang'er's child was his child!

"Okay, okay, you're all scaring the kid, he's not moving." Yun Feixiang rubbed his forehead, not wanting to talk so much with these two childish guys!

"Reporting to the lord, the whole city has been banned, and none of the ministers involved has escaped!" Wu Ting came from outside, his face could not hide his excitement.

"Very good!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan still stared at Murong Rui fiercely, like guarding against a wolf.

"However, many family members of the ministers claimed that they were wronged!" Although some of them have been dealt with, there are still many such cases.

Some people even blocked the road, crying and shouting, which caused a lot of trouble to the lives of the people.

"It's okay, let Prime Minister Che and Wangyue Wang deal with it, and put the evidence in front of them, especially those serious ones who have illicit liaison with neighboring small countries, and arrest them together with their families!" The evidence collected for so many years is now piled up for them. , a fatal move.

(End of this chapter)

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