Chapter 575 Miss Mask (2)
Why are the attitudes of the mother and daughter completely different?

Ruan Ling'er didn't look sideways, she didn't even look at Xue Xiuchuan, but she snorted coldly in her heart, she didn't teach her for a long time, it seemed that she didn't know the pain anymore.

Seeing that Ruan Ling'er was silent, Xue Xiuchuan became more daring, and said, "Quickly apologize to the lord!"

Her momentum was obviously lacking, and there was deep uneasiness in her heavy tone.

Yun Feixiang hooked the corners of her lips, and laughed with a "puchi".

Or maybe her laughter stimulated Ruan Ling'er, she immediately looked gloomy, and glanced coldly at Xue Xiuchuan, she really didn't expect that this woman would not even save her husband just to curry favor with Xuanyuan Tianzhan and save her life!

Seen by the sharp eyes, Xue Xiuchuan's whole body trembled, his legs trembled, and his kneeling body lay directly on the cold stone slab.

"I also ask the prince to give an explanation!" Ruan Ling'er persisted, her back straightened, neither humble nor overbearing!

"You are not qualified to ask this king to explain!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan also chuckled, looking softly at the little woman who was watching the fun.

"What does the lord mean? Do you want to deceive the world with one hand and cause the biggest injustice case in history? This is not the regent's style!" Ruan Ling'er insisted and insisted on Xuanyuan Tianzhan to give a specific explanation.

Even if he is extremely powerful, he cannot casually wrong court ministers in full view.There are so many mouths, it can't be stopped!

Although her life in the Ruan Mansion was aggrieved, it was her sanctuary in Hanhai Kingdom aboveboard. Once Ruan Wenhua fell, her identity would be meaningless.

"Only Ruan Ling'er can complain for her father!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan narrowed his eyes, a dangerous light flashed in his eyes.

Yun Feixiang's expression moved slightly, and her eyes flickered for a moment.

Everyone was startled and looked at Xuanyuan Tianzhan in puzzlement. What does it mean that Ruan Ling'er can complain for her father?Isn't their lady Ruan Ling'er?

Miss is kneeling on the ground!

Ruan Ling'er froze, did Xuanyuan Tianzhan know about it?impossible!How could Xuanyuan Tianzhan know such an obscure secret that only her confidantes know?However, when he said that, he obviously knew it!

"My lord's words are really funny. Isn't the little girl Ruan Ling'er? Everyone knows me, so does the lord need to personally verify my identity? I have a birthmark on my chest, do you want my lord to have it checked?" Ruan Ling'er turned to Xuanyuan Tianzhan Talking, but looking at Yun Feixiang.

Her eyes were provocative, but her heart was pounding. She actually said such words to him in such a situation!
Everyone's faces turned ugly, how could her lady say such words that would damage everyone's ladylike demeanor?

Even if Miss likes the Prince Regent, she can't say that in front of everyone!What's the difference between this and those sluts?
Undisguised disgust flashed in Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes, he gave Ruan Ling'er a cold look, a golden light struck out from his hand, and went straight to Ruan Ling'er!
This woman doesn't know how to live or die!

Ruan Ling'er didn't have time to dodge, her chest hurt, and she finally couldn't maintain her kneeling posture, and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Yun Feixiang stood up slowly and walked towards Ruan Ling'er step by step. She wanted to tear off this woman's mask and see what kind of hypocritical heart she has.

"It can be seen that you need someone to verify your identity." The little woman smiled and continued the topic just now.

"..." Ruan Ling'er didn't seem to be able to react, so she heard Yun Feixiang say: "I see, what about the butler in your mansion?"

The butler looks very wretched, and she will definitely help Ruan Ling'er verify her identity. The little woman smiled evilly and threw a big hint to the butler.

The butler's eyes lit up immediately, and his eyes were full of gleam, but when he touched Ruan Ling'er's cold eyes, he lowered his head slumpedly.

"What is this lady's identity? How can a servant check her identity? She is also a prince..." Ruan Ling'er let out a heavy breath, raised her eyebrows and looked back at Yun Feixiang.

She was attacked by an internal force just now, and she was lying on the ground unable to get up, but this posture is undoubtedly the most imaginative.

The eyes of many servants in the Ruan Mansion lit up, but the maids snorted disdainfully.

"Go to hell!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan not only frowned in disgust, but also felt disgusted in his heart.

He felt that such words could not be heard from Ruan Ling'er again, otherwise Xiang'er would be more disgusting than him.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan flipped his palm again, and a powerful internal force and anger condensed together. Although it is not easy to kill such a shameless woman in front of everyone, it is too easy to kill her secretly!
Of course, it would be troublesome if she was allowed to escape back to her territory!

Yun Feixiang turned her head to look at the man, and signaled him not to do anything yet. She was not in a hurry, so why is Ah Zhan in a hurry.However, Ah Zhan looks very cute!

Xuanyuan Tianzhan listened to the little woman very much, seeing that she was not unhappy because of Ruan Ling'er's words, the anger in his heart immediately subsided a lot.

"Does your daughter have a birthmark with a butterfly pattern on her chest?" Yun Feixiang suddenly walked towards Xue Xiuchuan and asked with a smile.

"Yes!" The middle-aged woman replied in fear.

"Is this woman also there?" Yun Feixiang glanced at Ruan Ling'er again, and smiled softer.

"She has!" Xue Xiuchuan blurted out as if he had been bewitched.

"But she's not your daughter, is she?" Yun Feixiang asked directly.

Xue Xiuchuan suddenly raised his head, looking at Yun Feixiang in disbelief, with mixed feelings in his heart.

She thought that this matter would be kept in her heart for the rest of her life, and she thought that her real daughter would always be wronged, but she didn't expect that the regent princess would take the initiative to speak out about this matter!

Was the princess encouraging her to reveal the secret?She was struggling hard, Ruan Ling'er didn't treat her well at all, she wanted to get rid of this kind of life a long time ago.

"Princess, she is not..." The words stopped abruptly in the middle.

Xue Xiuchuan directly dilated his pupils, and his somewhat agitated expression froze instantly, freezing in place.

Everyone looked up, and a silver flying knife hit Xue Xiuchuan's eyebrows, and blood flowed down her forehead and cheeks, looking ferocious and terrifying!
With a sound of "Boom", Xue Xiuchuan's body fell to the ground, his brows were black, his blood was quenched with poison... Everything happened so fast, it seemed unexpected, but also expected.

"There are assassins, protect the prince and concubine!" Wu Ying immediately put on alert, Xiao Mo and Xiao Bai swept around nervously.

The hidden guard immediately dispatched, and the figure ran quickly, defending the defense, catching the assassin and catching the assassin...

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's face was as cold as frost, and he was slightly startled. He had already sent people to guard around outside to prevent anyone from secretly attacking him, but he didn't expect to be taken advantage of.

(End of this chapter)

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