The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 577 Brother Huang, Drowning Chicken

Chapter 577 Brother Huang, Drowning Chicken (1)
However, there are always unexpected surprises in life!

Just like that day, he met Master Miaoshou at the gate of the Prince Regent's Mansion.

Master Miaoshou said that Xuanyuan Tianzhan had something to go out on New Year's Eve, if he wanted to, he could pretend to be Xuanyuan Tianzhan and sit beside Xiang'er in an upright manner.

He didn't know why Master Miaoshou did this, although he could see Xiang'er, but he couldn't sit beside Xiang'er, he was moved.Ever since Xuanyuan Tianzhan appeared in Xiang'er and his life, how long has he been unable to stand close to Xiang'er!
He doesn't care whether he is upright or not, but he wants to be close to her. Taking this opportunity, he stands by her side and shares this beautiful night with her.

Master Miaoshou gave him a medicine, and put another layer of skin on his face, as if casting a spell, his face became exactly like Xuanyuan Tianzhan.That layer of skin can't be torn off, unless the Miaoshou Daoist personally does it!

That night, Xiang'er really wanted to drink, but she didn't drink it after all. When she said that she was not drunk for a thousand cups, he saw his own shadow in Xiang'er's eyes. There was no Xuanyuan Tianzhan, only him.

In this world, he is the only one who has seen Xiang'er never drunk. Xiang'er must have thought of him at this moment.

His heart moved, and he couldn't restrain his ecstasy, but he had to calm down, he was Xuanyuan Tianzhan right now!But God knows, how much he hopes that Xiang'er can recognize him!

It is said that she is not drunk for a thousand cups, but in fact Xiang'er is still drunk, her eyes are drunk, her little face is flushed in a different way, and finally she fell asleep watching him.

That youth, that time, so beautiful!

He thought he could come and leave quietly, but he didn't expect that Xiang'er would recognize at a glance that he was not Xuanyuan Tianzhan, and she knew it with just one look.This is not the man she has been thinking about!

When Han Jian touched his neck, he had mixed feelings in his heart. On the one hand, he was moved by the affection between Xiang'er and the vinegar jar, and on the other hand, he sighed for himself. He stood in front of her, but her eyes were full of nothing but Xuanyuan Tianzhan. shadow.

When the tough and sharp dagger pierced her chest, she finally found him in surprise.

Although his mind was dizzy, he still heard Xiang'er's trembling voice, and still knew that Xiang'er did not suspect his purpose of coming to the Regent's Palace because of his sudden appearance.

And for such a long time, Xiang'er never asked, she believed in him as before!

He thought that he would die in her arms, even if he passed away, he would have no regrets.However, Xiang'er saved him, regardless of her own body, even if she lost all her martial arts!
That petite woman, that bright red dress, and the pure fur shawl of the flame fox that he personally chased, all played back in his mind over and over again.

He finally understood that there is a kind of love in this world, which surpasses love!Just like he loves Xiang'er deeply, but let go and look at him from a distance, just like Xiang'er believes in him forever without reason!

Now, he just wants to see her safe and happy, to see her smile, to see her bloom with her beauty!That's enough!
"Your Majesty, maybe Miss Xiang'er is already asleep, maybe... maybe King Zhan is reviewing documents." Leng Feng looked at the room and stammered.

"That man never reviewed documents in his room." Murong Rui spoke lightly, so lightly that he lacked any emotion.

Leng Feng's face turned red, and he didn't dare to speak any more. He stood aside in a daze, looking at the still brightly lit room, hoping that it could be extinguished as soon as possible, and that the emperor would take care of his body.

Inside Zhan Xiangxuan's house, the candlelight was flickering, and the room was full of brightness. Yun Feixiang and Xuanyuan Tianzhan lay face to face on the bed, not speaking for a long time...

The matter in my mind is like a stone, which weighs heavily on my body, making it difficult to open my mouth.

After a long time, Xuanyuan Tianzhan got up and blew out the candlelight. After sighing softly, he hugged the woman tightly into his arms in the darkness.

The big hand was inserted into the little woman's hair, and the tip of her nose was the elegant smell of her alpine snow lotus.This taste made him feel hot!
Feeling the heavy breathing, Yun Feixiang stretched out her small hands, wrapped them around the man's waist, buried her head in his chest, and felt his strong heartbeat.

The little woman's abdomen was swollen, which seemed a little inconvenient, Xuanyuan Tianzhan let go of her, straightened her body again, let her lean on his arms, and looked at her deeply with his eyes.

"Azhan, there is something..." Yun Feixiang bit her lip, intending to explain clearly the matter of going to the Western Regions.Can--

"Xiang'er, you and Murong Rui go back to Shengtian for a while, and I'll go to the Western Regions!" The man took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

In the darkness, Yun Feixiang was shocked!
I couldn't see the man's expression, but I could hear his sudden frantic heartbeat, and his rare and unsteady breathing for a moment.

For a jealous jar, how much courage it takes to say such a thing, and for an extremely domineering man, how much trust he reveals!
He not only believed in her, but also in Murong Rui. Yun Feixiang already felt that the man she loved was undergoing changes, and this change was enough to make people ecstatic.

But the decision she made will still not change, let alone go to Shengtian with Murong Rui!

"Azhan..." The little woman called softly, her small hands grabbed the collar of the man's collar, her eyes were blurred, and her eyes were full of affection. When the candlelight was out, the moonlight was brighter, and her eyes were even brighter.

She looked up at the man's face, and could even see the outline of his face clearly, it was perfect as a picture!
"In this world, apart from myself, I can rest assured only if I entrust you to Murong Rui's care. I originally wanted to send you to Nanyue Kingdom and let Brother Feihong take care of you, but that guy, compared to Murong Rui, You still have to be a lot more careless!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan said slowly, his eyes moving slightly.

It was only now that Xuanyuan Tianzhan realized that he already trusted Murong Rui so much before he knew it!
"You..." The little woman opened her mouth with a shocked expression.

Ah Zhan seems to be thinking a little too much. There is nothing to worry about. Although she has no martial arts, there are still so many masters around, not to mention that the Dulong team is still there, she will be fine wherever she is!
"I'm jealous! I don't want to, but there are too many people who want to harm you, so I don't worry! Only when Murong Rui takes care of you can I feel at ease!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan said sincerely.

Xiang'er temporarily lost his martial arts, he was very worried, and Murong Rui's Long Feitianxia had made rapid progress in the past few years, almost comparable to him.

"Fool!" Yun Feixiang touched his face, her heart ached, she didn't even think about it, she said softly, "I'm your woman, so naturally I want to follow you, even if something happens to me, it's your responsibility .”

I am your woman, your woman!
In the darkness, Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes lighted up, and he flicked his finger away, a golden light flew out from the fingertip, and the extinguished candle lighted up again.

Outside the window, countless pairs of eyes focused at the same time, looking deeply at the room of their prince and princess, with puzzled expressions.In the room of the prince and princess, once the lights are turned off, they will not turn on again.

(End of this chapter)

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