Chapter 576
There was an aura of death immediately in the Ruan Mansion, and a group of servants were pale and stunned.Such a scene.When did they meet, they didn't dare to speak at once.

"Arrest Ruan Ling'er!" Wuying shouted.

"Hey, where is Ruan Ling'er?" Only then did everyone realize that Ruan Ling'er was gone!

There was a sound of gasping all around, and a living person just disappeared.

"It really is her!" Mu Rujing's younger sister, Mu Rushu, is also a person with supernatural powers.

"It really is like this!" Only this phenomenon, all the news has been verified.

Yun Feixiang and Xuanyuan Tianzhan said a word at the same time.

The two looked at each other, and they both saw clarity and conviction in each other's eyes.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan personally visited the Ruan Mansion. The lady of the Ruan Mansion was attacked by an assassin and died of poisoning, while the eldest lady of the Ruan Mansion disappeared for no reason. Everyone was terrified and puzzled, but they could not answer!
After Ruan Ling'er disappeared, Che Zili searched Ruan's mansion again, and found a lot of evidence, each of which pointed to Ruan Wenhua's collusion with the enemy and treason.

It is said that before his death, Master Ruan, the servant of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, kept shouting to see his daughter for the last time, but collapsed instantly when he learned that his daughter was missing.

It is said that Ming Wang Xuanyuan Ming taunted Ruan Wenhua on the execution ground, and finally laughed wildly, and was beheaded by the executioner.

Everything is going on, but a lot has been experienced.

Tranquility has returned to Hanhai Kingdom, and Xuanyuan Imperial City is still prosperous.This time the imperial court changed dramatically, Che Zili, Wu Zong and other political leaders received numerous awards from the imperial court, and Xuanyuan Wangyue was always brought by the emperor's side. Every time a group of ministers held a banquet, he would appear in front of everyone in a high-profile manner, and the emperor regarded him as his own.

In contrast, Xuanyuan Tianzhan cleaned up the moths secretly, and continued to inject fresh blood into the court, but he almost never appeared in front of everyone.

Every time the officials had something to look for the regent, they would leave the prime minister in a car. Everyone was not surprised. The prince used to be like this when he was often away from the country, and he was very comfortable with it.

But one day the prince wants to see someone, so he immediately sends someone to summon him, that would be very frightening!

But there are very few people who are so honored!Strangely, everyone learned at last that all the ministers who were called into the Regent's Palace and came out again were all smiling and excited.

In a few days, they were promoted.

After the Chinese New Year, Yun Feixiang's belly also started to grow bigger. It was just bulging a month ago, but now it looks like a ball, round and round!
In the blink of an eye, she was six months pregnant, and since she saved Murong Rui, she never used her martial arts again, thinking that losing it would be fine, since she wouldn't be able to use it anyway.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's protection of her has always been 360 degrees, but now, that certain one who claims to be very guilty and can't be driven away, follows her all the time, often staring at her stomach in a daze.That's Murong Rui!

However, staring at the news from the Western Regions that came all day long, Yun Feixiang finally made up his mind.At this time, Xuanyuan Tianzhan also made a major decision!
This night, the moon is very bright, the cold winter is over, and the early spring is still cold. The roof of the Prince Regent's Mansion is extremely lively tonight. Those who watch the moon look at the moon, and those who watch people watch people.

Countless pairs of eyes flicked around, but they all converged on a black shadow.

"Commander Soul Chaser, do you think Shengtian Dynasty is fine?" Yinwei looked towards a certain direction on the roof, and the man didn't know if he was looking at the moon or the princess' room?
He actually wanted to ask Lord Chasing Soul, the princess has been married to the prince for so long, and the princess is still pregnant with the prince's child, why does the emperor Sheng Tian still miss the princess and is still as good as before?

Let me ask, if it were him, or someone else, would he still love her so much when he was married to someone else?Will he still be nice to her as always?
the answer is negative!Everyone has their own selfishness, it is impossible to keep a love without a future all the time!
Even if there is still a thought in my heart, it is impossible to miss and miss her as before, let alone staring at her room alone in the middle of the night in a daze.

Zhuihun didn't speak, but his bright eyes suddenly softened, and he glanced at Murong Rui in the distance, with a man's understanding in his eyes.He has never experienced this feeling, but he understands it!

The moonlight is cold, just like his face, he has always known that the third prince Shengtian was not always gentle and gentle like the wind, and the current emperor Shengtian would not be so gentle with everyone.

In fact, only when looking at the princess, Murong Rui's expression is completely gentle, but when facing others, there is a kind of indifference and alienation in this kind of warmth.

Zhuihun stared ahead, that tall but thin figure had appeared in his sight for a month, but he knew that that petite woman had appeared in Murong Rui's dreams for many years.

He couldn't bear to evaluate some feelings, and maybe he didn't have the qualifications to evaluate them.

Yinwei naturally didn't miss the gaze of his Master Soul Chaser. He couldn't understand that gaze, but he knew that there was a lot in it.

Murong Rui's appearance brought a lot of difficulties to their hidden guard work, but whenever they asked the prince what to do, the prince just waved his hands and said nothing, so they always acquiesced to Murong Rui.

After all, no one has forgotten that when the prince and Emperor Sheng Tian jointly joined the Northern Expedition, the prince even handed over the general power to Emperor Sheng Tian. This kind of trust, even brothers, may not be able to do it!
The night was silent and long. The lights of the Prince Regent's Mansion had been slowly blown out, leaving only a few lanterns on the corridor, dimly lit by the cold wind.

"Your Majesty, it's late at night." Leng Feng took a mink fur coat, and under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, went up to the roof.

He had to admit that the defense of Xuanyuan Tianzhan Prince Regent's Mansion was the most impenetrable he had ever seen!
The hidden guards hide extremely deeply, and they will automatically find a hiding place with the movement of the crowd. They can't find it at all at ordinary times, so they will come out in groups to exercise their muscles and bones and practice their internal strength in the middle of the night.

Yinwei didn't make things difficult for him, as if he hadn't seen him, Leng Feng put his coat on Murong Rui's shoulders, with a hint of distress in his eyes, for the emperor's persistence.

"Yeah, it's late at night, but the lights in Xiang'er's room are still on." Murong Rui smiled lightly, his eyes were full of the glow of the lights.

This lamp, like the eyes of a man on the roof, also alternates between light and dark... When thoughts are like tides and can no longer be controlled, the distance between Shengjing and Xuanyuan City will become extremely short.

In just two days, he rushed to Xuanyuan City from Shengjing, and finally arrived at the Prince Regent's Mansion on New Year's Eve.

He was full of surprises, full of expectations, and apprehensive, feeling the frenzy of getting closer and closer to her, like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy.

(End of this chapter)

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