The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 579 Sharing the Beauty

Chapter 579 Sharing the Beauty (1)
"Hahaha..." The door was suddenly opened, and Che Li's loud and unruly laughter came in!

The hidden guards were shocked at once, what a hell tonight, how could Prime Minister Che walk in so silently with such a tight defense in the Prince Regent's Mansion.

Although the prince doesn't stop Prime Minister Che, he won't summon Prime Minister Che in the middle of the night, right?

However, the strange thing is that only friends or confidantes of the prince can come in. Fortunately, they are not enemies. If the enemy also barges in like this, it will be troublesome!

The hidden guards immediately strengthened their defenses and did not dare to slack off for a moment!
The smile in the eyes of Master Miaoshou deepened, and the corners of his mouth parted. Now it's lively, lively!
The car was swaying, obviously drunk, when he saw Xuanyuan Wangyue and Nalan Ruofei, he immediately said with bright eyes: "You two drowned chickens, hello!"

Yun Feixiang was completely speechless, these guys' heads are really crazy tonight!However, she was very curious, who else came in the Regent's Palace tonight?

Yun Feixiang's thoughts were still lingering in her mind, when she immediately heard a female voice and a child's milky voice!

"Little Yuxuan, slow down!" Leng Yishuang chased the cheerful little guy into Zhanxiangxuan's courtyard.

Yun Feixiang was taken aback, why did Shuang'er come?
"Father, mother told me to come and find you!" The little fellow stepped on his calf and glanced at a drowned chicken, but only glanced at it.Immediately, he saw a certain important person here with sharp eyes, and hurried forward.

"Uncle, uncle, let's watch the soaked chicken together!" A certain little guy hugged Xuanyuan Tianzhan's thigh, pointed at the two dripping wet people in the yard with excitement and shouted.

"Hmm!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan snorted and picked up the little guy.

"Wrong! It's three soaked chickens!" Nalan Ruofei and Xuanyuan Wangyue corrected Cheli's words together, and the three of them had a quarrel, "There is another one there! There...there...where is it?"

The two of them pointed their fingers back and forth, but they couldn't find the soaked chicken just now. The wet chicken just now was much worse than theirs!Why is it gone?

"Okay, you two! You've already sneaked in, why are you pretending to be drowned?!" Leng Yishuang came in from the door, gave the two of them a head-on blow, and then walked towards Yun Feixiang.

"Miss, you really don't want to lose face!" Nalan Ruofei cried out bitterly and said plaintively.

Leng Yi gave him a double look, and if he dared to continue playing, his cousin would probably peel off their skins. He was clearly sober, but he still pretended to be drunk.Do you really think my cousin can't see it?

"Chasing the soul, let the two soaked chickens go to the lake to take a bath!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan snorted coldly, and said something leisurely.

"Brother Huang..."

"The magnanimous Prince Zhan..." The two of them quickly woke up, howling and walking towards Xuanyuan Tianzhan.

"Xiang'er, these two guys couldn't sleep today, so they insisted on coming here, did it affect your rest?" Leng Yishuang glanced at Yun Feixiang's stomach worriedly. In recent days, Xiang'er's stomach has become more and more serious. big.

She was really afraid that she wouldn't be able to rest well, but today Master Miaoshou asked them to come over late at night, and they knew something was up, so they came over.

"It's okay." Yun Feixiang gave Leng Yishuang a reassuring smile.

"If you feel uncomfortable, don't bear it..." Leng Yishuang couldn't help but reminded when he thought that he had suffered a lot when he was pregnant with Nalan Yuxuan.

"Shuang'er, you are becoming more and more like a housekeeper." Yun Feixiang tapped her forehead with her fingertips and said with a smile.

"Isn't he afraid that you will feel nauseous during pregnancy? Besides, the big and small guys in the family refuse to stop for a moment. I, the housekeeper, was forced!" Leng Yishuang looked at the freshman. Small, said with a bit of a headache.

Yun Feixiang looked at the few people outside with a smile, and it became more and more lively.

"Come on, let's all go back to the house, shut them outside and let the air blow slowly!"

"No!" Nalan Ruofei flew over with sharp eyes, pressing his body against the door, Yuanyuan Wangyun, and cars swarmed in.

"What are you doing there if you don't come in?" Yun Feixiang called out.

Murong Rui raised his head and bumped into a pair of bright eyes. Xiang'er's eyes were very dark, and black gemstones were not so moist and lustrous.

"Xiang'er, I'm leaving!" Murong Rui put down the wine glass in his hand, stood up, and the next moment, he was already standing in front of the little woman.

He looked at her, with countless lights flashing in his eyes, just like those memories engraved in his mind, replaying the good times in the past piece by piece.

"Let's go tomorrow!" The weather is too cold and the night is too lonely.

"Xiang'er..." Murong Rui opened his mouth, but in the end he only called out the two words that he remembered most often. He even forgot to hug her, and only looked deeply at her face and eyes.

A lot of words, carrying a lot of love, a lot of the past, a lot of beauty, a lot of thoughts, shortened to these two words.

Under the moonlight, his expression became even warmer, and his thin figure seemed to be blown down by a gust of wind!
My heart suddenly hurts so much!There is a person who lives there, not the most central, but always occupying an important part of the territory.

"Leave in a while, I like to go overnight!" The night drowned everything, including his heart, and he was afraid of seeing her tomorrow, so he would never be able to take another step.

"Leave tomorrow." Yun Feixiang looked at him, only three simple words, just like when he went out in the past, she said you take care, short three words, but they are the most heart-warming.

"Okay." Murong Rui nodded and smiled. He always listened to Xiang'er's words the most.

"Okay, okay, today is the old man's birthday, and everyone who is here is not allowed to leave!" The real Miaoshou flew down from the roof, and Murong Rui at the door was pushed and shoved into the room by the real Miaoshou.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyelids twitched, your birthday really changes every year.

"Come, come, come and drink, the Prince Regent's Mansion has good wine." The two soaked chickens had already dried their wet clothes with internal strength, and yelled in the room.

Nalan Ruofei stretched out his hand and pulled Murong Rui to his side.

"Master!" Just as Yun Feixiang was about to enter the room, a group of women's laughter came from behind, Yun Feixiang was taken aback, why are these girls here?And why are they all wearing dance clothes?

"Master, Master Zhenren said that there are important guests coming to the palace tonight, let us prepare to perform dances, master, who is here?" the girls said happily.

Yun Feixiang was speechless for a while, this old man!It seems that he arranged all of this today, Yun Feixiang smiled and said to the girls: "Go in and have a look and you will know there are some distinguished guests."

The people in the room were stunned, Master Miaoshou only told them to drink, but he didn't say that there would be a backup dancer!Tsk tsk... With this posture, I can see the peerless dancer from back then again tonight!

"It turns out that the third... the emperor is a distinguished guest!" A woman glanced around, and saw that except for Murong Rui, they were all people who frequented the Regent's Palace, and they were used to calling him the third prince. When she thought it was wrong, she changed abruptly. mouthed.

(End of this chapter)

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