Chapter 578 Carnival Night

Who is it that ignites the night, as tender as fire and as hot as the summer sun?
Who is it, dancing with a beautiful figure, playing a song of eternal love?

The moonlight and candlelight complement each other, and the inside of the house is beautiful and white as jade, but the man finally couldn't bear it anymore and propped up his body.

"Xiang'er, I don't like this little guy anymore!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan stared at Yun Feixiang's stomach, his cheeks puffed up, got out of bed, put on his shirt, went out, and stood in the courtyard late at night!
"Chasing the soul!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan shouted hoarsely.

The hidden guards on the roof and wall immediately fell silent, Master Miaoshou stopped fighting with them, and looked at the figure in the courtyard with a pair of peach blossom eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

Chasing Soul landed silently, with an elegant posture, but his expression was a bit awkward, maybe those brats disturbed the prince, it seems that he has to go back and teach them a lesson!
"My lord, should we retreat further?" Zhuihun felt his cheeks burn when he said this.But as a subordinate, he has the obligation to consider the prince's feelings!
"Go get a bucket of water!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan looked at his body and said in a deep voice.

"Ah?" Chasing Soul was stunned, what is the prince doing!
Xuanyuan Tianzhan was also speechless, thinking that the little guy would not come out in a few months, it was really exhausting, and he must spank his ass in the future!

Zhuihun came over with a bucket of water, and everyone immediately heard the deep voice again!
"Cold water!" It's no wonder that the steaming water can relieve the fire!
"My lord, today..." Zhuihun trembled all over, it was freezing cold in the middle of the night, why does the lord want cold water.

Thinking about it, Zhuihun immediately went to replace the hot water with cold water!
"Ah Zhan, come back!" This silly man, she can help him stop the fire, why does he have to use cold water, this man is so arrogant, really... he would rather use water than ask her to help!
"Xiang'er, wait a moment!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan adjusted his mood, turned his head and said softly to the little woman in the room.

He understood what she meant. He just didn't want her to be too tired. He said he was punishing her, but he just let out a low growl. When he touched her body, he was unconsciously gentle, for fear of hurting her a little bit. I lit myself.

"I'll help you!" Yun Feixiang's voice came from inside the house, the voice was infinitely soft and charming.

Zhui Hun had just brought a large bucket of cold water over, and when he heard his concubine's words, he couldn't help being stunned. Xuanyuan Tianzhan's expression warmed up, and he took the cold water in Zhui Hun's hand and poured it over his head.

"Oh, who is this?" came a confused voice.

"Oh, it's Brother Huang!" Someone wiped his eyes and said in a daze.

"What brother! It's a drowned chicken!"

Two voices, one startled and one sudden, resounded in the courtyard, unusually abrupt.

The hidden guards yelled inwardly, why did they forget that these two masters were blocked from the door today?They must have sneaked in when they were talking to Master Miaoshou just now.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan looked up, his face darkened suddenly, his appearance was completely seen by these two people!The man was furious immediately, who allowed them to appear here in the middle of the night? !

The two who didn't know the danger continued to discuss, pointing their fingers back and forth without fear of being cut off!

"It's Brother Huang!" Xuanyuan Wangyue pointed at Xuanyuan Tianzhan and shouted, his voice was so loud that the whole world knew what he was talking about, and what he said was the truth.

"It's a drowned chicken!" Nalan Ruofei disapproved, obviously his whole body was wet, of course he was a drowned chicken.However, why is this drowned chicken more handsome than him?And it's so strange that the eyes of the drowned chicken still have anger.

He must be dazzled!
"Brother Emperor!"

"Drenched chicken!"

"Brother Emperor!"

"..." The voices of the two only increased, and Yun Feixiang felt a little deafening in the room. These two guys have grown a lot of courage, and I am afraid that they will cry soon.

The hidden guards were on the roof, silently mourning for the two of them, they dared to say that the prince is a drowned chicken, and still yelled so loudly!

Master Miaoshou looked at the two people in the yard with great interest, took out a jug of wine from his waist, and drank it, he knew it would be fun to put these two brats in!
Of course, there is more fun in the back.

The fire on Xuanyuan Tianzhan's body was extinguished by cold water, but his anger was ignited again. The corners of his lips curled into an evil smile.Anyone who knows him knows how dangerous his smile is!
Zhuihun only felt the air pressure around his body plummet, and then saw his prince perform his kung fu, drying the clothes on his body at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan stood on the steps of the doorway, dressed in black clothes like a waterfall, with a chic and unrestrained posture, a handsome face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, full of domineering arrogance.

Nalan Ruofei and Xuanyuan Wangyue looked at each other at the same time, feeling a chill in their hearts.They seem to have gone too far.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan looked at the bucket, then at the two guys who were still arguing, snorted coldly, and finally looked at Zhuihun.

Zhuihun understood immediately, and quickly waved his hands to call two hidden guards, took the bucket and ran to the water room.

Murong Rui was sitting on a stone bench by the side of the courtyard, with a smile in his eyes, a jug of wine was placed on the stone table, and he was drinking...

It is really not easy for Zhuihun to understand such a command with such a large amount of information in a blink of an eye!
Xuanyuan Wangyue and Nalan Ruofei just blocked him, and he let the cold wind recede, and deliberately hid his breath, so no one noticed him.

If the vinegar jar knew that he not only saw him dripping wet, but also saw his body burned in the ashes, would he treat him in this way?
"Drowned!" Nalan Ruofei continued to speak dizzily.

"Well, it's a drowned chicken!" Xuanyuan Wangyue was finally defeated, and followed Nalan Ruofei and roared loudly.

"Pa-ta..." Two basins of water were immediately poured from the top of their heads, and they shouted piercingly cold, and the two of them suddenly woke up a lot, and looked at the cold-faced man with confused eyes.

After Yun Feixiang put on her clothes, she saw such a scene as soon as she came out.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan was full of anger, and his sharp eyes looked at Xuanyuan Wangyue and Nalan Ruofei gloomyly, but the two of them were already soaked, and their clothes froze quickly.

Not far away, Murong Rui was drinking leisurely. On the roof, sat a group of hermit guards, as well as a grey-bearded real Miaoshou with a happy face!

Hey, it seems that some guys have been played by someone. The old man who drinks has been watching this scene for a long time!

However, the man drinking in the corner of the courtyard seems to be watching the fun too!Is there a big happy event today or something, why are all the things that should come and not should come?
Two "drowned chickens" were watered, you look at me, I look at you, pointing at each other and laughing: You are a drowned chicken!

Yun Feixiang raised her forehead secretly, how much did these two people drink, how did they get drunk?
(End of this chapter)

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