Chapter 574 Miss Mask (1)
"Xiang'er..." Xuanyuan Tianzhan's breath fluctuated, his breathing was slightly heavy, but he used a burst of true energy to suppress the strange feeling in his heart.

"Well!" Forget it, it's better not to challenge Ah Zhan's limit, it's not easy for him to bear it.

"Do you think Ruan Mansion is strange?" The man took a deep breath, as if he felt her mischievous distress, so let's change the subject.

"Yes!" She always felt that Ruan Ling'er was very strange.

"Oh? Why is she weird?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan asked.

"She looks at you strangely!" This is the most direct.

"Xiang'er, don't just eat unnecessary jealousy." Xuanyuan Tianzhan smiled.In fact, he was very happy that Xiang'er was jealous, but he almost never gave Xiang'er a chance to be jealous, but he himself kept being jealous!
The person he is most jealous of right now is the baby in Xiang'er's stomach, why can he sleep in Xiang'er's arms every day?But he endured every day and did not dare to eat Xiang'er.

"I'm not jealous." Yun Feixiang put away her smiling face, thought for a while, and said seriously, "Ruan Ling'er used to look at you with only fascination in her eyes, and perhaps some forbearance and unwillingness. But now, her eyes It's very complicated, apart from infatuation, there seems to be hatred in those eyes, as well as deja vu."

"Xiang'er, you think too much..."


"Xiang'er, don't talk about this matter, leave everything to my husband." Regardless of Ruan Ling'er's eyes and scheming, he went to the Ruan Mansion today to deal with the affairs of the Ruan Mansion.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan made a move, and he hasn't done anything bad yet!
"Okay!" Yun Feixiang agreed.Since Ah Zhan is determined to do this, let him do it!Besides, some thoughts in her own mind are still not very sure.

"Xiang'er needs to rest well. Only when you are healthy can you give birth to a healthy baby." Xuanyuan Tianzhan put his face on the little woman's belly again, and instructed with a gentle expression.

Just as Yun Feixiang was about to say something, she heard Xiao Mo's voice saying that the Ruan Mansion had arrived.

Before getting out of the car, he heard a cautious voice.

"The criminal woman welcomes the lord." Ruan Wenhua's wife Xue Xiuchuan prostrated herself on the ground, not daring to vent her anger.

Ling'er told her to calm down, but she couldn't calm down no matter what. When she saw Xuanyuan Tianzhan, she was overwhelmed by his powerful aura and knelt down involuntarily.

Yun Feixiang noticed a very strange phenomenon when she got out of the car.

Headed by Ruan Wenhua's wife Xue Xiuchuan, half of the people knelt on the ground respectfully, while the half headed by Ruan Ling'er stood there calmly with disdain, as if they didn't see the most authoritative regent in their country!
Wuying and Mingyue got off their horses and walked forward quickly. Qin Mingyue supported her master, while Wuying walked to Xuanyuan Tianzhan.

"Bold! If you don't kneel down when you see the regent, don't you know the etiquette of Hanhai Kingdom?" Wuying scolded loudly.

"Hmph...the prince wronged my master, why should we kneel?"

"That is, our lord is the most innocent, but he was framed and charged with collaborating with the enemy and treason. If the lord doesn't investigate clearly, what are you doing here!"

"My master is not guilty, the prince is unfair!"

"Presumptuous! Who taught you these words?" Wuying was furious. No one dared to say that about the prince. They were just a few slaves, but they were so presumptuous!
"No one taught us, we all saw it, Prime Minister Che sent people to search the palace, but found no evidence, but my master is still in prison, what's the reason?" Good car away.

However, Che Zili was very calm, and felt relieved when he saw Xuanyuan Tianzhan.

"Wuying, who made you talk so much with them?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan said in a deep voice with a cold face.Immediately, the man snapped his fingers with both hands. It seemed that there was no sound, but there was movement.

Immediately, a few black shadows flew in, and everyone saw a few chained legs flying by. The servants standing with Ruan Ling'er all knelt down, and saw a few shadows of feet kicking their waists. Kneel on the ground.

Yun Feixiang had been paying attention to Ruan Ling'er, until now, she saw Ruan Ling'er's expression changed slightly.

"No one can be rude to this king, so I will teach you how to salute first! Of course, you can continue to resist, and my golden armor guards and senior hidden guards will teach you how to do it?" The regent is mighty and domineering, coldly Said.

The kneeling people were in cold sweat, their backs hurt so badly that they didn't even have the strength to stand up.

Ruan Ling'er gritted her teeth, forced herself up, straightened her back, and knelt up straight!

Xiao Mo and Xiao Bai brought soft chairs from the Ruan Mansion, Yun Feixiang sat leisurely at the side, his eyes glanced over.

Xue Xiuchuan even felt that she had made an excellent decision. Fortunately, she was sensible, otherwise she would not know when her head was gone.

"My lord, can you now tell us why my father was arrested without evidence?" Ruan Ling'er raised her head and looked at Xuanyuan Tianzhan expressionlessly.

At the same time, Yun Feixiang raised her head to look at Ruan Ling'er, with complicated eyes, full of forbearance, bewilderment, nostalgia, and hatred!

Complicated eyes are not uncommon, but eyes like Ruan Ling'er's who are extremely complicated, but with countless emotions of love and hate, are rare.

The guess in his heart became more and more firm, the corners of Yun Feixiang's lips curled slightly, and his eyes turned away casually, the soft chair in the Ruan Mansion is quite comfortable.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan stood beside the little woman, his golden eyes bursting with light, the sight was so intense that people couldn't ignore it, it seemed to come through the clouds, making people tremble in their hearts.

The weather is still cold, but it's not as cold as the man's eyes!

"I want this king to explain, are you sure you want to hear it?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan glanced at the person kneeling on the ground, and said expressionlessly.

His voice is as cold as a frozen lake, the early spring has not yet come, and the cold winter has not yet passed, there is only endless cold, blasting the surface of the lake, and the bottom layer is more frozen and unchallengeable authority.

He is the king regent, the future king, a man who has gone through thousands of years of tempering and called the wind and rain with one hand to cover the sky and overwhelm the world!

In his words, life is between life and death.

Ruan Ling'er was slightly taken aback, her eyes were almost blurred, childhood memories welled up, but her heart was full of sourness.

She thought that Xuanyuan Tianzhan might have recognized her.

"Bold! How dare you talk to the lord like this, you don't know how to live!" A voice trembled suddenly, as if it had exhausted all its strength, the voice was high-pitched and hoarse.

Yun Feixiang looked up, and saw the middle-aged woman who called herself a criminal woman just now was pointing at Ruan Ling'er with one hand, and angrily reprimanded her!

"Isn't this Ruan Ling'er's mother?" Wuying said in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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